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Venerable Ardent Blade's Lightsaber


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Venerable Ardent Blade's Lightsaber - this is an offhand lightsaber with silver and gold hilt with crystal on the end available on Imperial side from Belsavis Commendation Vendor. The thing is there is no mainhand lightsaber available from any mission and commendation vendors. The mainhand lightsaber with similar hilt is only available from Dread Guard vendor. Republic side have 5 mainhand lightsabers available, 1 from Dread Guard vendor lvl 55 and 4 from pvp vendor on fleet lvl 42. And it's really unfair that republics can freely get both mainhand and offhand lightsabers and Imperials can't get mainhand lightsaber that easy. So i suggest to add mainhand/offhand instead of offhand in lightsaber disciption also add same looking hilts to pvp vendor on imperial fleet or at least on cartel market so people that like this hilt can buy it.


Also if someone know where to get this looking hilt on Imperial side please post here so me and other players know where to get it if there is a way.

Example: http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/13300.jpg

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I have always been interested in that sabe as well. Its funny, I rolled marauder AND a sentinel because it was the only way to get the sabers, aspiring knights vest, and animations of annihilate and master strike that I wanted. Unforunately, no, the dread gaurd main hand is the only way, time to hit nightmare mode.....


But now I have a 55 knight and a warrior..

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