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Shadow Tank vs. Raptus


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My sub runs out in a few weeks and before that happens, I decided to tank the new ops in 8M HM with my shadow. When 2.5hits, I will resub and compare if I enjoy tanking again. Until then, I am interested in some feedback on how hard Raptus hits you as a shadow tank.


My Shadow is BIS 72 with 2 dreadforged pieces and the following relic combow : UW Redoubt + Dreadforged Shield Amplification. My HP is above 38k and I was 'pleasantly' surprised by Raptus. Having said that, please find below :



1. Can you do the tank challenge without resilience?

2. Deadly Slash, how much does he hit you for?

3. Rising Slash, how much does he hit you for?

4. Force Execution, out of the red circle of course, do you survive it? If yes, how much does he hit you for?




Some of my experience yesterday after a long night of ... dying. I got one shot 5 times by rising slash. This ability kills my tank most of the time if I do not have a cooldown available. He killed me twice on hit and I was flying dead. In 3 out 7 attempts I survived force execution once without a cooldown. In two of those attempts he killed me through a cooldown.




As this was my first time there in HM as a shadow tank, I did not expect to see such a butchering. I am not saying this fight is impossible with a shadow tank, we did it yesterday with me offtanking as little as possible and guardian soaking up the big hits, I am interested in feedback on how your shadow gets hit compared to a guardian. We were running numbers yesterday and the hits I received were : 22k, 29k, 30k, 31.5k. I once got killed by Raptus with a 30700 hit (5700 absorbed) message. My guardian co tank was dropping as well getting hit for 20k+ not 30k + but it is normal when you tank that monster all the time.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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My sub runs out in a few weeks and before that happens, I decided to tank the new ops in 8M HM with my shadow. When 2.5hits, I will resub and compare if I enjoy tanking again. Until then, I am interested in some feedback on how hard Raptus hits you as a shadow tank.


My Shadow is BIS 72 with 2 dreadforged pieces and the following relic combow : UW Redoubt + Dreadforged Shield Amplification. My HP is above 38k and I was 'pleasantly' surprised by Raptus. Having said that, please find below :



1. Can you do the tank challenge without resilience?

2. Deadly Slash, how much does he hit you for?

3. Rising Slash, how much does he hit you for?

4. Force Execution, out of the red circle of course, do you survive it? If yes, how much does he hit you for?




Some of my experience yesterday after a long night of ... dying. I got one shot 5 times by rising slash. This ability kills my tank most of the time if I do not have a cooldown available. He killed me twice on hit and I was flying dead. In 3 out 7 attempts I survived force execution once without a cooldown. In two of those attempts he killed me through a cooldown.




As this was my first time there in HM as a shadow tank, I did not expect to see such a butchering. I am not saying this fight is impossible with a shadow tank, we did it yesterday with me offtanking as little as possible and guardian soaking up the big hits, I am interested in feedback on how your shadow gets hit compared to a guardian. We were running numbers yesterday and the hits I received were : 22k, 29k, 30k, 31.5k. I once got killed by Raptus with a 30700 hit (5700 absorbed) message. My guardian co tank was dropping as well getting hit for 20k+ not 30k + but it is normal when you tank that monster all the time.


Yes these hits sound normal for this boss. I was maintanking the boss (as an assassin) the whole time (only for 12 sec of his cooldown my jugg co-tank was taking him). Beware that you can Resilience (or Sabre Reflect) Force Execution as a Sin Tank. Also Driving Trust (the second of his 25-30k hits) is a f/t attack and therefore really way more easy for Powertechs/Assassins to migate.


I never did the tank challenge as i was just waiting outside to take the boss immediatly after the challenges ended.


Deadly Slash shouldnt hit you a single time you can always run out (or even better Force Speed out) of its aoe. I don't know how much dmg it does.


Beware that Deflection doesnt help you against Force Execution nor Driving Thrust.


Rising Slash is a really bad ability, it's instant on a random timer and hits for 25k m/r damage, so either it hits for nothing or 8k, but in 25% of the cases it hits for 25k.


Yes, this is the first boss in this game, that i would call spiky for 8 man content (see my discussion with kbn about this boss).


But basically it's an anti tank fight.


Juggernauts are bad on this boss, because Raptus has a lot of f/t damages juggs have very big problems to migate Juggs will get a lot of overall damage when tanking this boss and that puts them in very big trouble after they lost all their cooldowns. The worse your dps on Raptus is, the more problems you will get with all the force/tech damage on juggernauts in the last phase.


Powertechs are bad cause they don't have any real cooldowns for things like Force Execution. Good luck in eating every Force Execution hit.


Sins are bad cause when they get unlucky and don't have cooldowns (although Resilience is very good on this boss), well they are almost dead/dead.


Atm this is just hm, so well you can do it (although i really hate that boss :D). If the sin changes go live and this boss gets to nim, well i would say then we will be by far the best tanks for this boss (currently we are the worst for this boss although not by a wide margin).

