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Arena Kickball?


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One nice side effect of the ranked 4v4's is more better games in regular warzones. Most of the games now are close fun matches. It's nice especially for someone like me who isn't competent enough to really do ranked.

regs seem more like blowouts to me. who's blowing out whom is not a constant. but I don't notice many evenly matched games. the overall quality is pretty low but considerably better than when transfers first started. and every so often, you'll run into a cycle of double-premades like iconic and revelation that just makes you roll your eyes...like...really? it's a real feast or famine matchmaking system for regs. the inclusion of reg arenas in the reg q is extra incentive to queue with a balanced grp of healer, tank and 2 dps. i think the inclusion is stupid, but...them's the breaks.

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