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Carnage Marauder - STR or PWR?


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He is correct in what he says in a way, it does give extra bonus dmg over strength but doesnt really mean its better since:

power gives a small amount of extra bonus dmg

strength gives a small amount of extra crit chance

difference is minimal. I prefer the small amount of extra crit from mainstatt but really its up to you. It has always been debated.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Fully buffed a point in strength gives you +0,2205 bonus damage and +0.0022% critical chance and a point in power gives you +0,2415 bonus damage.


Basically you must decide between +0.0022% critical chance (STR option) or +0.021 bonus damage (PWR option).


Since critical chance from strength has diminishing returns there is eventually a point where you should stop increasing it and go for power. I have not calculated what that point is.

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As far as I know there are almost no circumstances under which you have to choose between STR and POW, the only thing I can think of that might make you choose is augments, since almost all of them give you POW + one other stat. However the choice there is likely to between POW + (STR, CRIT, DEF, SHIELD or ABS) and not between power and strength.


All other equipment and item modifications that are meant for mauraders will always have STR - any choice there is usually whether you get more STR or more END (guardian armoring vs might armoring for example, or Deft A mods vs Deft B mods).

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There are augments and also the Deft Mods vs. the Deft A Mods. I would go for power, as a Carnage marauder, you want no crit whatsoever, take all of it out.


The lettered/unlettered more is more of a no brainer.


A give you more mainstat, but you don't trade in power/crit 1:1 for it. So lettered are better.


As for strenght vs power, I play anni so I have ressource on crits, I therefore prefer the first one. In the end it probably doesn't change much.

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Personally, I ran full Power Augments when I was in full 72's. As the new 78 gear has come out and you are getting yourself close to full 78's, I'm finding Strength Augments to be the better augments to use (if you are full 78's or near that). The pure reason for me is Crit. Prior to 78's, in 72/75 gear I ran 0 Crit, but having a piece or 2 of Crit and Strength Augments have been making my dummy parses and boss parses better and a bit more consistent as well with this new higher tier gear (especially in Carnage :p) Another thing to note is if you swap spec to Carnage and Annihilation often, then Strength is the way to go as the Crit is more beneficial to have for Annihilation.

But this is just my findings, hope it helps!

Edited by SnickerJew
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Personally, I ran full Power Augments when I was in full 72's. As the new 78 gear has come out and you are getting yourself close to full 78's, I'm finding Strength Augments to be the better augments to use (if you are full 78's or near that). The pure reason for me is Crit. Prior to 78's, in 72/75 gear I ran 0 Crit, but having a piece or 2 of Crit and Strength Augments have been making my dummy parses and boss parses better and a bit more consistent as well with this new higher tier gear (especially in Carnage :p) Another thing to note is if you swap spec to Carnage and Annihilation often, then Strength is the way to go as the Crit is more beneficial to have for Annihilation.

But this is just my findings, hope it helps!


Your recommendation defies logic. If you comparing Strength augments in full 72s vs. full 78s, the benefits in full 72s are greater as you earn more crit chance from the 448 Strength when your Strength is lower as it is in 72s.


Your findings reference a change in augments as well as a change in crit rating; ideally these should be done independently so you can accurately compare the impact of each.

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i dont know, im running Power augments since the beginning of times (when i started playing)


I have read many guides and this quistion is really up for debate. Without any crit and with power augments i still have near 20% crit, which i think is enough for carnage (dont know annihilation).


On the other side, with the new gear, i am thinking to switch to strenght augments, just to see which i do better with, since almost every top parse i see on torparse is with full strenght augments.


Just my 2 cents about this topic

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i dont know, im running Power augments since the beginning of times (when i started playing)


I have read many guides and this quistion is really up for debate. Without any crit and with power augments i still have near 20% crit, which i think is enough for carnage (dont know annihilation).


On the other side, with the new gear, i am thinking to switch to strenght augments, just to see which i do better with, since almost every top parse i see on torparse is with full strenght augments.


Just my 2 cents about this topic


If you switch to strength, you will lose bonus damage and gain crit, unless you need the crit for your spec, you should stick with power.

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