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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So, the devs Non-commitment to story is going to really be put to the test...


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He's just the messenger. Sadly, he's a pompous messenger.


Let me tell you a story from the Chicago Cantina Event.


So, I'm at the cantina event, crowd is a little liquored up as we start the Q&A.

Eric was asked about story content and the reply was "who liked Makeb!?" to the room. Crowd cheers.

Eric then says "and that's why we are not doing story content." End of story, right? Must be what the crowd wanted right?


One must ask then why when Eric said that last part, the crowd suddenly went dead and some people in the room had looks on their faces like they'd been suckered into that response. One must also look at how before and after that moment all throughout the night, "who likes XYZ?" was done all night, always to cheers. The problem is that in this case the knowledge of what players generally like is used to get a cheap pop from the crowd.


But it wasn't the pops that were really telling - it was that this was the one time they did it where when they gave their answer in response to the crowd, it went silent, if but for a pregnant pause.


It was an asinine way to deliver the news.


That said, Eric is still just the relayer of messages. Ultimately its the executive producer, or even EA that makes that decision. And if they cannot be swayed to include more class story, the least they can do is to not make a mockery of the class story already accomplished like they did with the Makeb tossaway lines. More deft creative writing is needed if they intend to continue forward with the faction stories only if they want to keep us story whores happy.


Thanks for sharing what happened there. It is telling isn't it. :( I can't say I'm surprised, they take our money and do whatever they want including living it up at these events all around the world, and then jerking us around like they did to you and the crowd that was there with you.


I agree, that better writing needs to be implemented, to help us stay interested, because Makeb, wouldn't have garnered a cheer from me at all. It has zero replay-ability. Musco just likes to travel and live it up. If he really cared about us, he wouldn't be suckering us for cheers, but telling his bosses what people need to stay happy here.


People might think I'm crazy in my persistence, but I don't care. When something matters to me, or if I care about something/someone, I'm fiercly protective. I'm not shy to say my piece and fight for what I want, and I really want to have the individual class and companion story extensions (and not like Makeb). I want the personal feel I experienced when I started here. I want to stay here, and I want to play the game. I'm fine with paying for it, but I need them to listen, instead of trying to trick us or treat us like dummies, in the way you said, and other ways too.


Your story makes me a bit sad, but my resolve is still holding. I'm determined. So yeah, bring on the windmill. :p

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