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Solutions to class stories?


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So yes, you think that SOMEHOW random people on the forum are going to come up with a solution that the people who actually make game haven't thought of. You could have said that in the first place when I asked. :rolleyes:


Funny how you didnt feel the need to quote my entire statement to you but instead only a portion of it to make it seem relevant to you lol. I see common sense isn't your strong suit, (tips my hat) well glad to clear up the obvious for you :D

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Funny how you didnt feel the need to quote my entire statement to you but instead only a portion of it to make it seem relevant to you lol. I see common sense isn't your strong suit, (tips my hat) well glad to clear up the obvious for you :D


Well, as long as you're making things clear I'd love to know what you think the odds of a bunch of totally unqualified people coming with a workable solution that the experts didn't imagine actually are.

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Well, as long as you're making things clear I'd love to know what you think the odds of a bunch of totally unqualified people coming with a workable solution that the experts didn't imagine actually are.


Hmm again common sense? So I can quote plenty of times the words "possible solutions" were thrown around in this thread, and second going back to my initial post about people moaning and groaning about things yet not offering any solutions themselves. Its easy to sit on the "sidelines" and try and critique everyone because you yourself dont like to see constructive conversation take place in any form. Now the reason why I've sat here and explained the purpose of the thread over to you multiple times (and from the looks of it you still dont seem to get it) is because, its IRRELEVANT whether the developers or "experts" have thought of these ideas or not. And the fact that you think the "experts" DONT have or believe in a workable solution or anything related to what we are saying here further proves you have no basis of an argument here. Logic will tell you that as with any business having enough people talking about specific details (in this case class story) for their product will show them that their is popular interest in it. Does that make enough sense to you? I know you seem to have a hard time making a connection with anything in the general vicinity of sense but there you go again. Dropping more common sense for you.

Edited by ChillingFear
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The only solution to class stories is to make a time machine, go back a couple of years and somehow convince 2 million people not to leave the game.


Since they did actually leave the game, and the stories were the keystone of the game that they left, why would they ever make more? It didn't work. It was a failed experiment. That failure not only means you won't get much more of it in TOR, you won't get it in any other MMO for many years to come. If the stories were badly done, someone else might give it a shot, but you probably couldn't do them any better than they did, so it's as likely to be a major element of any future MMO as an Amiga version is.

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The only solution to class stories is to make a time machine, go back a couple of years and somehow convince 2 million people not to leave the game.


Since they did actually leave the game, and the stories were the keystone of the game that they left, why would they ever make more? It didn't work. It was a failed experiment. That failure not only means you won't get much more of it in TOR, you won't get it in any other MMO for many years to come. If the stories were badly done, someone else might give it a shot, but you probably couldn't do them any better than they did, so it's as likely to be a major element of any future MMO as an Amiga version is.


Even though it pains me greatly to admit it and I went into denial mode, shorty after my old server started dying bit by bit, CosmicKat sums it up pretty well here. Sad but true.

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The only solution to class stories is to make a time machine, go back a couple of years and somehow convince 2 million people not to leave the game.


Since they did actually leave the game, and the stories were the keystone of the game that they left, why would they ever make more? It didn't work. It was a failed experiment. That failure not only means you won't get much more of it in TOR, you won't get it in any other MMO for many years to come. If the stories were badly done, someone else might give it a shot, but you probably couldn't do them any better than they did, so it's as likely to be a major element of any future MMO as an Amiga version is.



So your personally speaking for 2 million people? Hmm seeing as ive been playing since beta I can recall plenty of reasons why people left once the game went live later, and most people agreed that the leveling process was excellent it was the endgame and bugs and lack of UI options, group finder etc that made alot of people leave. A combination of that, some bad PR decisions by bioware and, not quick enough patch fixes to certain issues/bugs as well as more content. So I'm not saying that you have a valid point in saying that some people may have left due to your reason (singular) but it would be highly inaccurate to think that over 2 million people all left for one central reason and that was it. Now as far as story being a failed experiment, your more than able to state your opinion but that most certainly isnt fact. And if you have read past posts you would see that people have offered solutions to adding more class story content keeping the same "content model" that they have been doing up to this point with normal planet story arcs etc.

