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Married couple looking for guild with casual progression


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Between the two of us, we have more than a dozen 50+ characters ready for ops--mostly Republic, a few each in the Empire. All crew skills maxed-out many times over, and almost every advanced class covered.


Previous operations experience includes a tank/heals combo (72's) and a heals/dps (69's) combo. But we can run any roles you might need, as long as we can run together.


We would like to commit to a regular start time 1 or 2 nights each week--preferably starting around 8 or 8:30pm Eastern. No preference on days of the week.


Please send private messages with any questions or interest.

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Hammerfist Clan is always open to new members. We accept all levels of characters and players. New or old to this game, we would love for you to join our gaming home.


Hammerfist Clan is a casual dual faction adult only guild. Our guild itself supports multiple MMOs, with a very active forum and our own mumble channel. We understand that real life comes first and we want you to just be able to play with your friends without worrying about minimum time commitment to a game. We have leveling groups as well as run end game content, the most important goal is to always have fun together. There is an application process, but I promise you it is not that hard (they accepted me!)


Our website: http://www.hammerfistclan.com


Our recruitment thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=534302


Good luck in your search!

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Thanks to all who have responded so far.


We will review websites and talk to whomever we can find while we are online in the next few days. We hope to test the waters with a few groups and will see how things go.


If you are recruiting, it's not too late--just drop me a line in the next few days.

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Brotherhood of Eternal Sleep is always recruiting.

I am currently attempting to organize a multi-guild raid organization to make it easier to do true casual play and still be able to have set raid times.

We go through ups (where we have extra people show up for 2 raids a week) and downs (where it's me, the GM and his wife), but are overall active and friendly.


Feel free to contact me ingame (my primary alt is Taeron, otherwise I'm usually on Caathrok) or seek out our GM Kaspr.


website is in my signature. :)

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