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Arena Kickball?


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Being a player that tries to queue 4 man ranked every night either on pub side or imp side, and now there are only 2 or 3 teams that queue up anymore for 4 man ranked, what are people's thoughts on having maybe one night a week set up to do kickball ranked arenas to get ppl's interest into 4 man ranked arenas?
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Sucks for them.

Maybe they'll learn to solo q.

Pops all day. So far lol


solo queue is awful. you get guilds trying to nail super queues of it or you end up with awful scrubs. people complained with 8 man ranked that it was too hard to get a team together. 4 man would be easier and everyone would be doing it. now theres 3 maybe 4 teams i see queueing..

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I've been queuing for team ranked with three Pillars of Ashla guys the past week or so. We've seen a few great teams from MCB, RG and Revelation off the top of my head...I think Unicorns once. The rest are mixed-guild teams. A lot of good fights :) So I don't think team ranked is dead yet...the dust needs to settle still, people need to get geared, etc. Although if it doesn't turn around I guess kickball might be the only option sadly. Unfortunately I've moved to Scotland to study which is 5 hours ahead of server time, which greatly limits how long we're in the queue for before I pass out :(


In general I think we'll be in the team ranked queue from 7-9pm EST sundays and tuesdays, maybe another weekday here and there...on friday or saturday we'll be in the queue for longer. Feel free to seek us out then. Of course the pillars guys might choose to find someone else to replace me and continue queuing after I leave but that's their choice :)

Edited by Underpowered
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It's funny how dead it is already. Kb does sound fun and it would be much easier to get teams going


yea, the first night was great, a lot of teams, constant pops for 4 or 5 hours, and i dont know that ive done as many 4 man ranked matches since that night as i did in that one night...

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MCB don't need to queue for group rated, they get 3-4 mans all day urrrrrrrday. At this point I'm convinced that MCB, RG, the vanguard from Starsider, and Optimus the Rowdy Mando o' Doom are the only pubs that queue solo rated. Dat PvE server PvP population.




That being said, I'd love to be carried to a 2k group rated rating. Them black-purple expertise crystals. So gud.

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mcb don't need to queue for group rated, they get 3-4 mans all day urrrrrrrday. At this point i'm convinced that mcb, rg, the vanguard from starsider, and optimus the rowdy mando o' doom are the only pubs that queue solo rated. Dat pve server pvp population.




that being said, i'd love to be carried to a 2k group rated rating. Them black-purple expertise crystals. So gud.




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I honestly rarely run into scrubs in solo q.

It's always close matches. I guess if you cant stomache losing I could understand.

Rank coms and rank playtime. The suspense of not being in vent with the team and still achieving a victory is a pretty good reward in itself.

If you have to start a kickball to get group q"so going id say move to another server.

:/ kickball was needed to get 8v8s going.

Look where they are now.

Edited by StarveTheEgo
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I'm down for kickball, it is not like ratings matter now, there is no special gear and they are still tied to the ratings we all did a lot of kickball on. Hell, I ran with a three dps shadow group the other day, shows you how much I care.


It would be great if we could get more people involved and therefore people can find the set teams they want to run with for season 1. However, at this point I think the entire PvP community knows each other, seeing as there are like twelve of us.





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If you have to start a kickball to get group q"so going id say move to another server.

:/ kickball was needed to get 8v8s going.

Look where they are now.

was that supposed to make sense? because playing kb or not has nothing to do with the existence of WZs. there never was an 8v8, btw. arenas are 4v4. WZs are objective-oriented maps. it's not even the same game.

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Being bursted down in 2 and a half seconds by your already stacked teams is no fun. Waiting in queue for 10 minutes for 30 seconds worth of actual action is no fun. Arenas blow.


I 100% agree with this. Arenas were made for melee. Ranged classes don't stand a chance.

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I 100% agree with this. Arenas were made for melee. Ranged classes don't stand a chance.


false. these past 2 nights ive been running with a sniper in my comp. RG does very well with their commando dps too. One night we ran 2 madness sorcs and that was pretty fun too.

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I 100% agree with this. Arenas were made for melee. Ranged classes don't stand a chance.


In solo queue as a commando I end up tank kiting teams to death, I don't get to tunnel people but i go in expecting that I'm going to get hit first and plan accordingly. It is a totally different play style from 8v8 objective pvp but it isn't really that bad.


4v4 I dps with a shadow and we seem to do rather well, you need good team work to pull it off but we tend do succeed. Melee is "easier" mainly due to the fact they don't cast anything but as a ranged quick well timed burst is just as effective.

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In solo queue as a commando I end up tank kiting teams to death, I don't get to tunnel people but i go in expecting that I'm going to get hit first and plan accordingly. It is a totally different play style from 8v8 objective pvp but it isn't really that bad.


4v4 I dps with a shadow and we seem to do rather well, you need good team work to pull it off but we tend do succeed. Melee is "easier" mainly due to the fact they don't cast anything but as a ranged quick well timed burst is just as effective.


Not all of us are tanks with tons of HP and DCs made for absorbing tons of damage. Some of us don't have stealth. I haven't done many. Actually went 4-3. But too many times I'm left isolated by assassins in stealth who race ahead for some odd reason to get torn apart. I also drew tanks on my team who don't/won't guard switch.


I'd run with Guildies but we just aren't good enough to compete with the actual teams who do play... And quite simply I really don't have the free time to "practice" and get THAT much better.


The one time I played on my op we won but I'm pretty sure it was because we were running 2 op healers in our 4 person group. Played once on my scoundrel and won that in about 15 seconds because I lucked into a good team.


Just doesn't seem all that fun. Once I'm full obroan (in about 3 months :/) I'm probably never gonna do ranked again and will drop it if I get it solo queueing

Edited by ace_boogie
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Also noticed its really the same 10-12 people having a blast and setting all the arena records... Wonder why? :rolleyes:


Cause we're the only ones queuing and getting the gear/practice.. Which is the same thing that happens in 4v4 queues we all end up fighting the same teams over and over.

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Lol thats exactly right... Only ones queueing because it kinda sucks.



Edit: Whatever... don't mind me. I'm just being a drag. Job getting to me, I'm away from home, I'm dormed with someone I don't like and trying to learn a new language. Everything is *********** annoying me right now

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Lol thats exactly right... Only ones queueing because it kinda sucks.



Edit: Whatever... don't mind me. I'm just being a drag. Job getting to me, I'm away from home, I'm dormed with someone I don't like and trying to learn a new language. Everything is *********** annoying me right now


take yer top off. make friends faster. universal communication. :cool:

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