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How to fix Watchman's build-up issues:


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Well 2 changes:

1. Mind Sear now causes the character to laugh when it procs (QoL Change, makes it easier to notice when it procs)

2. Inexhaustable Zeal, in addition to its current effect, also causes Zen in Juyo Form to instantly build 6 stacks of Juyo Form (similar to how Singularities are built up in Focus when Zen-ing in Shi-Cho)


Thoughts on this?


OP? Balanced?


Good changes or stupid idea?


What do you think?

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The build up issue is not as much juyo (takes only a few rounds) than Merciless.


So I think THAT would help without being OP. I also think all sentinel spec should have the centering building on rest, not just Combat. Its a QoL issue, on a 5 minute fight it won't change anything, but just saves you from losing your stack before an ops fight because someone has to go to bathroom, someone needs explanation etc.


As for Merciless, I'd say either have something being able to build it on proc (I'd say slash but that might make it too easy) or reduce the number of stacks. Degeneration by one stack at a time rather than the whole bunch sounds decent as well.


Issue with it is many fights force a break on the team. The type of ramp up we have there is a major one, and while some fights allow you ways to keep it up by going out of your way for it, others will just not allow it.

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