Edited by THoK-Zeus
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So, you don't need any cooldowns for the tanking challenge, especially as a shadow. Get in there, don't use shadow strike or force breach, and just go to town with Telekinetic Throw. I lose about 10-15% of my HP, but that's it. By far the easiest of the challenges.


Also, note that you need both tanks inside now that they fixed the bug with the damage not stacking. A single tank will get DEMOLISHED.


The first two phases of Raptus aren't that bad. Rising Slash sucks, but just make sure the healers know that you always need to be at 100%. They don't have much else to do during that phase, so it isn't too hard for them to keep you topped off. The third Raptus phase is where things get real.


First off, Driving Thrust sucks, but it can be mitigated by Resilience. Also, it can be predicted: he only does this ability when you are over 10-15 meters away (haven't found the exact boundary). So, usually you'll get hit with it right after the second tank challenge. Note that Driving Thrust is a conal, so be sure to face him away from the other challenge portals (I killed one of our healers last time we downed this). Aside from right at the start, you often get hit with DT right after a Force Execution. That's actually really good though, because you're going to use Resilience to mitigate Force Execution every time after the very first one (where you may not have it up if you used it right after the tank challenge when you picked up the boss). Force Execution hits hard, but it's not an instagib if you get out of the circle. I run through the boss each time, since it's easier to keep him facing the same way and you don't have time to backpedal.


Don't hesitate to use your cooldowns. Blow something whenever you're below 40% for more than 3 seconds. It won't happen too often if your healers are awake, so it'll be ok. Also, instruct your cotank to pull off you whenever your health gets *really* low. Basically, treat the off-tank not just as a way to control the boss after Rising Slash, but also as a short-duration cooldown. It takes a bit of coordination, but it works really well (thanks for the idea, Thok).


Overall, it's a really terrifying boss to tank, but it's extremely doable. Even as a shadow, my healers tell me that I'm a lot easier to heal on that boss (by an order of magnitude) than either our Guardian or our Vanguard tanks. I'm also somewhat better geared than they are, but still. The spikiness of the class isn't outright destroying me.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, note that you need both tanks inside now that they fixed the bug with the damage not stacking. A single tank will get DEMOLISHED.



A. Something's amiss


B. It's still bugged


We killed this last night (8m HM) and I solo tanked all the challenges and never dropped below 60%

(I used 1 CD....Overcharge)

Edited by Grumpftard
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Yeah, it looks like the damage levels aren't as high as we were led to believe. It's certainly high enough now that I wouldn't want to solo tank it, since just a bit of coordination on DPS challenge start time means that you don't have to leave a tank out, but it's nice to know that it's possible.
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  • 1 month later...

Rising Slash is a really bad ability, it's instant on a random timer and hits for 25k m/r damage, so either it hits for nothing or 8k, but in 25% of the cases it hits for 25k.


my logs confirm this:

7k, 8k, 0 and there is one time that it is "Dread Master Raptus's Rising Slash hits Jadeto for 27149 energy damage (1056 absorbed)" - really nasty :(

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Yeah, it looks like the damage levels aren't as high as we were led to believe. It's certainly high enough now that I wouldn't want to solo tank it, since just a bit of coordination on DPS challenge start time means that you don't have to leave a tank out, but it's nice to know that it's possible.


My current group wanted me to solo tank it both times this week - no problem at all. Resilience, build stacks while resilience, then wait till lost ~20% health and battle readiness and I go out with 40+% health. Only problem was second time as it got a bit messy before that and I had like 20% health when challenges started and out of range of healers,but stealthed out, meditated and done the challenge :)

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Very simple solution: don't solo tank the challenges. I'm reasonably confident that they will hit hard enough in Nightmare Mode that you won't be able to do that. Stagger your groups starting their challenges so that the tanks come out first (and DPS last) and there is no need to leave a tank outside.
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Tbh I don't see a reason to leave the tank outside at all, but if group is used to doing it like that and we one-shot it I don't see a reason to change it.



When you do not have enough damage and you are just starting this boss, you will leave a tank outside to put 4 damage dealers into the challenge. That in my view, is a good reason to leave a tank outside.




On Tuesday, Raptus was very weird with my shadow. First he gave me a force execution with Resilience on, healers confirmed that it was on, so it was not my imagination, and then he one shot me with rising slash. I had 24500 HP and he hit me with 25600 rising slash. Last time Raptus one shot me I was in 72 gear not BIS 78.


To make things even better, Raptus one shot my guardian co-tank by throwing him off the platform with Rising slash. We usually tank him in the middle of the room to avoid these kinds of things. So Raptus may have moments of insanity after the new patch :D

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Very simple solution: don't solo tank the challenges.

Why not? If and when NM content presents enough of a challenge so this cannot be solo-tanked, people will adapt and adjust their tactics accordingly.


Besides, if I can solo-tank the challenge on my first Raptus encounter - it's obviously not a that big of a deal.

Edited by slafko
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