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NPC nameplates lost on instance switch


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When you switch instances on a planet sometimes all enemy nameplates are lost. There is no way to get them back without a relog, CTRL U x 2 does not fix it. This bug makes gameplay very difficult.


Now I know this is not a new bug, it's been around a while. But it's not being addressed so it needs to keep being reported until it is. Especially since the way Oricon is designed means there's lots of instance switching needed to form a group for the Heroic 2.


If you are going to force players to mess around with instance switching to complete a H2 then at least fix all associated bugs. Better still, in future design these H2s so they can be completed via Group Finder, like with CZ-198.

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I've gotten this a few times. Pretty annoying. But it's not nearly game-breaking and it's uncommon enough that I wouldn't expect a fix anytime soon. Nor should you; there's plenty of higher-priority items to address first.


Actually I DO expect it should be fixed sometime soon, because it can be quite game breaking if it happens while you are grouped.


If you are grouped when this bug occurs it disrupts the group if you need to relog. Or if you decide to try and play with the bug it can cause target selection problems in a crowded fight (and Oricon has a lot of those) and hampers performance. Something that forces a relog or hampers gameplay IS game breaking.

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