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Fleet battles Round 1 Battle 3 Tunewalker vs Karadron


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Analysis and my opinion comparing ship to ship to make apparent armament and proficiencies.


Flagship: Krakana Viscount-class Star Defender Vs. Terror Executor-class Star Dreadnought(No cloaking device)


Krakana Viscount-class Star Defender:


Heavy turbo-lasers (2,000)

Firing arc: 10 batteries fore, 15 batteries starboard, 15 batteries port side, 10 batteries aft

Turbo-lasers (2,000)

Firing arc: 10 batteries fore, 20 batteries starboard, 20 batteries port side

Assault concussion missile tubes (200)

Firing arc: 100 fore, 50 starboard, 50 port side

Ammunition: 30 missiles per tube

Heavy ion cannons (300)

Firing arc: 10 batteries fore, 20 batteries starboard, 20 batteries port side, 10 batteries aft

Point-defense laser cannons (500)

Firing arc: 20 batteries fore, 30 batteries starboard, 30 batteries port side, 20 batteries aft

Tractor beam projectors (40)

Firing arc: 20 fore, 10 starboard, 10 port side


Terror Executor-class Star Dreadnought:


Turbolaser cannons (2,000, fire-linked in groups of 8)

Heavy turbolaser cannons (2,000, fire-linked in groups of 8)

Assault concussion missile tubes (250)

30 missiles each

Heavy ion cannons (250)

Phylon Transport Q7 tractor beam projectors (40)

Point-defense laser cannons (500)


Conclusion: While they both have nearly exact weaponry, it is important to note that the Terror has 50 more missile launchers than the Krakana at the cost of 50 less ion cannons. There is also a need to note how each gun is placed, for example how the Viscount spreads its weapons out. Now, normally this would be a disadvantage, however, due to the sheer size of the vessel this actually allows the Krakana to retain fleet pressure the entire time, while still retaining strong offense and defense, not to mention its troll shields. The Terror may be able to focus more guns in a head on confrontation, but due to how often the forward guns are taken out, that is unlikely. That said, you still have to take into consideration that the Terror is still one hell of a warship. In this case, i feel that it may not go well against the Viscount 1 vs 1, but I do however feel that it is a better command ship and fleet support. For two main reasons, while its foremost guns may be taken out often and it will likely not be able to use them all for forward firepower, it is still free to fire at ships to the sides, and is pretty well equipped to keep fire continuously pouring onto their enemies. Due to both of them excelling in different areas, I would have to say no edge.


Capital: Nebula-class star destroyer Vs. Imperial II Star Destroyer


Imperial II Star Destroyer:


Octuple barbette turbolaser or Ion cannons (8)

Heavy turbolaser batteries (50)

Turbolaser batteries (50)

Additional turbolaser batteries (26+)

Heavy ion cannons (20)

Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (10)


Nebula-Class Star Destroyer:


Heavy dual turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)

Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)

Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)

Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted)

30 missiles each

Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)


Conclusion: What i see right off the bat is that while the MK II clearly has more forward firepower, the Nebula has much stronger shields, however, from what I have seen the Nebula is much thinner, which helps their shields, but does not help allowing multiple gun emplacements to fire at once. Due to its speed however, the lack of firepower is of little concern seeing how it could easily evade and out maneuver enemy vessels. Slight edge Nebula.


Frigate: Hapes Nova-class Battle Cruiser Vs. Strike-class cruiser


Hapes Nova-class Battle Cruiser:


Hapan turbolaser batteries (25)

Fire Arc: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard, 5 turret

Crew: 3

Space Range: 75 km

Heavy point-defense laser cannons (10)

Fire Arc: Front

Crew: 2

Space Range: 25 km

Ion cannons (10)


Strike-class cruiser:


Turbolaser cannons (20)

Turbolaser batteries (10)

Ion cannons (10)

Tractor beam projectors (10)

some point-defense weapons *no exact number listed*


Conclusion: At first glance I would say the Hapan ship has the advantage, but the further i looked into both of them and compared, the less i began to think so. The most obvious being that the Strike has more devastating weaponry as well as their fire rate. Nova cruisers picked and entered their battles cautiously, as Hapan turbolaser technology lagged behind the Galactic standard. Their turbolasers took roughly three times longer to recharge than their Imperial and New Republic counterparts, which sometimes left Nova cruisers unable to return fire at inopportune times. Later retrofits of Nova-class cruisers followed the practices of the Mon Calamari in adding redundant shield generators and larger, more reliable power generators at the cost of reducing the Miy'til fighters to a single squadron. Combine that with the fact that the Strike also has tractor beam projectors, which can be used tactically, and i have to give a good edge to Strike- Class Cruiser.


