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Sqaure-Enix did it....


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It is true, for starters player after player is one by one, that's nothing in the grand scheme, they also pick up players at a relatively similar rate. And btw SWG's playerbase at its peak was still less than SWTOR's at its lowest point.


Also bear in mind that in the majority of cases, the best MMO a person has ever played is the first one they played, regardless. For a lot of people SWG was their first MMO, and since SWTOR is nothing like SWG, then SWTOR for them will never be as good as SWG was.


I disagree to an extent. Once you play enough games you learn how to judge them on the curve. I started with Text based mmos played over dos platforms. I played The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall on a private server with over 20k people. First Graphic based MMO. Played Diablo Not really an MMO RPG in the same sense. The first legitimate MMO for me was Ultima Online. From there I have played so many games that I can not really even count of them anymore. Over all the best gaming experience from my point of view was Dark Age of Camelot. The highest amount of content in a game was WoW. I will not be a diehard SWTOR player forever, but the game has my attention for the time being, and it is delightful so far.


I messed with FF14 upon release for the first 2 days. I could not stand the game. I quit after a total of 7 hours played. Not really a first time thing for me, but the only time I quit a game that I had to pay for in under 1 week. The game was in desperate need of a do-over or it was going to help sink a golden egg franchise that is already well into a decline. SWTOR has not hit that note with me yet. My biggest gripe about SWTOR so far is datacron collecting. I do not mind platforming in any game so long as the controls to do so are clean enough to implement it seamlessly. SWTOR has lots of rounded off jump mechanics, and the speed control is fine for combat, but bad for platforming.


Again this in no way warrants a rebuild on the game.

Edited by EmperorLupey
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