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<She Said She Was Lvl Eighteen> Is Now Recruiting For Ops


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<She Said She Was Lvl Eighteen> is now recruiting. We are a small tight knit Casual Republic Guild. We currently have two 8 man ops groups. One of which is currently looking for some new members. The ops team that is looking for some new blood currently Ops Sunday nights from 8pm – 11pm eastern, and is considering expanding to two nights after the open positions are filled. At the moment they are really just looking for two people as everyone on the team has lots of alts and can role switch and gear out quickly if needed. If you’re interested in joining this ops team or just want to give em a shot to see how you fit in, just send a message to Mesolonly, or K’illian in game.


As Guilds go we don’t have a whole lot of rules, besides don't pizza when you're supposed to french fry and don't go on and on and on about stuff nobody cares about in mumble. Break the first rule and we will merely bust your balls, break the second and well, bye bye.


As far as PVP goes there are quite a few of us who like to PVP, but currently we do not have a formal team.


If interested in just joining the Guild to see what we are about, you can check us out on our new website http://ssswl18.enjin.com/, send me a PM here, or message Phillipjfry, Smurf'ette, or Jac'Harkness in game. Or if you're really good you could just use the /who function in game to find any of us lvl 18ers and ask for an officer.


And remember if you pizza when you're supposed to french fry, you're gonna have a bad time.

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