Corvette: Warrior-class gunship Vs. Corellian Gunship


Warrior-class gunship:


Turbolaser cannons (10)

Fire arc: 4 fore, 3 port, 3 starboard

Laser cannons (8)

Fire arc: 2 fore, 3 port, 3 starboard

Concussion missile tubes (4)

Fire arc: 2 fore, 2 aft

Antimissile octets


Corellian Gunship:


Double turbolaser cannons (8)

Quad laser cannons (6)

Concussion missile launchers (4)

30 concussion missiles each, standard load


Conclusion: While both are excellent covette class ships, it really depends on what you want them to do. The Warrior class is excellent in quick battles, and can damage even capital ships. However, the Corellian Gunships are much more effective against star fighters, which corvettes typically fill the role of. No edge, even.


Fighter Wing: Wraith Squadron Vs. Black Eight Squadron


Wraith Squadron: Elite Spec Ops


Black Eight Squadron: Elite Fighter Squadron


Conclusion: While the Wraith Squadron is great at what they do, they are not nearly as good of pilots as Black Eight Squadron. HOWEVER, if they were to some how get aboard an enemy vessel, they could possibly disable it and cause havoc from the inside. Utility goes to Wraith, Fighter potential goes to Black Eight.


Freighter: Millennium Falcon Vs. Slave 1


I feel this one is too dependant on plot in the past, and i am no expert on either, so i will leave this section undecided.


From the comparisons I see between both sides ships and their capabilities, this is an almost perfectly balanced fight, where one has strength in one spot, the other has strength in a place the other does not. This truly will be interesting...

Edited by Silenceo
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Personally, Tune, id say send the Viscount against the Terror, and let them duke it out.


Neither ship will break the offence, because if they break concentration they'll lose the 1V1.


Meanwhile your fleet, being better equipped with anti star fighter weaponry and concussion missiles, can pretty much eradicate his fleet, I have no dog t yours would win.


You'd probably have 2 Nebulas left, one being pretty damaged, and would easily manage to combine assaults with the Viscount to destroy the Terror.

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Personally, Tune, id say send the Viscount against the Terror, and let them duke it out.


Neither ship will break the offence, because if they break concentration they'll lose the 1V1.


Meanwhile your fleet, being better equipped with anti star fighter weaponry and concussion missiles, can pretty much eradicate his fleet, I have no dog t yours would win.


You'd probably have 2 Nebulas left, one being pretty damaged, and would easily manage to combine assaults with the Viscount to destroy the Terror.


If i remember right, excluding the Flagships, Tune only has 8 more concussion missile launchers, including the flagships Tune has 42 less.


In regards to the laser cannons for use against the fighters, it seems pretty even there.

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If i remember right, excluding the Flagships, Tune only has 8 more concussion missile launchers, including the flagships Tune has 42 less.


In regards to the laser cannons for use against the fighters, it seems pretty even there.


nope I have 24 more Assault concussive missles not including flagships remember I have 3 nebula. Sorry I haven't spending much time here I will get to it just spending a lot of time with the Kaggath.



And the fighters thing not really the Strike-cruisers are described as having "some point defense lasers" the Hapan ships have 10 HEAVY-point defense lasers.... remember there are 6 of these. Also remember The Hapan ships are the upgraded Variant upgraded turbo laser tech (thanks to the power generator) and of course having better staying power thanks to the extra shield generator. When I post next hopefully I will have my battle strategy all planned out.

