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Flashpoint Que


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When you get matched up for a Flashpoint, it never tells you which one you're accepting. So you never now until you zone in. Would be handy if it said which Flashpoint you're being matched up for so you know where you're going.
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I have to disagree with this. If people take the random flashpoint option so that they get the bonus commendations, then they just have to take what they get.

Seeing what flashpoint has popped is just a reason for people to drop out of the queue.

In my opinion if players wants a particular flashpoint then use the checkboxes to pick the ones they're willing to do.

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While I see what Zan_Lynx is saying. It also benefits those others in the group that don't care. Just last night I queue up for some FPing. When it finally popped everybody zones in, the tank see's what FP it is, then immediately drops.


So everybody else has one of two options:


1. Drop themselves and re-queue, be put at the back of the queue, and wait for said queue. All because some random player decides he didn't wan that FP.


2. Stay in the FP and wait for group finder to find a tank that has selected "join in progess FP's" (or whatever the wording actually is). Also some of the weekly's say the FP must be completed with the group you started with.


We chose option 2. And it took just under an hour for a tank to join us. Meanwhile we could have been doing something productive.


It would have been better for everybody besides said tank if the tank would have declined to start with.

Edited by altaboy
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While I see what Zan_Lynx is saying. It also benefits those others in the group that don't care. Just last night I queue up for some FPing. When it finally popped everybody zones in, the tank see's what FP it is, then immediately drops.


So everybody else has one of two options:


1. Drop themselves and re-queue, be put at the back of the queue, and wait for said queue. All because some random player decides he didn't wan that FP.


2. Stay in the FP and wait for group finder to find a tank that has selected "join in progess FP's" (or whatever the wording actually is). Also some of the weekly's say the FP must be completed with the group you started with.


We chose option 2. And it took just under an hour for a tank to join us. Meanwhile we could have been doing something productive.


It would have been better for everybody besides said tank if the tank would have declined to start with.


Well a) you don't know they dropped because of the FP it was and b) you didn't have to sit in the FP and wait, you could have exited and gone done something else while you waited (if you stayed in group).


I disagree with the OP's suggestion. If you want certain FPs, just tick those boxes. Otherwise, what does it matter which one you got?

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theres also the problem of getting queued for flashpoints that are either too hard or too easy for your character. When you are the highest level thats still allowed for said flashpoint, you dont get much xp at all for it.


And if not only you, but the entire group is the lowest level allowed for a flashpoint it can often be too difficult as well.

Unless you have a team that really knows how to work together and has descent gear.


They really ought to add more flashpoints for lower levels and just throw in a hardmode for endgame, instead of keep throwing in lategame flashpoints. At that point I dont care anymore anyways, since I'd be focusing on leveling up the next char.

This way they dont need to keep queueing us for flashpoints that dont give much xp and simply arent worth doing.

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