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Reconciliation: A Hunter's Tale


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In life, we do things, but we really do not pay much attention to the consequences. Duran'del, several years after becoming a mandalorian, has decided to leave the culture because of the ghosts of his past. This story is abut him facing those ghosts, winning some and losing others. The beginning is a Republic Audio Log of his capture on Oricon.




-Oricon, during sunset-



*Security Clearance Havok*



=Transmission Begin=

-Run Time: 3:06-

SUBJECT: My name is Duran'del. My parents were killed some 30 years ago, when I was an infant. All my life, I have tried to be the guardian of those less powerful than I- The big man standing up for the little guy, if you so please. But I have done terrible, terrible things in my life. But, alas, what is done is done, and let that be so. I can feel the meddroid reaching into my wounds and injecting kolto into my blood, but...

SUBJECT: But that is not what I want to say. I will say this: I do not like the term "Bounty Hunter." I place a value on human and alien life that no riches can ever make up for. I despise those who hunt their fellow sentients as if they were game, and I know what that feels like, due to my experiences on Hutta. Yes, I was there after my court-martial on Balmorra after my spineless commander killed an innocent civilian because he was told to by the sith lord. I killed him. The commander. I somewhat regret that, but...

SUBJECT: (Sigh) It is the Sith that have caused these problems. The Dark Side of the force was not meant to rule. How can anything productive happen if your religion wants you to kill off the general who tried his best to stop the invasion.... You are recording this, Master Jedi? Good. I will tell you more. Hm... The sky... never could see the stars on Dromund Kaas or Hutta..... It's very nice... Isn't it odd? We care about the consequences of our actions until it is too(coughing fit) Oh, is that blood? Been a long time since I've seen my own. Heh. (SUBJECT Closes Eyes)

REPUBLIC TROOPER ID #199A3032B: Is he dead?

JEDI MASTER [REDACTED]: No, just asleep. Let him rest.

REPUBLIC TROOPER ID #156F8976G: But he's an imp, sir. We can't let him live.

JEDI MASTER [REDACTED]: I want to hear what he has to say. He has diplomatic immunity, anyway. You did search his pack, correct?

REPUBLIC TROOPER ID #156F8976G: Yes, sir. Found a small blaster, survival rations, and some blood-stained papers. Seems like that soldier's been through hell and back. (pause) Wait, new intel. He's Duran'del, Imperial Service tag: 390A, joined the Mandalorians a few years back. i wonder why.

=Transmission End=

Edited by TheSupaCoopa
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Chapter I:


-Imperial Fleet Docking Bay 04, Dromund Kaas local time: 1951-

Duran'del sighed. He had this whole thing plotted out, but he was unsure of what to do. Would the Mandalore come and kill him? Torian try and come after him because he was angered that he had left? No, Mako would never forgive Torian for that.

"Just have to pack my stuff and get on a shuttle to Kaas city..." He mumbled to himself. He took off his helmet and shined the T-visor. He couldn't take his Powered Armor with him. It would be too heavy, and he didn't want anyone except for his old squadmates to know him. The T-visor gleamed and reflected his face back onto him. The tattoo he had gotten after becoming a mandalorian had to be removed...

He sighed again. He left a note on the ship's map and put his armor in it's locker, exchanging it with his battered, Imperial-Military-Issued armor. As he powered that on, the familiar HUD lit up, and he was brought back to a time long past....

And then immediately snapped out of it as Torian tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, ner'vod," The Mandalorian said.

"I'm telling you this again, Torian- I don't understand Mando."

"So that's why you're leaving."

"No. I just have things I need to get off my chest."

"Like what?"

"Everything." The Hunter said, and exited the ship. Removing the tattoo would have to wait.

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Chapter II:


-Kaas City, local time 2031-


Duran'del hated the weather of the planet. It was like a less-polluted Hutta. The memories flooded back to him.

The Animal had wandered into his sights. He pulled the trigger, cocking the hammer again in case it was not dead. His smelly clothes had foliage on them as a makeshift camo-suit like he was taught to in the Imperial Military. he always recieved strange looks when he wandered into Jiguuna to sell the skins of the creatures he had hunted.

He shook his head. This was not the time for remembrance. That would come later. All he had to do now was to find a nice place to bed down for the night- Or whatever time it was on this rock.

Edited by TheSupaCoopa
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