Edited by tunewalker
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OK I was hoping I would get time...... ok




Well my scenario is the Krakana takes on the Terror cutting it off from the rest of the fighting. While this takes place my nebulas use their smaller size and greater speed to constantly keep pressure on 2 of the imperial stardestroyers and keeping the 3rd out of the battle through positioning.



My warrior-class gunships along with bombers using trench run tactics hit the strike-class cruisers aiming for its weak point


"Due to the modular design of the ship, a single, well-placed hit could shut down entire systems or weapon batteries if the densely arrayed power connectors between two sections of the ship were damaged. If the ship suffered too many critical hits by large-impact weapons (such as proton torpedoes or heavy turbolasers) it was also possible that it's structure might simply break apart (as was the fate of the Termagant).["



Using its concussive missles salvo and turbo laser fire the missles being described "and their racks of CM-9 concussion missiles, the same weapon carried by the Majestic-class heavy cruiser[2], could even cripple Star Destroyers.[1] " easily blowing apart the cruisers. With their shields able to take HEAVY cruiser fire for a few minutes they have more then enough to deliver this devastating payload to the weak points on these cruisers.



Meanwhile Wraith squadron lands on one of the correllian gunship and proceeds to take it over while the rest of them are focused on by the Hapan Nova-class battle cruisers. With both the cruisers and the corvettes down and another corvette captured and in my control the Fighter fight which I have been losing starts to turn in my favor.


The fire power from the 3 Nebula's would soon over whelm 1 of the imperial stardestroyers and then 3rd which up until this point has been having difficulty getting into position is now able to finally get some clean shots, but it is to late fighters are now running the trenches and the captured corvette and the Hapan dragons and the Falcon are all running cover for them. While quite a few of my ships are damaged the imperial II's go down just in time for the rest of my fleet to assist the Krakkana which has been holding its own but is now unsure if it can win against the Terror. With a couple Nebula's left and more fighters running the trenches of the Terror, the terror is destroyed in short order.

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So here's my current idea.


My fleet takes up a defensive position, letting the enemy come to them. Each MK-II will take one Nebula to deal with, while my Phantoms go deal with the oncoming bombers. The Strike cruisers will focus on the Novas, while my corvettes deal with taking out the fighters, with occasional missiles fired at the Krakana. The Terror will focus fire on the Krakana, with Black Eight Squadron engaging Wraith Squadron, which will keep them occupied.


When the Nebulas get close the MK-IIs will release their bombers to disable the Nebulas engines, and once those are down they will move underneath the Nebulas, effectively getting out of range of their weapons. From here they will deal with the Warrior gunships and the Falcon-probably getting caught in a tractor beam. The corvettes will fall rather quickly, within 2-3 volleys from the MK-IIs.


Slave 1 will also have been dealing with the corvettes, its cloaking device and sensor jamming allowing it to get in close where it will release a seismic charge, which will devastate them. Slave 1 will also be able to deal with the fighters as well.


Once the corvettes are dealt with Slave-1 will cloak and head for the fighter repair bays where it will wreck havoc among the damaged fighters and leave a parting gift in the form of one of its last Void-7 seismic charges. Which will destroy the repair bay but also systems further into the ship.


The Strike cruisers will have narrowly beaten the Novas, with heavy damage sustained to all, and probably most destroyed will now, along with the rest of my fleet focus down on the Krakana. The Terror will rotate so that it can bring all of its weaponry against the Viscount, which will not be able to handle the full fire power of my fleet.


Once the Krakana is down all that remains is the Nebulas which will be easily dealt with.

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Once the Nebula's lose their engines, wouldn't it be better to focus them down before you take down the Viscount? SInce while you focus on the Viscount, he would have 3 capital ships free to continue firing on your fleet? After all, their main defense is mobility...
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Without their engines, they only can rely on their shields to defend them, and their guns. However, we all know that MK II's have more guns than Nebulas, and if it is a sitting target like this, even its superior shields will not save it.
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Without their engines, they only can rely on their shields to defend them, and their guns. However, we all know that MK II's have more guns than Nebulas, and if it is a sitting target like this, even its superior shields will not save it.


Yet part of my strategy was to move my MK-IIs beneath the Nebulas once the engines were taken out, therefore getting out of their field of fire.

