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Kaggath Tournament - Alliance of Worlds vs Krayt's Vision


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It just seems like a long shot to me. How about you explain it to me some more.
Well, its pretty simple. Space battle occurs above Foerost, explosions everywhere - ships blowing debris across the sky. Several stealthy craft slip away from the battlefield undetected and unnoticed in all the chaos and then just drift above the planet. Nobody is going to second guess them for anything other than debris.


Anyway, I expect the Alliance will fake a retreat and when that happens the shields will be lowered. Then the ships reactivate and fly down to the planet's surface, noting that they are invisible to enemy scanners and in the resulting fall out I doubt there will really be anyone to notice them - most of the probots would have been destroyed or fled.


Anyway, they land on the planets surface undetected and then, as Tune says, blend in. Locate the cargo depots and sneak aboard. Then its simply a case of taking out the crew and stealing the thing or destroying it.


Even better, they might be able to sneak aboard a cargo ship headed for the orbital shipyards and then can blow the thing up from the inside. Remember these are SpecOp forces we are dealing with here - they are specialized.


So the KV could risk losing its shipyards and having its cargo shipments disrupted. I expect in terms of the latter the KV will quickly catch on but by then the SpecOp forces will be heavily embedded and difficult to extract.


Seems a pretty solid plan to me.

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Well, its pretty simple. Space battle occurs above Foerost, explosions everywhere - ships blowing debris across the sky. Several stealthy craft slip away from the battlefield undetected and unnoticed in all the chaos and then just drift above the planet. Nobody is going to second guess them for anything other than debris.


Anyway, I expect the Alliance will fake a retreat and when that happens the shields will be lowered. Then the ships reactivate and fly down to the planet's surface, noting that they are invisible to enemy scanners and in the resulting fall out I doubt there will really be anyone to notice them - most of the probots would have been destroyed or fled.


Anyway, they land on the planets surface undetected and then, as Tune says, blend in. Locate the cargo depots and sneak aboard. Then its simply a case of taking out the crew and stealing the thing or destroying it.


Even better, they might be able to sneak aboard a cargo ship headed for the orbital shipyards and then can blow the thing up from the inside. Remember these are SpecOp forces we are dealing with here - they are specialized.


So the KV could risk losing its shipyards and having its cargo shipments disrupted. I expect in terms of the latter the KV will quickly catch on but by then the SpecOp forces will be heavily embedded and difficult to extract.


Seems a pretty solid plan to me.


Alright. Thanks for elaborating.

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Cloning it seemed to be a hell of a lot faster than producing it which apparently took anywhere between two to three weeks, but that was the original strain, the other strains became a lot easier to create because the code was already in place.


Also I think the point is not that you need hugely high numbers, you just need the disease to spark the revolution, you also have the damage done to the alliances' forces in the first place, being filled with aliens.


The chaos, the panic all of that will be the factors needed to make the plan work.


The rest of the plan is simple, spread the fleets through the systems, cut the worlds off from each other, contain, divide, destroy.


The more worlds that the Alliance loses, the less effective it is.

But your spreading chaos and panic amongst the wrong people. The Alliance isn't heavily dependent on public support, but on military support, on resources. Unless Isard is capable of infecting Alliance troops (which lets face it won't deal much of a dent) infect members of the Leadership or somehow give the rebels some means of sabotaging cargo routes, shipyards and factories then the impact will be minimal. Fleets will still function, armies will still function.


I doubt it will cost them a planet.


That is, if many are foolish enough to believe the Alliance would infect its own planets.

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Well, its pretty simple. Space battle occurs above Foerost, explosions everywhere - ships blowing debris across the sky. Several stealthy craft slip away from the battlefield undetected and unnoticed in all the chaos and then just drift above the planet. Nobody is going to second guess them for anything other than debris.


Anyway, I expect the Alliance will fake a retreat and when that happens the shields will be lowered. Then the ships reactivate and fly down to the planet's surface, noting that they are invisible to enemy scanners and in the resulting fall out I doubt there will really be anyone to notice them - most of the probots would have been destroyed or fled.


Anyway, they land on the planets surface undetected and then, as Tune says, blend in. Locate the cargo depots and sneak aboard. Then its simply a case of taking out the crew and stealing the thing or destroying it.


Even better, they might be able to sneak aboard a cargo ship headed for the orbital shipyards and then can blow the thing up from the inside. Remember these are SpecOp forces we are dealing with here - they are specialized.


So the KV could risk losing its shipyards and having its cargo shipments disrupted. I expect in terms of the latter the KV will quickly catch on but by then the SpecOp forces will be heavily embedded and difficult to extract.


Seems a pretty solid plan to me.


