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nVidia 3D Vision Broke after latest patch??


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Hey Everybody,


I am having a wird artifact issue with nVidaias 3D Vision. I noticed it last night and it appears in patches like I am looking through water or something similar.. it is hard to describe but it totally ruins the 3D Effect..


Last night was the first time I noticed it before.. I been playing this since Nov. 2012 and never had this happen before..


Now it is not because the card is Overheating it has to been something with the latest patch.. I tried turning Off BLoom and a few other features the problem persisted..


I have the latest drivers for my system.. I can NOT get a Video of pictures of it as they do NOT show through.. but it is something to do when 3D is enabled. when I turn OFf the 3D Effect it looks normal no graphics anomalies are there..


So I was wondering if there are ANY Other NVidia 3D Vision users out there and have experienced this kind of strange behavior when viewing in S3D..

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I completely disabled in My Computer>Manage>Services and Applications>Services, as well as in msconfig's startup, everything about Nvidia and GeForce except the driver itself. Ditto deleting everything non-driver related from the registry's Run keys, though I wouldn't recommend changing anything in the registry unless you know exactly what you're doing. I search on "runonce" (without quotes) to find & navigate to them quickly. My wife uses an ATI card and has zero issues with TOR. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well I updated to the latest drivers and it was still weird looking.. I then deleted all folders and registry entries after removing the newer drivers back to scratch and reinstalled 314.22 and that seemed to have fixed it..


But what was weird it worked with those drivers before the patch?? I am not sure what happened but I can leave well enough alone know as it is working again..

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Well I updated to the latest drivers and it was still weird looking.. I then deleted all folders and registry entries after removing the newer drivers back to scratch and reinstalled 314.22 and that seemed to have fixed it..


But what was weird it worked with those drivers before the patch?? I am not sure what happened but I can leave well enough alone know as it is working again..

Sounds like a Microshaft Windblows issue. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well I see NVidia updated their Drivers again. Since this issue has seemed to been fixed with the hot patch, I am wondering if I should bother with the new drivers or just stick with the 314.22 drivers??


I have a 590GTX Vid card and was wondering If I would benefit, I really don't feel like reverting back if it breaks it again..


Star Wars is the newes game I play and it seems to work just fine now and since I have an older card would getting new actually benefit me.. I am going to look at the NVidia driver patch notes and see what was fixed..

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Well the Issue seems to keep resurfacing. I thought I had a fix by turning of Depth of FOV in the Graphics settings.. I have this happen moistly when I move or in a Fight with mobs.. When I was standing still it did not do it weird indeed..


Well I just uninstalled the 330 drivers and went back to the 314 ones.. Hopefully this fixes that issue.. This does NOT happen on my Other games I play.. Only on SWTOR..

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