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I hope its known how hard it will be to pull that off on the nebula's they are smaller then the Imperial II's and are slicker because of this they have far less trenches and bombers are much easier to blow out of the sky. The hapan ships have the redundant shield generators so it will take the cruisers time to bust through them way more time then they will have with the Warriors racks of Concussive missles being able to hit their weak points and being described as capable of crippling star destroyers with them the Cruisers could be knocked out long before they put a dent in the hapan ships and with them gone and the hapan ships destroying Corvettes and Wraith squardron not staying in the air and instead capturing a ship thus not being occupied by your fighter division instead getting a corvette that destroys fighter divisions its going to be hard to knock out engines when the fighter destroying ships will have swung in my favor since any shots by the Imp IIs towards the corvettes instead of the nebulas could have their command bridges taken out by Assault concussive missles from the Nebula's. Just some thoughts. You have weak points do to designs on both the Cruisers and the Imp II's, the cruisers "Due to the modular design of the ship, a single, well-placed hit could shut down entire systems or weapon batteries if the densely arrayed power connectors between two sections of the ship were damaged If the ship suffered too many critical hits by large-impact weapons (such as proton torpedoes or heavy turbolasers) it was also possible that it's structure might simply break apart ." and of course the Imp II's being the Command bridge which the Assault Missles on the Nebula's are perfect to hit and take out. Because of these you could very well find both of your bigger ships destroyed long before any bombers cripple the nebulas and long before any of the shields of any of my ships are busted through.




Edit: actually with the speed of my ships and the fact that i could potentially take out the Cruisers and even 1 of the Imp II's in a single well placed volley means that the fighters they would normally field may not be able to be deployed fast enough causing them to go down with their ships evening up the fighter disparity even further. just more thoughts.

Edited by tunewalker
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I hope its known how hard it will be to pull that off on the nebula's they are smaller then the Imperial II's and are slicker because of this they have far less trenches and bombers are much easier to blow out of the sky. The hapan ships have the redundant shield generators so it will take the cruisers time to bust through them way more time then they will have with the Warriors racks of Concussive missles being able to hit their weak points and being described as capable of crippling star destroyers with them the Cruisers could be knocked out long before they put a dent in the hapan ships and with them gone and the hapan ships destroying Corvettes and Wraith squardron not staying in the air and instead capturing a ship thus not being occupied by your fighter division instead getting a corvette that destroys fighter divisions its going to be hard to knock out engines when the fighter destroying ships will have swung in my favor since any shots by the Imp IIs towards the corvettes instead of the nebulas could have their command bridges taken out by Assault concussive missles from the Nebula's. Just some thoughts. You have weak points do to designs on both the Cruisers and the Imp II's, the cruisers "Due to the modular design of the ship, a single, well-placed hit could shut down entire systems or weapon batteries if the densely arrayed power connectors between two sections of the ship were damaged If the ship suffered too many critical hits by large-impact weapons (such as proton torpedoes or heavy turbolasers) it was also possible that it's structure might simply break apart ." and of course the Imp II's being the Command bridge which the Assault Missles on the Nebula's are perfect to hit and take out. Because of these you could very well find both of your bigger ships destroyed long before any bombers cripple the nebulas and long before any of the shields of any of my ships are busted through.




Edit: actually with the speed of my ships and the fact that i could potentially take out the Cruisers and even 1 of the Imp II's in a single well placed volley means that the fighters they would normally field may not be able to be deployed fast enough causing them to go down with their ships evening up the fighter disparity even further. just more thoughts.


First off you have to come to me, I'm drawing your forces in your speed won't be an advantage. your capital ships to get to thSecondly my bombers are going underneath e engines. Thirdly how is Wraith Squadron going to board one of my corvettes without getting involved in the dogfight?


As well you haven't taken into account the power of Slave 1's seismic charges which will tear up the corvettes, and more than likely your frigates too. The TIE bombers will easily disable the engines and the MK-IIs will have an easy time getting into a position where the Nebulas wont be able to hit them. Also I can double my Defenders as light bombers. The TIE Phantoms as well pack some heavy firepower and the shock value will be more than enough to unsettle the bomber pilots (their first targets).


