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Confused about rage-building


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I'm currently at level 34, and one thing is confusing me to no end - is it better to build enough rage to use a move, then build rage for the next move? Or should I basic attack and battering my way to a full rage bar, THEN dump it?


Also, does rage building get better later on? What moves/tactics contribute to rage-building, if so?

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I'm currently at level 34, and one thing is confusing me to no end - is it better to build enough rage to use a move, then build rage for the next move? Or should I basic attack and battering my way to a full rage bar, THEN dump it?


Also, does rage building get better later on? What moves/tactics contribute to rage-building, if so?

At 34, don't bother with the intricacies, because, by 55, your rotation will change more than once.


The most fundamental rule is as follows:


Be aware of your DPS short cycles, and have enough rage before each short cycle becomes available. For example, if you're Rage spec, your midlevel short cycle (to be honest, I haven't levelled a Rage Warrior/Knight past 2.0, might be a bit different) is Obliterate-Smash-Scream. It all costs 6 Rage without a full Singularity stack, so when you see Obliterate coming off of cooldown, you'd better have 6 Rage ready, or you will be losing on DPS.


Watch for Battering Assault cooldowns, too - if Battering comes off cooldown and you have over 6 Rage, that means you're wasting resources.


Try beating on a dummy and see if you can manage the windows between Battering and your short cycles in a way that would maximize your Rage efficiency.


Have fun :)

Edited by Helig
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as said, it depend on spec, but mostly you have to plan it a bit, at least for annihilation.


Some combo exist that you can predict the rage you'll have, other go with RNG.


Exemple a typical end game annihilation opener will be :


Force charge/Deadly saber (net rage +1)->battering assault (net rage +6, total 7)->Rupture (-2 rage, total 5)->Annihilate (activation requirement, 5, net cost -4, total 1 rage)->Ravage


Then you have the RNG on having gotten a crit on anything after battering assault having wielded one rage, and bleeds having a 30% chance of yielding 1 rage on a 1,5 sec rate limit.


So lets suppose the following!


Ravage -> (RNG rage gain in previous rotation +2 from crit, +1 from bleed, total rage 4) ->Rupture if procced from cooldown (-2, total rage 2)


after that you plan for rage wanting to use annihilate on cooldown, rupture refresh as close as possible to the effect running off, and force charge/deadly saber stay together to make the deadly saber cost covered at all time.


If RNG doesnt like you, slip in saber strike, if it loves you, you get an extra Vicious slash if annihilate failed to proc rupture off cooldown, or if you really are swimming in rage at that moment.


Its theorically possible to have no rage at all being made in that opening through, RNG, or have up to 6-7 rage being made there if RNG would absolutely love you. Note that I never saw either :p Expect normally an extra 3 rage, 2 in bad spot, 4-5 in good ones.



For rage/carnage, I'm not familiar enough with the spec to anticipate perfectly rage generation.


If you are LEVELING in annihilation, be ready to be swimming in rage in the 37-44 range, especially the 42-44 levels.


Pre 50 crit DR, decent crit, and no big spender, you'll be spamming vicious slash without running out roughly.

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