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What is the future of the Empire? It's politics, power plays and the Emperor


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I still think that Malgus is somewhere in hiding, and when everyone finds out the Emperor is crazy he'll take control of the Empire and be supported, and the Emperor will be an operation boss.

Malgus is confirmed dead. Bioware updated the flashpoint so you can kill him normally too instead of only through pushing him into the pit to end the speculation that Malgus survived. I really can't blame em. How many people were thrown into bottomless pits and survived in the Star Wars Universe? :rolleyes:

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Malgus is confirmed dead. Bioware updated the flashpoint so you can kill him normally too instead of only through pushing him into the pit to end the speculation that Malgus survived. I really can't blame em. How many people were thrown into bottomless pits and survived in the Star Wars Universe? :rolleyes:


Nearly everyone :p But still, if they were going to kill him off and use Darth Marr instead, the least they could have done was to have Darth Marr be the icon of the Empire from the beginning, I mean his statue was in the Collector's Edition for goodness sake.

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The Empire will enter a new epoch


One where the Empire is united in fear and degradation, Jadus will lead the Empire.


At least until my Imperial Agent is ready to make his power play to reform the Empire according to his own vision. ;)

Edited by KingRoxas
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Malgus is confirmed dead. Bioware updated the flashpoint so you can kill him normally too instead of only through pushing him into the pit to end the speculation that Malgus survived. I really can't blame em. How many people were thrown into bottomless pits and survived in the Star Wars Universe? :rolleyes:



no they didn't. we're just dealing more damage now so the end fight tends to effectivly "bug out" I've seen this bug ages ago back before 2,0 when our group was just REALLY on the ball. it's not that they fixed it, it's just that the damage gets applied so fast he's dead before the next phase can trigger

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We know there are very obvious reason BioWare cannot destroy both Empire and Republic ingame.


On the topic, it's such a shame they have to kill Darth Malgus after put a lot of effort into making him icon of the Empire, however even though his rebellion are failed it's inspired Darth Marr, and many to change the Empire into stronger regime without being shackled by the Emperor.


From my view after watching Empire's Makeb story, and CZ-198. I see the story heading into "Empire strikes back" phase as Republic grows bold but reckless, it's likely the Empire would turn around and won something big but the war are far from over.

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Well, what would you expect? Their Supreme Commander is a Soldier rather than a tactician. And the Supreme Chancellor is an incompetent fool. They voted the worst possible candidate into office, I tell you.


Not to mention that she may have personal desire of revenge since she has suffers from Imperial slavery in her youth. While probably shove off many advices from Republic war strategists then begin to ignore the reality, while had hoped that Empire would stab each other back destroy itself from the inside and leave only weakened state as easy prey.


She shouldn't underestimate her foes, and I think recent events such as Makeb, Oricon even liberation of Balmorra and Corellia has cost the Republic a lot, and if they keep pushing into Imperial space, without more sensible tactic it's likely they will exhaust their forces along the way.

Edited by shamfurdispray
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The issue concerning Saresh is that she must have someone exceptionally powerful behind the scenes backing her. The reason I say this is this:





If you kill this supposedly corrupt, traitorous Senator during the third act, you receive this e-mail, from an unknown sender, claiming that no harm will be brought upon you for doing such thing and that plans are in motion for the Republic to have a stronger leader soon enough.


This at the very least implies - IMO - that the former Chancellor Janarus, was pretty much left to rot by someone higher-up in the Republic hierarchy or by some shadowy organization, namely the GenoHaradan or even the Star Cabal, though the latter is less likely.



Not to mention that she may have personal desire of revenge since she has suffers from Imperial slavery in her youth. While probably shove off many advices from Republic war strategists then begin to ignore the reality, while had hoped that Empire would stab each other back destroy itself from the inside and leave only weakened state as easy prey.


She shouldn't underestimate her foes, and I think recent events such as Makeb, Oricon even liberation of Balmorra and Corellia has cost the Republic a lot, and if they keep pushing into Imperial space, without more sensible tactic it's likely they will exhaust their forces along the way.