As well the Nebula was never able to eclipse the MK-II, which is a more than formidable ship. The MK-II itself packs heavy shields and armor, so they won't be taken out easily.

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technically if sitting still then speed will be an advantage as I would be hitting a sitting unmoving target making my weapons more accurate while you are trying to fire on a moving target.... with you have weak points on every one of those vessels a non moving target means I can pretty much garentee a hit essentially destroying them all straight out. The reason Nebula's didn't replace anything is because the armor they have was so thick it took a really long time to build them so there was never a lot of them the thing that largely replaced the Imperial ships was the Republic because unlike the Nebula it didn't take as long to build that doesn't make the Nebula a bad design. The imp II is a good design and a powerful ship but its command bridge was a noted weakness one the Nebula is built to take advantage of with the assault concussive missles and with your idea to sith there the missles from the nebulas and the missles from the Warriors can potentially knock out all of your Imp II's and your Strike cruisers in a single volley thanks to hitting both ships weak points. That's the whole thing both your frigates and your Capital ships have a noted weak point on them that if those points are hit hard with something the whole ship goes with them sitting there those points are easy targets and much more difficult to miss. Also if you are letting me come to you this means you allow me to dictate the position of the ships because of this a couple of your ships could be completely taken out of the fight with out me actually hitting them with anything simply by using LoS and if you try to reposition my ships are faster and already have momentum really securing the idea that ships will be LoSed. Your fighters are still less likely to knock out my engines because the smaller size of the Nebula's and the smoother side means they are massively easier to run cover for. The Imp II's are just as likely to have it happen to them as it is to happen to the Nebula's even with a fighter advantage thanks to their larger size and trenches that do exist along the body of it limiting the number of fighters that can be used to stop my bombers running along the trenches.



Edit: I made a few edits to this to try and make this more understandable to any one that is reading it honestly just waiting for Rayla now but she will likely take some time before responding to this.

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If it was that simple, wouldn't the rebellion have decimated the Empire in short order? *though, if i remember correctly from my debate with Beni, MK II's have secondary bridges, as does Executor-class ships.* Edited by Silenceo
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If it was that simple, wouldn't the rebellion have decimated the Empire in short order? *though, if i remember correctly from my debate with Beni, MK II's have secondary bridges, as does Executor-class ships.*


No they have secondary shield generators on their bridges so taking down the shields on those bridges is extremely difficult or as far as I know.



Edit: "During the height of the Rebellion, an Alliance Special Operations man said that the Star Destroyer had 174,000 design flaws waiting to be exploited.[source?] The command deck was also a vulnerability, as the ship's operations were coordinated there.[4] "

This should be noted that the Wraiths are a special forces and special operations people specializing in space warfare so..... plenty of flaws.....

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All ships have flaws no one can design the perfect ship, and if there was one it wouldn't be banned here.


The whole of my strategy works with my ships moving in accord with your ships, plus my Phantoms will be knocking out your bombers, which they will be able to do before you even reach my position. Wraith Squadron will have to fly through the dogfight before it can even get to a ship to board and the likelihood of them making it through that without having to engage is next to impossible, not to mention that the Phantoms once again being able to knock them out.


The Warrior gunships too have terrible shielding which can be exploited early, not to mention that there own speed could send them right into my fleet, with a missile volley from my corvettes with additional support from the Terror. And anyway Slave 1 will be dealing with them by having some fun with seismic charges, it has more than enough to deal with each corvette.

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All ships have flaws no one can design the perfect ship, and if there was one it wouldn't be banned here.


The whole of my strategy works with my ships moving in accord with your ships, plus my Phantoms will be knocking out your bombers, which they will be able to do before you even reach my position. Wraith Squadron will have to fly through the dogfight before it can even get to a ship to board and the likelihood of them making it through that without having to engage is next to impossible, not to mention that the Phantoms once again being able to knock them out.


The Warrior gunships too have terrible shielding which can be exploited early, not to mention that there own speed could send them right into my fleet, with a missile volley from my corvettes with additional support from the Terror. And anyway Slave 1 will be dealing with them by having some fun with seismic charges, it has more than enough to deal with each corvette.


