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No space PvE in the forseeable future


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No PVE in that starfighter part of the game, means I'm not going to touch that part of the game at all sorry not a PVPer and never will be.


There is enough PVE content in this game for me to keep myself busy with anyway.


I too am not an avid PvPer but I like that this is a different type of PvP. You could be an amazing healer, tank, or DPS in PvP or PvE and you will need none that (most likely) in this new space PvP.

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As the podcaster in question I am confident in saying it will be years before we even have a remote chance of space PvE. Feel free to speculate as you will but they had a sizeable team working primarily on GS for a long period of time. They want to use those resources on other things for the time being.


Hey buddy, I tipped massively.com about your podcast so youre probably going to get some new traffic :)



Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Its not even the same kind of pvp. Regardless of it being pvp or pve, you will still be shooting at ships/objectives


PvP is PvP. Even chess can be PvP/PvE. As long as it's player vs player, it will be PvP.


For example, people quote that FPS are the same as PvP, yet they exclude some games that have Combat Training(Which is PvE because you're facing AI) <----- Not including story/zombies(Which can be PvE/PvP) in Call of Duty.

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2 years full of PvE updates, it was about time for some love for the PvP playerbase, The PvE will come or maybe not. But in this case the space xpac looks build to be mainly a PvP addition to the game, and that is actually good for a star wars game.
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2 years full of PvE updates, it was about time for some love for the PvP playerbase, The PvE will come or maybe not. But in this case the space xpac looks build to be mainly a PvP addition to the game, and that is actually good for a star wars game.

It's not a good update!


Look at SWG they put in a full on Space system with three factions and three squadrons for each faction a full PvE system that allowed for crafters to get into it as well. What are we getting? A space MOBA with maybe two maps if that. And before you give me the "it's free" line how many P2W systems do you think will be put in for it? Trust me chances are we'll have to pay for fuel or something with IRL money.

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Very disappointing news.


Actually goes to show how limited the quality of content will be from here on out. I'll enjoy the Space Warzones I'm sure but as someone who found JTL's PvE game equally enjoyable as the PvP this 'news' sure isn't welcome :(


Hopefully any future Star Wars MMO will get the space PvE right from the start.

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Very disappointing news.


Actually goes to show how limited the quality of content will be from here on out. I'll enjoy the Space Warzones I'm sure but as someone who found JTL's PvE game equally enjoyable as the PvP this 'news' sure isn't welcome :(


Hopefully any future Star Wars MMO will get the space PvE right from the start.

At this point I"m sure someone is looking at SWG 2.

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This should have been geared towards PvE. It's understandable why people are upset.


And the people who have been waiting for decent PvP content shouldn't have nice things? I love PvE, but the PvPers need some new stuff and this new space PvP looks new and fun regardless if you PvE or PvP. Most of the PvE players don't even give PvP a chance because they don't even try it.

Edited by LegoUniverseBC
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It's not a good update!


Look at SWG they put in a full on Space system with three factions and three squadrons for each faction a full PvE system that allowed for crafters to get into it as well. What are we getting? A space MOBA with maybe two maps if that. And before you give me the "it's free" line how many P2W systems do you think will be put in for it? Trust me chances are we'll have to pay for fuel or something with IRL money.


I remember JTL, i was a X-wing vs tie Fighter / X-wing alliance fan, and hate JTL. A grind geard based space game where a single X-wing could bring down a Star destroyer by his own. And like it or not, the best thing about SWTOR is the instanced PvP, so a 12 vs 12 Dogfight and skill based combat is a good start for a space xpac in SWTOR.

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And the people who have been waiting for decent PvP content shouldn't have nice things? I love PvE, but the PvPers need some new stuff and this new space PvP looks new and fun regardless if you PvE or PvP. Most of the PvE players don't even give PvP a chance because they don't even try it.


No, the PvPers need proper class balancing, bug fixes for Arena, and 2-3 new warzone maps(Every 4-6 months).


Space PvP is going to be dead unless they have 2-3x more commendations or RWZ comms + WZ comms mixed in. It's just being used as a "distraction" to make people forget about the current issues in this game.

Edited by SithEBM
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But in this case the space xpac looks build to be mainly a PvP addition to the game, and that is actually good for a star wars game.


I agree with you. Especially since the iconic cinema aspects of space in the SW movies was effectively PvP. :)

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And the people who have been waiting for decent PvP content shouldn't have nice things? I love PvE, but the PvPers need some new stuff and this new space PvP looks new and fun regardless if you PvE or PvP. Most of the PvE players don't even give PvP a chance because they don't even try it.


I am of the opinion that the new space content will draw a good number of primarily PvE players into some real PvP action. The interest is high in my guild, which is not a heavy hardcore PvP guild by any means.


Personally, I'm content to wait and see how it plays our rather then listen to doomsday prophesies by some in this thread.

Edited by Andryah
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I agree with you. Especially since the iconic cinema aspects of space in the SW movies was effectively PvP. :)


This statement makes no sense. How do you distinguish what is PvE and what is PvP when you are watching a movie? The answer is, you cant. But if you want to get technical, since you are not playing any of the roles in the movie yourself, they are all non playable characters(NPCs) to you the viewer. That would mean it would all be PvE :o

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EA has an multi-year exclusive agreement with Disney for all SW games.


So.. who exactly would that someone be?



They are ahead of everyone with the PS4. They have great Indie Game Makers, I'm sure if asked Raph Koster would come back to lead it.

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They are ahead of everyone with the PS4. They have great Indie Game Makers, I'm sure if asked Raph Koster would come back to lead it.


I think you missed her point. EA has a ten year EXCLUSIVE deal with disney/star wars, meaning that nobody else is allowed to license the franchise for games. Considering such exclusive contracts are renewable, the EARLIEST we're going to see Sony (or anyone besides EA) touch a star wars game is in ten years, and it will probably be much much further out than that.

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I am of the opinion that the new space content will draw a good number of primarily PvE players into some real PvP action. The interest is high in my guild, which is not a heavy hardcore PvP guild by any means.


Personally, I'm content to wait and see how it plays our rather then listen to doomsday prophesies by some in this thread.


I'd say that's quite astute. I don't PvP but I'll certainly be trying Starfighter.


On a different note; is it too much to hope that with all these big releases coming up for PvP and hints from Bruce Maclean that we'll see some sort of exciting PvE update in the not-too-distant future? A revamp of combat animations, new mechanics? Perhaps it's wishful thinking.

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Although it has been confirmed that the Galactic Starfighter expansion will be PvP only, many people have speculated that this is simply a foundation to build on and that PvE content will follow.


However, a TOR podcaster recently attended the New York community cantina event and had a chance to talk with the devs on the subject. You can listen to the comments starting at 42:05, but here is a direct quote:




Here is a reply later in this thread from the podcaster:





So while they may change their minds and decide to build on the PvP-only foundation one day, that is not their current plan, and it definitely wont be any time in the foreseeable future.




Now with coverage at massively.com:




So most of players are really screwed here, early adopters that start playing it 1st days will have much more experience and knowledge of game-play, any newcomer will have to play frag till learn what the difference between railed shooter game and this one are, masses will rage quit (at least space game) and PvPrs will have looong queues.

Bad design I see here...

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