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So your personally speaking for 2 million people? Hmm seeing as ive been playing since beta I can recall plenty of reasons why people left once the game went live later, and most people agreed that the leveling process was excellent it was the endgame and bugs and lack of UI options, group finder etc that made alot of people leave. A combination of that, some bad PR decisions by bioware and, not quick enough patch fixes to certain issues/bugs as well as more content. So I'm not saying that you have a valid point in saying that some people may have left due to your reason (singular) but it would be highly inaccurate to think that over 2 million people all left for one central reason and that was it. Now as far as story being a failed experiment, your more than able to state your opinion but that most certainly isnt fact. And if you have read past posts you would see that people have offered solutions to adding more class story content keeping the same "content model" that they have been doing up to this point with normal planet story arcs etc.


It's kinda ironic that you claim he speaks for two million people and in your next phrase, you go EXACTLY for the same approach. Just saying.


Either way, let denial fuel your reasoning. :cool:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It's kinda ironic that you claim he speaks for two million people and in your next phrase, you go EXACTLY for the same approach. Just saying.


Either way, let denial fuel your reasoning. :cool:


Nope merely pointing out that if you think 2 million people all left for the same one reason then more power to you, but if you follow that logically it wouldn't be safe to say its accurate. Think you should re-read my post again, I only offered numerous solutions and in no way stated that their reasoning was wrong, it was two separate opinions, But troll on :rolleyes:

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Nope merely pointing out that if you think 2 million people all left for the same one reason then more power to you, but if you follow that logically it wouldn't be safe to say its accurate. Think you should re-read my post again, I only offered numerous solutions and in no way stated that their reasoning was wrong, it was two separate opinions, But troll on :rolleyes:


Wowwww... Accusing others of trolling, in order to mask lack of reasoning. Truly original, no doubt. :cool:

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Wowwww... Accusing others of trolling, in order to mask lack of reasoning. Truly original, no doubt. :cool:


Funny how you are already avoiding the original topic at hand and trying to find something else to leech to. Again interpret whatever you THINK I mean since you seem to have a crazy intuition or supernatural ability that lets you know exactly what i mean and how i mean it. Somehow underlining my previous comments and saying "ooooo I got you" seems be your way of masking your lack of reasoning. See what I did there? Two people can play this game however it results in nothing. Like I said before, Refer back to my post since you seem so keen and underlining things so they give the illusion that they now are invalid or in bad taste, and see that I never once stated their OPINIONS/VIEWS were wrong or meant less than mine. Now if your done arguing or trying to prove some mute point on a conversation based off two different views and again OPINIONS that had nothing to do with you I'd appreciate it so this thread can continue to focus on what the topic was originally about. As I stated in my original post, you may or may not want more story, or agree with what im saying or others here have either. But starting to derail it off in a different direction proves what exactly?

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The only solution to class stories is to make a time machine, go back a couple of years and somehow convince 2 million people not to leave the game.


Since they did actually leave the game, and the stories were the keystone of the game that they left, why would they ever make more? It didn't work. It was a failed experiment. That failure not only means you won't get much more of it in TOR, you won't get it in any other MMO for many years to come. If the stories were badly done, someone else might give it a shot, but you probably couldn't do them any better than they did, so it's as likely to be a major element of any future MMO as an Amiga version is.


Funny. When i read someone's statement about why he left the game a long time ago, story driver leveling is maybe the only thing that everyone praise and consider as brilliant. It's the lack of end game that made people leave.

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Funny. When i read someone's statement about why he left the game a long time ago, story driver leveling is maybe the only thing that everyone praise and consider as brilliant. It's the lack of end game that made people leave.


