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-+ Official PVE Progression v4 +-


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So if I were to make a new guild and take a screenshot of my achievements without clearing anything with a guild run that would count as well? :rolleyes:


I find it entertaining that as a guild the only way you know how to "get back at us" is to call us liars. Our group did not have a guild prior to posting. Also I would like to quote Jedi_Thran_Kuro who said "As such, I think we all ought to be voting 'Yea' on listing the progression status of any group that cares to share its progress." Any group. We cleared it as a group and posted it on here under a guild name. Also a quote from your own guild leader: "I think that any group that has a consistent 8+ members that raid together weekly (regardless of guild tag) should be recorded if they want to be." Gives us even more reason to post our progression as a group and now a guild.

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Very simply if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. We in no way affect any other guild's or group's progress. As people have mentioned this forum offers those who may not have teams to run with a place to look and see who is active maybe you don't want or need any more people and that's fine but we do and showing our progress helps us achieve our goals. Have a great day.
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I find it entertaining that as a guild the only way you know how to "get back at us" is to call us liars.

To make it very clear, no one in Proper Villains wants or cares to "get back" at anyone. Congrats on your progress as a group and a new guild. Hope to see more progress from you guys. :)

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This discussion is over. There's no room for hateful or rude spouting in any direction, whether it be at Proper Villains, Improper Heroes, or whatever other guilds may or may not be listed. I missed the joke, and it went a little overboard.


Let's get back on track, and focus on bettering the server from a PVE aspect, and working to maintain its community somewhere people strive to be.

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Pretty certain that the joke was missed. Proper Villains being the #1 progression guild on this server has downed the most difficult content (exception being hateful entity) in this game. At first glance one could assume on rather solid logical grounds that the two guilds are related, yet the differences in what both guilds have achieved in terms of progression are a stark contrast.


The joke, for those who missed it, was that Improper Heros, being the direct opposite in name sake of Proper Villains, has not cleared anything of note. Not the most mature attitude to have in here no, but it was in no way shape or form an accusation that Improper Heros did not clear the fights that they have cleared.


TL;DR - It was a joke.


A bad one, in poor taste, that is antithetical to the thread. More PV people should post here. The passive-aggressive nature of their statements says more than anything I could post.

Edited by Stanimir
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Stop with the hate in this thread. Seriously. In the past the animosity between the big progression guilds (cough cough UWA and Aisthesis to name just two) has been nothing short of childish.


@the new people, good luck on your future progression, but naming oneself as the antithesis to the top raiding guild on the server to me smacks of vanity.


At any rate, all you people need to calm down. Its a progression thread. Nothing more. Heck every major raiding guild has its ******es, but the funny thing is I bet most likely if said ******es were in your own guild you might have even been friends with them. That to me is irony.


Theme of this disjointed delirious post is... be nice.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Damage Incorporated, new guild to the server and progression raiding, just downed 7/7 HM S&V. I don't have a screen shot on hand (out of town and just happened across this thread), but I'll try and remember to post one when i'm back home.
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Stop with the hate in this thread. Seriously. In the past the animosity between the big progression guilds (cough cough UWA and Aisthesis to name just two) has been nothing short of childish.


@the new people, good luck on your future progression, but naming oneself as the antithesis to the top raiding guild on the server to me smacks of vanity.


At any rate, all you people need to calm down. Its a progression thread. Nothing more. Heck every major raiding guild has its ******es, but the funny thing is I bet most likely if said ******es were in your own guild you might have even been friends with them. That to me is irony.


Theme of this disjointed delirious post is... be nice.


^^^This (although with much more tact Rydarus...seriously). This kind of bickering really is childish though. It's like.....In my experience, and with the viewpoints I've gotten from many different people, it's like no one can be civil or friendly towards one another unless the other person doesn't make a mistake. The way some people from different guilds act and treat each other reflects an attitude that others are not allowed to make mistakes or else they will be permanently looked at as a bad person, or someone worth not getting to know. And that simply is not true.


I know several people from several guilds (including all the biggest progression guilds on the server) and I can personally attest to the fact that I am friends with, and get along with, several different people that do not like each other. And it's personally kind of saddening to see that happen. MMOs are community driven games; We interact with other people and work with them to achieve common goals in the game. And yeah, there's always room for competition, but it should be friendly competition, because if arguments like this continue to happen without getting resolved, all it does is further widen the rift between players on the server. And when that happens, all of a sudden something as silly as a guild tag automatically marks you as someone to be avoided by certain people. And that isn't fair. To anyone.


