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2nd Digital Expansion


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How is what we have seen is anything like X-WING or TIE? It will be mouse controlled , camera behind the starfighter, arcade physics and all - It is nothing like thoose. And Star Conflict is not an MMO, its a lobby arcade starfigher game - which is exactly what this will be - with the exceptions of having to download the whole 25 gigs of game that has nothing related to it in terms of gameplay.


By "terms of gameplay" I mean actual interactions between the "spacefighter" and the other parts of the game - "earn x tokens in Starfighter to get a costume" does not comply as an interaction.


Or you know, it could be inspired by the countless others like Battlefront 2's space combat compotent, or maybe Rogue Squadron's, or maybe the 17 trillion other Star Wars flight/space sims out there....

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If I was in charge of space combat in this game....


First, I would accept that some folks will not like this current feature being added though in my opinion it is filled with awesomesauce. I would believe in my intuition that this will have wide appeal to even casual folks considering it's essentially level playing field and approachability as designed.


Second, I would DEFINITELY plan to add scenarios that are PVE based using the PVP space combat framework. A whole host of PVE scenarios would be planned.


Third, I would build an individual player version of the new PVP space combat feature, putting in a hard deck, creating low poly player models with a common appearance, and use BF2 as an inspirational reference. The GUI being used for the new feature would be the overall GUI and system utilized...and then see how it goes.


If it goes well, I would add it to the new space combat feature, the ability to land on capital ships, fight on foot, man turrets, take or defend key points on the ships, etc.


I would also set up this new interface to be tested as a new form of PVP....perhaps for large group PVP or as a complete replacement.


Fourth, I would make the following changes to the current space combat feature in the game now.....


1) Remove current progression model due to poor utilization, and institute a separate progression model like the new feature.

2) Add turret play for group members, by adding turrets to each ship and the ability for players to join you on the missions, man a turret and fire at targets.

3) Add the ability for other players to join you in the pipe in their own starships, much like joining any heroic or flashpoint in the game.


This would, IMO, make space combat in this game difficult to beat.


From what I read of the article on this, you're basically describing the attempted gameplay mechanic.

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Not sure, if there's much more to it why wouldn't they list it under "highlights"?


What they announced Makeb with was what Makeb came with. I can't really see things that would knock major socks off add to the list of highlights in time for initial launch. Down the line.


you forget not everything was announced when makeb was first annoucned. Scum and Vililany and the macro binocular and seeker droids quests where not even mentioned until the PTS came. Treek wasn't even mentioned at all until the pts of 2.3 came. Hell the bonus bosses in Terror From Beyond and Scum and Villiany where not even mentioned until players found them on the live servers. Bioware has a track record of keeping things a secret until later.

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New Talent Trees and Abilities for specific ships: Each style of ship will have their own set of talent trees and abilities that you can spec and progress and level up


Space pvp companions. Each faction will be able to access new companions who will help you in your pvp matches.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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There are more things they can put in that players would want.


Day/Night Cycles


Open world PvP

Opening up the planets and allowing housing

Making crafting mean something



Really this whole thing is just a joke and BioWare should be working on those, not something that only 2% of what's left of the player base will play for a week then never do ever again.


2 years later people still haven't figured out this isn't SWG and will never be SWG

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Bounty Hunting

A week long event rather then a rich system like SWG had.



Just yet another daily area.


PvP Arenas

I think I've done 2 so far.


What I and everyone wants is this game to follow in the footsteps of SWG. And does this system offer that? No it doesn't SWG had massive space battles with Fighters, POB's like YT-1300's and Gunships with a full crew of 8 manning them. This is something that people will play for maybe 5 minutes before getting bored and standing around fleet.


You need to get it through you head this isn't SWG and it never will be. They made it clear from the get go they were not gonna be making something similiar to SWG and that they wanted to create they own style of game. They made the choice you need to live with it. Let it go you are not gonna get SWG in TOR and it's not fair to TOR to constantly make it into something it's clearly not.

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I for one just stumbled across this news and squeeeeee'd for an entire breath. Been missing some Star Wars space combat since X-Wing Alliance and the fall of SWG, and Battlefront never really satisfied me, not to mention the current space mini-game I haven't touched in ages. Plus I've wanted to fly what will be the Republic's Striker-class fighter (which makes LEGO's new "Striker" model of the Talon fighter kinda confusing BTW) since I first saw it in the hanger of the old Republic Space Station back in beta. It's obviously inspired by Incom/FreiTek designs, how could I not love it? :w_big_grin: Or rather, Incom will have been inspired by this fighter, if we use in-universe chronology.


Here's hoping this expansion really is a good one!

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I am glad they don't do it so soon again, especially since no new level content comes with it or that all elder game content would suddenly become outdated.


agreed. raising the level cap this soon would make oricrion slightly pointless. give it till spring at least

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What does this mean? Free-to-Play Digital Expansion? It's free DLC?
It means: "We're going to give this one away to subscribers so we don't have to listen to them whine about it for months on end and instead will recover our costs by tempting the lesser tiers to upgrade so they aren't left out of the fun for a month or two."
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I was excited about the whole thing for about 5 minutes until I watched the video. This isn't an expansion.... it is more like a bigger update that added a few maps for 12vs12 pvp space combat. This "expansion" is basically using the same format as current space battles and the only difference seems to be that you can freely move your ship.


my major dissapointments:


1. Space combat still looks like an arcade game.

2. we probably won't have the ability to explore space, like in Star Wars Galaxies.

3. we probably won't be able to invite friends on board so they can man some turrets (like in Star Wars Galaxies).

4. few ships available. I see they have a good selection of one-man fighters but I don't see anything "big".

5. we still can't decorate the inside of our ships.


I mean, I remember that in galaxies we could even buy a space yatch and invite friends to hang out in the lobby of the luxurious ship. Amazing how a game that died is still way better in space combat than SWTOR.

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