I think the web of probe droids needs to be reconsidered here, they will be all over my worlds they will be literally everywhere, for the Spec Forces to even get anywhere without being watched would be impressive, stealing ships and/or causing damage would be extremely difficult in this regard.

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But your spreading chaos and panic amongst the wrong people. The Alliance isn't heavily dependent on public support, but on military support, on resources. Unless Isard is capable of infecting Alliance troops (which lets face it won't deal much of a dent) infect members of the Leadership or somehow give the rebels some means of sabotaging cargo routes, shipyards and factories then the impact will be minimal. Fleets will still function, armies will still function.


I doubt it will cost them a planet.


That is, if many are foolish enough to believe the Alliance would infect its own planets.


Well, there's roughly 24 million rebel troops, so there has to be some on the ground. I'm doubting they could fit that many troops in the, now castrated, fleet.

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But your spreading chaos and panic amongst the wrong people. The Alliance isn't heavily dependent on public support, but on military support, on resources. Unless Isard is capable of infecting Alliance troops (which lets face it won't deal much of a dent) infect members of the Leadership or somehow give the rebels some means of sabotaging cargo routes, shipyards and factories then the impact will be minimal. Fleets will still function, armies will still function.


I doubt it will cost them a planet.


That is, if many are foolish enough to believe the Alliance would infect its own planets.


Yet it will spread through water supplies, food supplies, physical contact, people will become so terrified that they might simply starve themselves for fear of death.


Also the point is showing video feed through things like the holonet, etc... to the general populous, of the atrocities and the terrorist acts the specops commit on the Empire, then they can put two and two together, the revolution will be enough.


Also, there is the factor of supplies and food, once again the virus might scare many people out of feeding and drinking, causing chaos within two or three days, then when the trap is sprung, you can simply starve out ground forces and launch air strikes on them.


The Ground Forces will mean little to nothing with this tactic and the capability to mount an effective defence of the world will drop considerably.


Infect them, starve them, surround them, destroy them with time. they will also be expecting many if not all of the Imperial fleets to come from the one lane they suspect they will use through foerost thanks to that fact, attacks coming from all sorts of other lanes and routes, cutting off worlds from each other will be a massive surprise for them, the fact is the Empire's navy is bigger, the other fact is, using this tactic will severely cripple the ability for the AoW to supplant itself in combat, eventually the Alliance's forces will have no choice but to surrender with no reinforcements or supplies, which makes the disparity in numbers even larger.


The size of the ground forces at the AoW's disposal will become it's own worst enemy.

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Also the point is showing video feed through things like the holonet, etc... to the general populous, of the atrocities and the terrorist acts the specops commit on the Empire, then they can put two and two together, the revolution will be enough.


That's actually a good point. The Empire managed to convince many worlds that the Rebels were nothing more than terrorists. In fact, that was one of the reasons Mon Mothma was so hesitant in trusting Garm Bel Iblis' aggressive strategies.

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Yet it will spread through water supplies, food supplies, physical contact, people will become so terrified that they might simply starve themselves for fear of death.


Also the point is showing video feed through things like the holonet, etc... to the general populous, of the atrocities and the terrorist acts the specops commit on the Empire, then they can put two and two together, the revolution will be enough.


Also, there is the factor of supplies and food, once again the virus might scare many people out of feeding and drinking, causing chaos within two or three days, then when the trap is sprung, you can simply starve out ground forces and launch air strikes on them.


The Ground Forces will mean little to nothing with this tactic and the capability to mount an effective defence of the world will drop considerably.


Infect them, starve them, surround them, destroy them with time. they will also be expecting many if not all of the Imperial fleets to come from the one lane they suspect they will use through foerost thanks to that fact, attacks coming from all sorts of other lanes and routes, cutting off worlds from each other will be a massive surprise for them, the fact is the Empire's navy is bigger, the other fact is, using this tactic will severely cripple the ability for the AoW to supplant itself in combat, eventually the Alliance's forces will have no choice but to surrender with no reinforcements or supplies, which makes the disparity in numbers even larger.


The size of the ground forces at the AoW's disposal will become it's own worst enemy.

Why would the impoverished condition of the general populace have any effect on the military, they're food supplies come from separate sources and with this outbreak will most certainly be quarantined. And revolution and viruses isn't going to drop those planetary shields.


I think we are putting too much stock in these revolutions, they don't just bring down empires within a few days. Sure you'll have a whale of a time gunning down sick civvies, but that's about it. Your infecting, starving etc. the wrong people. And these angry rebels can't really do much but protest and vandalise, nothing serious. The fact that much of the Alliance's forces are used to being detached from society decrease the effect even more.


