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Bounty Hunter & Trooper Gear always looks beat up


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I know the beat up look on Bounty Hunter and Trooper gear might go for some but honestly I'm kinda sick of seeing the armor that looks like someone's been runnin it over or beating it up before you buy it or get it. It looks horrid in my opinion. Chipped paint, scratches all over it just isn't what I wanna wear but there's few options at low levels to do anything about this except wear gear that doesn't really look like Bounty Hunter or Trooper's gear until you get up into your late level 35-55 range. For anyone lower they're stuck pretty well with gear thats beat up. Even from the Cartel Market the gear that's supposed to be for either is beat up, dirty and or scratched paint jobs.


How's about some alternatives for low level Bounty Hunters and Troopers with gear that looks like the rest only without the scratched up, beat up or dirty look? For those of us who really just want gear that doesn't look used. Don't think it would be all that hard to make but I could be wrong. *shrug*

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I know the beat up look on Bounty Hunter and Trooper gear might go for some but honestly I'm kinda sick of seeing the armor that looks like someone's been runnin it over or beating it up before you buy it or get it. It looks horrid in my opinion. Chipped paint, scratches all over it just isn't what I wanna wear but there's few options at low levels to do anything about this except wear gear that doesn't really look like Bounty Hunter or Trooper's gear until you get up into your late level 35-55 range. For anyone lower they're stuck pretty well with gear thats beat up. Even from the Cartel Market the gear that's supposed to be for either is beat up, dirty and or scratched paint jobs.


How's about some alternatives for low level Bounty Hunters and Troopers with gear that looks like the rest only without the scratched up, beat up or dirty look? For those of us who really just want gear that doesn't look used. Don't think it would be all that hard to make but I could be wrong. *shrug*


I understand what your saying and the look is not for everyone.


I mean for me I personally like the look but I can see why it is not the most ideal look for others such as yourself and I would agree that making some different models would be welcome. However, If you are a person who likes to keep up with mods as they level then I would recommend you look at the Cartel Market a bit more closely because with that you can create any look you want and you can look like a statesman, Jedi, anything really so look closely for a look you may like. Just a thought.

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I see what you're saying and coming from a (former) Soldier, troopers are dirty. Their gear is beat up shot at and scratched. Adds to the realism. Only time Troops look cleaned up and polished is when they're in dress uniform. Edited by ceickerman
spelling and punctuation
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Yeah...sorry...I personally think any armor built specifically for trooper/bh NEEDS to look like you've been through a few fire fights.


You wear armor that is all clean and spotless...may as well shine a spotlight on yourself so the company CO knows you are a new recruit just by glancing at you and to not trust you with anything remotely important to the mission.


The fact your armor is shot up some means you've been in combat, know what you are doing, and survived to go do it again. You are a SOLDIER...not a pathetic guard that stands there all day. You go into places getting shot at, blown up, lit on fire, electricuted, and always survive to continue the fight. The armor should reflect that.


I also miss the fact they took out th emore ripped up looking robes for similar reasons. Thankfully my Shadow still has his.

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