My ships are faster, if you are sitting still waiting for me to come to you any move I make you will not be able to respond to fast enough. I have the faster and more maneuverable ships. Your strategy literally backfires on that plan as it takes time to get up some momentum and if you wait for me to move before you do then any move you make is going to be slow and cumbersome by comparison even if oyu didn't sit still my faster and more maneuverable ships means I can and will dictate how the ships end up spread out.


Your ships can try to stop me they are slower and more cumbersome so they wont have much success. None of my ships have a flaw on them so large that 1 hit can bring them down unlike both the Strike-class cruiser and the Imperial MK II.


The Warriors are Corvettes they aren't meant to last long against Heavy cruisers and larger and yet they can still last several minutes their shields are actually better then the DP20's you are bringing because the shields are noted to be strong enough to all but ignore fighter shots something the DP20's cant really do. Yes the shields are noted to fail in a matter of minutes but if a Corvette can pack enough punch to threaten an Imperial II (what you have) and take those hits as well what would be the point of making bigger ships.


Simply put all of my ships are going to take multiple Volleys to bring down while (since I know the weak points on your ships) a single Assault missile Volley and Concussive missile Volley at those particular weak points can bring down almost every one of your ships in a single Volley. You wont have much left to fight with and with those ships going down your fighters will count for nothing against the Warriors and the Hapan Nova-class ships (which I again remind everyone have been equipped with the extra shield generator and the upgraded turbolaser tech). Meaning your Corvettes will not more then another Volley or 2 of my larger ships (by the way the Hapan's ship can bring more fire to bear on a single target then the Strike class because all of its Ion cannons are on its front while the strike class has them spread out.... so as long as the faster and more maneuverable Nova Class is facing its target its fire power is devastating by comparison and with many of the Strike-class and the Imp Duece's going down so quickly the numerical advantage means I can assure the Nova's never get surrounded.

Edited by tunewalker
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My ships are faster if you are sitting still waiting for me to come to you any move I make you will not be able to respond to fast enough. I have the faster and more maneuverable ships. Your strategy literally backfires on that plan as it takes time to get up some momentum and if you wait for me to move before you do then any move you make is going to be slow and cumbersome by comparison even if oyu didn't sit still my faster and more maneuverable ships means I can and will dictate how the ships end up spread out. Your ships can try to stop me they are slower and more cumbersome so they wont have much success. None of my ships have a flaw on them so large that 1 hit can bring them down unlike both the Strike-class cruiser and the Imperial MK II. The Warriors are Corvettes they aren't meant to last long against Heavy cruisers and larger and yet they can still last several minutes their shields are actually better then the DP20's you are bringing because the shields are noted to be strong enough to all but ignore fighter shots something the DP20's cant really do. Yes the shields are noted to fail in a matter of minutes but if a Corvette can pack enough punch to threaten an Imperial II (what you have) and take those hits as well what would be the point of making bigger ships. Simply put all of my ships are going to take multiple Volleys to bring down while (since I know the weak points on your ships) a single Assault missile Volley and Concussive missile Volley at those particular weak points can bring down almost every one of your ships in a single Volley. You wont have much left to fight with and with those ships going down your fighters will count for nothing against the Warriors and the Hapan Nova-class ships (which I again remind everyone have been equipped with the extra shield generator and the upgraded turbolaser tech). Meaning your Corvettes will not more then another Volley or 2 of my larger ships (by the way the Hapan's ship can bring more fire to bear on a single target then the Strike class because all of its Ion cannons are on its front while the strike class has them spread out.... so as long as the faster and more maneuverable Nova Class is facing its target its fire power is devastating by comparison and with many of the Strike-class and the Imp Duece's going down so quickly the numerical advantage means I can assure the Nova's never get surrounded.



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My ships are faster, if you are sitting still waiting for me to come to you any move I make you will not be able to respond to fast enough. I have the faster and more maneuverable ships. Your strategy literally backfires on that plan as it takes time to get up some momentum and if you wait for me to move before you do then any move you make is going to be slow and cumbersome by comparison even if oyu didn't sit still my faster and more maneuverable ships means I can and will dictate how the ships end up spread out.


