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Removed Cartel Packs' items for sale

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I'll go straight to the point. The most annoying thing I've ever seen on the Cartel Market is when the removal of old cartel packs started, because people are not allowed anymore to get stuff that came just on those packs and if they couldn't get all items of the set; They cant even make copies from collections, and also in a few time the remaining items from those packs will eventually get bounded by people and they'll become extinct. You may say its a tactic so people purchase like crazy before they get removed but Its not fair, specially for the new people who is interested on getting stuff from removed packs but they cant do it because they joined or discovered the game long after such packs were removed (in the end you're losing sales).


My idea is that when a Cartel Pack gets removed you allow through a new button or something in the collections window to purchase items from old packs using CCs. That way you guys will keep getting money from old stuff, people will be happy and the Cartel Market can keep launching new packs and removing old ones without complains.

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First off, most all cartel market items can be found in the gtn. Do they cost more, yes they do. But, why is that a bad thing? I like that I have items that aren't available anymore. I think the biggest problem is, the older cartel packs had better looking items. Did the art team change? I don't know. I just know that the packs since have had horrible looking weapons, compared to the original ones. Edited by Sam_Skyrunner
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I'll go straight to the point. The most annoying thing I've ever seen on the Cartel Market is when the removal of old cartel packs started, because people are not allowed anymore to get stuff that came just on those packs and if they couldn't get all items of the set; They cant even make copies from collections, and also in a few time the remaining items from those packs will eventually get bounded by people and they'll become extinct. You may say its a tactic so people purchase like crazy before they get removed but Its not fair

Fair? It's just a game. "Fun" is what matters. If it's not fun, why do it?

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They'll probably come back at some point. A lot of the items can be bought from Cartel Bazaar rep vendors.


Is it something particular you are after? Most items can still be bought on GTN (although I accept your point that those will be finite).


I dont think they will return, If they do that, it could be another solution to this. But for some reason I doubt they'll bring them back...

And yeah you can find some items at the GTN but most of them are now sold on millions of credits and I mean, ***?!?!... if some items where already around 1.5Mil and 2Mil they are now above 6Mil... Getting those items from the GTN is almost an imposible task now,,,


And yeah there are cool items you can get at the Rep Vendors but the main problem with them is that if you cant get the Packs anymore you cant get Rep items anymore so you wont be able to complete your reputation level and with all that you're going to be unable to get the Legend Rank items.


The best solution is that the removed Pack's items become purchasable for CCs at the Collecions Window or that some none reputation vendor (or a Rep vendor who's reputation level can be grown with items obtainable in other ways than purchasing certain packs) .....


Other solutions are that they make the missing packs available again in a close future...

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I see it as a reward for players that have played the game for a while. Was I around for the Rakghoul Event? No. So I missed out on the rewards. Too bad for me. If you didn't get the items before they were embargo'd, tough luck.


Yeah but that was an event where people could participate without any extra fee in order to get rewarded, we are talking about the Market where the real money is being used. They can make people happier and get some extra money if only they could sell old pack's items once the pack gets embargoed...

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I actually like what they did. Eventually they may resell random packs time to time. But ultimately I see nothing wrong.


I like what they are putting out in the upcoming pack. I hope to see more infantry armors. And more interrogator style robes. I also hope to see more fighter style armor sets for that barbarian look. As far as weapons. I hope they create more like the cathar honor sword only smaller/not as big and not as rare.

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And yeah you can find some items at the GTN but most of them are now sold on millions of credits and I mean, ***?!?!... if some items where already around 1.5Mil and 2Mil they are now above 6Mil... Getting those items from the GTN is almost an imposible task now,,,


I bought loads of my Shipment 1 items after they'd been removed and I don't mean easy stuff - flamehair kowakian, hoverchairs, Revan's armour...


Did it take time? Yes. Did it cost a lot of money? Yes. Was it impossible? Absolutely not.


You just have to ask yourself whether it is worth the time and effort for you.


PS Watch out, Shipment 2 is about to go, so buy now or forever hold your peace!

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