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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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So....We have operative questions due in 2 days and our rep is nowhere to be seen except for trolling threads....Who the hell in their right mind voted for that useless lump of meat? How are operatives supposed to speak their mind (even though Bioware doesnt care much for them) with a rep that doesnt even ask for cooperation from other operative to make reasonable response for the "Developers"?
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The reason why you dont see activity is because Op DPS spec's are not a priority for BW. They are content to let it rot. Its so very disappointing. I'd love to play my OP again but fact is, I dont want to heal and that is all they are good for at the moment. I put mine on the shelf months ago after I realized that anything my OP could do my Sin could do not just better but ALOT better. They screwed this class the second they smashed it with the nerf bat back in 1.2.
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