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Question regarding Sith eyes...


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(If this was brought up prior, I apologize, search didn't bring me anything that answered this.))

((Asking this for RP purposes, and i like to be as lore friendly as possible.))



Are the yellow/red/orange eyes that Sith get able to be hidden? I ask because, Count Dooku never had them, and was clearly a Sith, Palpatine was able to hide them before roflstomping the Jedi council, Even Anakin had them, during the temple, But they reverted to normal when he spoke to Padme, and then re-reverted(It's a word now.) back to evil once he was fighting Obi.


Is this considered an inconsistancy in the films? Or do the eyes work based on how overcome with hatred/darkside you are at the time? Or are they just hidden if the Sith in question knows how?

Edited by Sideblaze
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Sith can use the force to hide their appearance, and even alter it to some degree. Also I believe they have rituals that help prevent the signs of darkside corruption from manifesting in the first place, to help them infiltrate societies. The eyes might even be controllable to some degree, meaning that if they meditate for a bit they might be able to turn their eyes back to normal, until they get lost in the moment again.
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I've always considered that the more corrupted by the dark side someone is, the more signs and difficult to hide it would be. But there are many ways to mask the most obvious things like eyes, skin color, hair color, things like that.


But in Dooku's case interestingly, My hypothesis is that Dooku never showed the outward physical signs of the dark side because he had not embraced it long enough or devoutly enough for it to appear. Dooku was a Jedi Master long before he was ever Sith and it seemed like much of his skill and ability comes from his already extensive knowledge of The Force, So it's possible that he never physically manifested things like the paler skin, blotched skin or the paler eyes because he had not been Sith long enough or had done things extreme enough. It just never was a problem and he died before it really started to. Or it's possible Dooku never really embraced the dark side like other Sith have. He wasnt willing to give in to it to the extent Darth Vader or Palpatine did

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