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Tiny QOL Fix - Sort Inventory Alphabetically


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  • 2 months later...
I was going to make a post about this myself. I don't know why they didn't "sort by name" since it's the most obvious sorting method. Each sorting method does not group together same items (like stacks of 99 crafting materials), same enhancements, etc. This would solve it.
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  • 4 months later...
It is incredibly short-sighted to not add an alphabetical sort to cargo. They WANT people to spend their CC buying all their stuff. At least give us a reasonable way to store and utilize it in cargo! Unbelievable that you cannot sort alphabetically! The one thing in the game that just FRIES me!
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If we could "lock down" select inventory slots to not sort when the sorting option is selected, I would actually use it. Right now, sorting messes up everything with how I have the things organized. Maybe I would just want to sort the new stuff I got and not the stims, adrenals, etc I carry all the time?
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