As for the point of the thread in the first place, it should be a place for peers to gather and congratulate each other for their accomplishments in the game. The kind of competition we find on this thread shouldn't be towards the aim of being the "top PvE progression guild" or towards seeing who is the best per se. It should act as a subtle, motivating force to move all of us to do better. And I know there will invariably be people who do not agree with this, but the basis for my opinion is founded on the way civilized, normal human beings interact with one another. So to see the entire theme of PvE progression get to the point where progression threads can't even be maintained (we've gone through 2 of them already, with fault for that coming from ALL the major PvE guilds) is just saddening. People have been made to feel that their accomplishments in the game are not worth anything simply because someone else did it first. And that is not right. If something is difficult, it's an accomplishment regardless of who did it first.


And of course, those who got it first should be congratulated, don't get me wrong. It reflects the amount of time, effort, skill, and dedication they've put into getting something down. But I think quite a few have lost sight of the community spirit that's supposed to drive everyone, and they've lost sight of the fact that this is a game. Games should be fun, not a source of irritation or discouragement, and when that's all you start getting from the game because of the overall pervasive atmosphere that all the major guilds have contributed to up to this point, it starts making the game less fun for everyone. Some of us have even thought about quitting the game because of how the relationship between guilds is.


I don't claim to be wise. I don't claim to be a master mediator. And I certainly cannot tell other people what to do, nor do I have the right. But I am entitled to an opinion, and this is one I have been sitting on for FAR too long, and I simply felt I could not be silent about it anymore. What's done is done; I feel with great conviction that it would be in the best interest of the PvE guilds to put past drama behind them and try to start moving forward with a fresh perspective. And maybe that's already happening, I don't know (I hope so). But the kind of arguing I've seen on this, and other, progression threads has prompted me to post my opinion.


We're human beings. The internet doesn't change that. We thrive when we can freely interact with others and have peaceable dealings with others. That much is a very well-founded opinion. Hopefully we can all try and do that, regardless of how prideful we may be. And that may sound idealistic but you know.....it beats being grumpy all the time and tip-toeing around others that you should be able to talk to without fear of upsetting someone else. It's like High School: The Game. =/ And I don't know about everyone else, but I hated school (math was fun...o.o)

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This progression is going unlisted, due to violation of the Rules of Conduct.


As for the discussion, I said it once before, I'm saying it again. A joke has gotten out of hand, it's over. This thread is designed around the creative effort in the PVE environment. Rivalries are to be expected, but those need to be contained to in-game, or other avenues. Not this thread. A playful jibe in the congratulations of a kill is acceptable, but this is not.


Get over it...this thread is supposed to be informative; a substitute for sites like WoWprogress.com or any official listing. The guild, whatever its name would be listed because they have cleared the content, trolling aside. If you feel uncomfortable listing it under ***** vouchers, which i can't exactly say I don't understand...then list it as Empire. Regardless of trolling the record of content cleared by a guilded group of people should be marked.

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I can understand the reluctance to put something on the thread that might be a little off, but they did the work so just put in initials or something. After all I looked at the screenshots the game actually allowed them to have that name...just enter in PV is now 5/5 dp hm and 4/5 df hm...easy and done!
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Naming Policy


When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.


You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.


Copy-pasted directly from the Rules of Conduct for TOR. Until the guild is able to comply with BioWare's standards, I will not advertise it.

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Nova imperium (novaimperium.guildlaunch.com, pm Tanik Voidbringer or Brigglesworth if you wish to speak with someone) Still at 4/5 on both palace and fortress, and as of last week 1/5 on NiM TFB. So damn close on the stooges but not quite there yet. Edited by Archaetorrhi
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Womp Rat Fever

1/5 HM DF

6/7 HM SnV

2/5 HM TFB


Is there a website I could link?


Nova imperium (novaimperium.guildlaunch.com, pm Tanik Voidbringer or Brigglesworth if you wish to speak with someone) Still at 4/5 on both palace and fortress, and as of last week 1/5 on NiM TFB. So damn close on the stooges but not quite there yet.


HM or SM? I would assume HM, but checking regardless.

Edited by Torgru
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