Yet how many of those people actually walked the extra mile and finished all eight class storylines? That's what his post is addressing mainly, from what I gather; It's not addressing the end game part.

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Yet how many of those people actually walked the extra mile and finished all eight class storylines? That's what his post is addressing mainly, from what I gather; It's not addressing the end game part.


Even if that was the case, why would that result in story content now being a failure? And more-so just because a player hasn't finished all 8 class storylines, why is that a reason as to why we shouldn't have more. Both seem to have conflicting interests which was what I was initially pointing out seeing as I have been playing the game since beta and initial launch and might offer a different perspective seeing as I've been a player that was playing when there were still a million different servers online. The person is more than entitled to their opinion but that doesn't mean that myself or others cant disagree with it.

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Even if that was the case, why would that result in story content now being a failure? And more-so just because a player hasn't finished all 8 class storylines, why is that a reason as to why we shouldn't have more. Both seem to have conflicting interests which was what I was initially pointing out seeing as I have been playing the game since beta and initial launch and might offer a different perspective seeing as I've been a player that was playing when there were still a million different servers online. The person is more than entitled to their opinion but that doesn't mean that myself or others cant disagree with it.


You are still missing the point.


The content by itself - quality wise - wasn't a failure but having in mind how subs began to bleed fairly EARLY into the game's initial lice cycle, one can only assume - and rightly so - that the the game's main selling point FAILED to retain people's attention on the short term. Also...


(...) And more-so just because a player hasn't finished all 8 class storylines, why is that a reason as to why we shouldn't have more. (...)


Isn't it obvious? If a large chunk of the former - not to mention current - userbase hasn't fully experienced every single class storyline the game has to offer, what incentive is there for them to develop eight unique storylines all over again?


Zilch really.

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You are still missing the point.


The content by itself - quality wise - wasn't a failure but having in mind how subs began to bleed fairly EARLY into the game's initial lice cycle, one can only assume - and rightly so - that the the game's main selling point FAILED to retain people's attention on the short term. Also...




Isn't it obvious? If a large chunk of the former - not to mention current - userbase hasn't fully experienced every single class storyline the game has to offer, what incentive is there for them to develop eight unique storylines all over again?


Zilch really.


Thats where I again would disagree with you, now this is all opinionated but from my perspective (again because I've been playing for awhile) the Subs begain to "bleed out" but not from the individual class story content itself. It was a general consensus from both players and different review agencies (such as IGN, Gamespot, and others) that the leveling process along with the story content was great. The subs left due to a lack of options both in the endgame and in features (UI related, no group finder for flashpoints and operations) as well as bugs in-game and not being addressed both efficiently and correctly (again examples of these would be the intial world pvp on Illum, caster times disappearing which still happens in-game, robe clipping that still happens in-game etc). Then the lack of end-game content as a whole, and the endgame itself was bugged preventing guilds/players from completing certain flashpoints and operations seeing as mechanics werent functioning as intended. That is what drove the core audience and its subs away, just like any business model, when your core audience is paying for your product especially at a premium (being a sub) they are looking for quality content from start to FINISH. The problem was the finish.


Now addressing why if all story content hasnt been experienced why make more stance, if you follow that reasoning logically, then why make more operations seeing as not everyone experience that bit of content either? Why make more warzones seeing as some people dont like to pvp much either. In an MMO market thats the nature of the beast, certain content is going to be developed with the knowledge in advance that it may not be experienced by all customers. We can continue to follow this logic with gear and items as well seeing as its not all realistically attainable by a casual audience who doesn't play or experience content enough on a frequent basis to earn it. Just like any successful product, especially one that is as broad as MMO's are, content is split and divided in multiple directions, some people became attached to certain character classes or specific stories for them, or even companions. For you to say that because they havent done them all, that's reason to not at the very least explore the idea of making more in some way shape or form could obviously be argued. Read the other previous posts and the alternatives in both production time, and money that could be taken to still deliver on individual class content on some level (which was what this post was discussing the entire time).

Edited by ChillingFear
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