Your ships can try to stop me they are slower and more cumbersome so they wont have much success. None of my ships have a flaw on them so large that 1 hit can bring them down unlike both the Strike-class cruiser and the Imperial MK II.


The Warriors are Corvettes they aren't meant to last long against Heavy cruisers and larger and yet they can still last several minutes their shields are actually better then the DP20's you are bringing because the shields are noted to be strong enough to all but ignore fighter shots something the DP20's cant really do. Yes the shields are noted to fail in a matter of minutes but if a Corvette can pack enough punch to threaten an Imperial II (what you have) and take those hits as well what would be the point of making bigger ships.


Simply put all of my ships are going to take multiple Volleys to bring down while (since I know the weak points on your ships) a single Assault missile Volley and Concussive missile Volley at those particular weak points can bring down almost every one of your ships in a single Volley. You wont have much left to fight with and with those ships going down your fighters will count for nothing against the Warriors and the Hapan Nova-class ships (which I again remind everyone have been equipped with the extra shield generator and the upgraded turbolaser tech). Meaning your Corvettes will not more then another Volley or 2 of my larger ships (by the way the Hapan's ship can bring more fire to bear on a single target then the Strike class because all of its Ion cannons are on its front while the strike class has them spread out.... so as long as the faster and more maneuverable Nova Class is facing its target its fire power is devastating by comparison and with many of the Strike-class and the Imp Duece's going down so quickly the numerical advantage means I can assure the Nova's never get surrounded.


A single volley will never destroy a MK II, because like i mentioned before, they have secondary bridges for such situations, it may slow them while they re-route power, but in the end, they still will have access to all their guns, they just will have taken a minute or two to set up a new command station.


As for the Strike Cruiser:


"However, as the war raged on and large starships started to become a rare sight, the Imperial Remnant felt the need to make this otherwise reliable, versatile and thus tactically important class of cruisers more durable, which resulted in reinforcing the connections between the cruiser's basic integral structure and the attached modules in order to prevent easy decouplings. Nevertheless, these spots remained the most vulnerable parts of the Strike-class, and pilots and commanders on both sides of the Galactic Civil War adapted their tactics to deal with this knowledge."


Also, when it refers to its weak points, it refers exclusively to proton torpedoes and if unshielded, heavy turbo lasers. If i remember right, most of your ships missiles are concussion missiles, and its the bombers that carry the proton torpedoes, which will be harassed by TIE Phantoms.


Proton Torpedoes >>>>>>>>>>>Concussion Missiles

Edited by Silenceo
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A single volley will never destroy a MK II, because like i mentioned before, they have secondary bridges for such situations, it may slow them while they re-route power, but in the end, they still will have access to all their guns, they just will have taken a minute or two to set up a new command station.


As for the Strike Cruiser:


"However, as the war raged on and large starships started to become a rare sight, the Imperial Remnant felt the need to make this otherwise reliable, versatile and thus tactically important class of cruisers more durable, which resulted in reinforcing the connections between the cruiser's basic integral structure and the attached modules in order to prevent easy decouplings. Nevertheless, these spots remained the most vulnerable parts of the Strike-class, and pilots and commanders on both sides of the Galactic Civil War adapted their tactics to deal with this knowledge."


Also, when it refers to its weak points, it refers exclusively to proton torpedoes and if unshielded, heavy turbo lasers. If i remember right, most of your ships missiles are concussion missiles, and its the bombers that carry the proton torpedoes, which will be harassed by TIE Phantoms.


Proton Torpedoes >>>>>>>>>>>Concussion Missiles


The concussive missles I have are described as being able to cripple stardestroyers in a single Volley hitting a weak point on a smaller ship and destroying it in that same manner should be more then enough punch. Also this doesn't appear to be the Imperial Remnant this Appears to be the GCW era empire as the Terror was captured by New Republic and turned into another ship.



And where is this source about a secondary Bridge. Either way taking time to reroute power after the first volley means its not firing on anything the Cruisers are still destroyed and while they cant do anything they are getting blasted to bits by my ships.

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