The KV will need to effect the military's food and water supplies directly for this to have effect, which will be much much more difficult. Not only will these things be thoroughly checked but they are not easily accessible and don't come in the form of general suppliers and pipelines.


And again, why would they blame the Alliance. Regardless of whether they have committed atrocities or not infecting their own people makes no logical sense at all, people will put two and two together.


Heck, how did the KV get access to the HoloNet in the first place?


And now we are getting into unrelated territories here. Why would the Alliance assume the KV will cram their forces down one lane and not attack from multiple angles, that seems a little stupid to me. I doubt they are that dumb.


EDIT: Essentially there is a fairly large leap in logic here.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Well, there's roughly 24 million rebel troops, so there has to be some on the ground. I'm doubting they could fit that many troops in the, now castrated, fleet.
Lol, who 'castrated' them - the plucky/stupid rebelling civvies?


The HoloNet monster?

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Well that would be nice, I apparently have 24 million ground troops to deal with, not the easiest obstacle.


I have put forward good points for a plan, refining the details however is required.

I prefer to wait for someone to make an argument, then make a rebuttal - seems more fair. So I'll give Tune some time.


I think the best tactic here is to distract and then strike.

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And now we are getting into unrelated territories here. Why would the Alliance assume the KV will cram their forces down one lane and not attack from multiple angles, that seems a little stupid to me. I doubt they are that dumb.


Because they dont know of the other lanes, the only person in this Kaggath that knows about those lanes coming out of the deep core is Gilad Pallaeon.


The Alliance of Worlds wont see it coming.

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Because they dont know of the other lanes, the only person in this Kaggath that knows about those lanes coming out of the deep core is Gilad Pallaeon.


The Alliance of Worlds wont see it coming.

But surely they'd expect them to split after exiting the Core i.e. via the multiple routes extending out from Coruscant.


There is certainly no one single front that the Alliance can hope to hold the enemy off at, they will be forced to protect each planet - however even with space dominance, you still don't have total control of the planet.

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But surely they'd expect them to split after exiting the Core i.e. via the multiple routes extending out from Coruscant.


There is certainly no one single front that the Alliance can hope to hold the enemy off at, they will be forced to protect each planet - however even with space dominance, you still don't have total control of the planet.


Yes but taking or capturing the planets isnt the point, stopping them from supporting the war effort it is, i can simply wait out their supplies and bombard them and send my fighters and bombers to attack them where possible, victory will be a matter of time, it would only take at the most 30 ships to blockade the planet.


Meanwhile, the simultaneous strikes allow me to apply pressure to all fronts and cut the Alliance from itself, no support, no supplies and more and more viruses spread throughout the planets.


That way the 24,000,000 ground forces mean nothing and eventually run out of supplies and viable sources of sustenance, which will be all the faster with the sheer amount of men being supplied, fed and supported.


Surrender is certainly not out of the question for parts of the alliance.

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What's unfortunate for Tune is that he plans to weaken his own fleet when he attempts to navigate the Deep Core with a small portion of his fleet, thus making it easier for Emperor Krayt's navy to gain naval superiority in the theater of war.
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And now for what I believe would be the death knell of the Alliance of Worlds, whilst the virus is spread throughout the planets and the planets are encircled and cornered off from each other, the Imperial Commando Special Unit the most elite force in the 501st Legion, and probably the most elite unit ever seen comprised of the famous Delta, Omega, Galaar squads as well as many of the Alpha-class ARC Troopers and numerous other Spec Op forces numbering in total nearly 1,000 can track down, infiltrate and disable the shield generators stopping the Base Delta Zero in the first place, at which point the planets one by one are turned into slag and the war is pretty much finished. Edited by LadyKulvax
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What's unfortunate for Tune is that he plans to weaken his own fleet when he attempts to navigate the Deep Core with a small portion of his fleet, thus making it easier for Emperor Krayt's navy to gain naval superiority in the theater of war.


that's not the plan........ I will go into details all of my plans in a bit and in how many different ways the virus plan can (and possibly will backfire) along with the 3 different plans on how to kill krayt and their variations depending on success rate but I need time and sleep and this darned head ache to go away lol..... Also Leia knows about the other routes as well Pallaeon isn't the only one.....



Edit: one the ones asks the question can I purchase this http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rylca on the black market?



Edit 2: actually this whole plan shouldn't really affect any one the Krytos virus was cureable with Bacta treatments which is standard medicine for pretty much every world. All of my worlds are wealthy so if you infect the civilian population the civilian population will just purchase bacta to cure it. No one is blockading and no one own Thyferra so the whole can't get access to bacta which made this virus effective isn't in play. You drop this virus on the population the population are just going to use and purchase bacta and it will just strengthen the resolve of my people to fight you and maybe even make more enemies for you.

Edited by tunewalker
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