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Is the collectors edition worth it ?


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I feel like this argument is stretching to re-define the word representative. Given that their is a special avatar and position associated with Bioware employee. Anyone who chooses to post under that avatar makes their comments in an official capacity and represents the company.


Nonsense. You are conflating wrapper_of_authority and trying to make it a contract. It's not.


Nothing said by anyone in an MMO company is a contract to players for content. Period. End of story. Read your EULA. They reserve the right to add/not-add/remove content and change game play inside the game at their whim.


The EULA is the only contract between company and players. You agree to it when you log into the game.


All that said.. your comments are great reference example of why devs do not comment more on anything about the game. Because you take any passing comment made and want to convert it to a contract carved into granite to be hoisted and tossed around a gaming forum as causation for outrage. The granite is not binding by any means, but it does represent an annoyance they can do without.

Edited by Andryah
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It was for me. Pre-ordered mine (and my wife's) because we do the same thing for every MMO we play together. We did it with DAoC. We did it with WoW. We did it with STO (started out sucky but now I get saluted by NPCs when i'm in Earth Spacedock.) We still do it with LotRO's xpacs (may change depending on ESO) and we did it with this game.


We're fortunate in that regard (read: we've put in our decade's worth of blood, sweat & tears) to have the discretionary funds available to make it happen. Gaming is something we enjoy doing together. So splurging for a few bucks here and there to get extra fun stuff (if it's not fun find something that is) is worthwhile to us.


Fiscally, after almost 2 years my TOR CE cost has prorated to about $4 a month. But it was available cash up front so the financial impact is negligible. Besides, I crank the CD (along with the SC2 soundtrack) for three days every month when I invoice clients.


Speaking as someone who's been on the other side of the fence ... if I can't afford it (regardless of how much I want it) I sure as hell won't pay for it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I feel like this argument is stretching to re-define the word representative. Given that their is a special avatar and position associated with Bioware employee. Anyone who chooses to post under that avatar makes their comments in an official capacity and represents the company. If their intention was otherwise there's always throw away and rumor accounts and reddit posting and such to leak info. Doing it with the Bioware employee avatar adds the officialness to it. Don't you think? I fully understand the rest of your take about seasoned MMO vets knowing better. But I don't want to let them off the hook as easily as your comment might.


Not worth the time. andaryah praises the eula like its her holy bible.


And for her other argument: ohlen isnt some random dev at bioware, he is/was the head of swtor at bioware. And if the boss says: guys you will get this for your money then it is arguable to expect this.

Edited by Neglience
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As the title says, I'm really regretting not getting the collectors edition because I really love the look of the imperial trooper armour.

I looked today and I could buy the Collectors edition for £150 / $239.65 which is stupid money and no way in hell would I pay that.

Is there any chance Bioware will bring out any imperial armour that looks as good or close ?


£150 is a good portion of the cost of a new console, so no way is the CE worth that, I know you get the armour, and access to two vendors you can't otherwise use, but those vendors sell nothing worthwhile, and a statue, a security key and some cd's don't add up to £120 (more really since you can pick up a copy for £10) in some shops.


Some Armour looks similar, and loads of armour looks as good, although both of these is a matter of opinion, just look at the threads asking for proper Jedi robes (no matter how close it gets they are not happy).

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Nonsense. You are conflating wrapper_of_authority and trying to make it a contract. It's not.


Nothing said by anyone in an MMO company is a contract to players for content. Period. End of story. Read your EULA. They reserve the right to add/not-add/remove content and change game play inside the game at their whim.


The EULA is the only contract between company and players. You agree to it when you log into the game.


All that said.. your comments are great reference example of why devs do not comment more on anything about the game. Because you take any passing comment made and want to convert it to a contract carved into granite to be hoisted and tossed around a gaming forum as causation for outrage. The granite is not binding by any means, but it does represent an annoyance they can do without.


I think you may have misunderstood.


I'm approaching it from a credibility standpoint. There's an announcement of a perk for the CE.. Then they're asked if they still intend to deliver more items. A person from their team chooses to come in and affirm yes they are. Time passes. They don't.. Enough time passes that people begin to dismiss their ability to deliver on their promise.


Apply that to a typical dealing with an individual. Guy brings in coffee for everyone at work. Yay for that guy. The guy feeling maybe overly generous goes, "you know what since this was such a big hit, I'm gonna buy coffee for everyone every so often. " Well that's awesome of him!. Then a week passes and he doesn't buy coffee. Then a month. After a while you write it off like meh, i guess that's not happening. If that situation happens once you really don't give it that much though. It the person says they'll deliver on something nice constantly and then never comes through, at some point maybe the 3rd or 4th time, they really have no credibility when it'd be nice to have credibility. I think that's become the thing with this company. So that now they're at the point you mentioned where any communication is bad. Because no matter what they say, people are like..."hmm I'll believe it when i see it. Remember x,y and z you said you were going to come through with and didn't"


On a side note: You seem very passionate about definitions and contracts. I hope you've channeled that into some sort of related career. I think it's admirable, and even though you're arguing against my position, I appreciate the amount of thought you've given it/put it into it from the point you're arguing.

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