According to Darth Malgus, the "conquest" of Corellia cost the Imperial Military 1/10 of their ground forces. It's not like the Empire did exactly well there, regardless of the fact that Grand Moff Regus just chooses to conveniently ignore it, given the knob he is.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Ya I think the Republic vs. Empire Chapter 4 story is going to be like the mission gone wrong in Jedi Knight Chapter 2.


The Empire is predatory, and sometimes predators pretend to be wounded to lure in their prey. While there was plenty of in-fighting throughout the first three chapters, the Dark Council is a bit more united after the SW/SI stories. Thanaton is gone, Baras' shenanigans are over, and the Emperor is even more distant than he was, for a variety of reasons.


I'm gonna put my tin foil hat on for my take on what is gonna happen.


So Lord Scourge mentioned in his vision that the JK would face the emperor, and Scourge would remove the crown from the Emperor's head. We all are pretty sure that the Emperor isn't dead and that the JK is gonna be tied to the Emperor's fate one way or another.


My theory is that Scourge is waiting for his chance to become the Emperor himself, and is using the JK to learn everything he can about the Republic before his ascendance. He is hundreds of years old and has wisdom that normal lifespans can't provide, so he would be a more level-headed and pragmatic Emperor that isn't a galactic parasite.


The Dark Council would still be there, as sort of an advisory group and a series of "department heads" but I doubt that there would be unison in supporting the former Emperor's Wrath who left for the Republic. Heads would roll, but he would have a powerful enforcer with SW, and SI is likely going to become a more important political figure in Chapter 4.


As far as the Republic's boldness becoming foolishness I think the Agent's storyline would involve setting up and springing the trap that puts the Republic military in deep, deep trouble. You already have infiltrated the SIS and have an enormous amount of freedom and leverage through your Chapter 3 sources.


The Bounty Hunter, for their part, ought to go after someone very important to the Republic. Someone suggested Satele Shan, which was a good idea. You could also go for the Supreme Commander, Generals Garza or Var Suthra, or some other critically important person to the military/Jedi hierarchy. Removing leaders causes chaos and that would certainly qualify.


For the Republic, I'd like to see a general theme of "I did the best I could, but it wasn't enough."


Jedi Knight having Scourge betray them, become the Emperor and not being able to stop him would be crushing.


Jedi Consular might have Children of the Emperor to deal with, beats them, but then sees that the Sith outside of that circle have become stronger as he/she hunts down that threat.


Smuggler's new buddies are not exactly pledged one way or the other, and the Empire has a way of scaring people into splitting up - a catastrophic Republic military loss would put that already flimsy alliance to bed.


Trooper could go any number of ways - trying to save people that die before they can, Rakton is sprung and wins, laughing at the Republic's incompetence for allowing him to live, losing one of their squad tragically, etc.

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According to Darth Malgus, the "conquest" of Corellia cost the Imperial Military 1/10 of their ground forces. It's not like the Empire did exactly well there, regardless of the fact that Grand Moff Regus just chooses to conveniently ignore it, given the knob he is.


True, but that doesn't mean the Republic did not suffer heavy casualties, when the Empire invade and after liberated the planet.

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True, but that doesn't mean the Republic did not suffer heavy casualties, when the Empire invade and after liberated the planet.


The fact remains is that there are no Republic leaders, political or military, elaborating on the lack of manpower at the end of Makeb. Same cannot be said when it comes to the Empire, if you take into account Darth Malgus and Darth Marr, in numerous occasions.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The fact remains is that there are no Republic leaders, political or military, elaborating on the lack of manpower at the end of Makeb. Same cannot be said when it comes to the Empire, if you take into account Darth Malgus and Darth Marr, in numerous occasions.


That is true, but while there are no official mention ingame, however judging by the succession of operation for both faction the Empire managed to achieve their goal, secure Makeb and its supply of isotope-5 even though Republic acknowledge that later, they still don't know why the Empire are here in the first place, and they are forced to focus on rescue & evacuation operation for thousands of refugees left behind.


I think even after the successful evacuation, Republic have millions of refugees to deal with, and The Hutt Cartel alliance with uncertainty loyalty, the other evidence that suggest Empire achieve far more than the Republic are Supreme Chancellor Saresh's reaction which confirmed Republic have to waste time, a chunks of resources and money instead of use it for war effort.

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