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Combat Medic leveling viable?


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Question for some other combat medics out there. What cell do you normally use while soloing? I've been using armor piercing mostly, but I was wondering if I should switch to plasma so I could also get High impact bolt procs.


The 10% isn't worth the time I find - that cell needs a buff.


The added damage from the armor piercing is a lot better so I tend to use that.


I also use Aric for fast killing of things too - while i'm healing myself on elites he is busy trashing them. :)


Level 36 Combat medic - full heal tree specced. (Nearly at Bacta infusion!)

Edited by supernickx
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I just hit 30, but I'm leveling full combat medic and loving it. I use Jorgan as a companion, and he and I just aoe spam everything down, avoiding the stronger mobs when possible for speed. Stronger mobs and elites are no trouble whatsoever, and since you're wearing heavy armor anyway you can use a DPS companion instead of a tank companion and just heal yourself up inbetween AOEs. There are almost no talents that improve your aoe abilities; this means that a combat medic will AOE farm almost as well as any other spec.


Honestly leveling on my combat medic makes me feel bad for all the jedi I see running around single targeting down mobs one by one. Plus since I'm specced for healing I can always find a place in flashpoint groups and they're a breeze.

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I am level 50 and went healing spec during the entire time. It works really well.


I liked having Yuun out the most. For leveling, post-40 your killing speed slows down, so aim to do as much damage as you can to speed up leveling. In between packs of mobs, I would recharge and reload till almost full then use my instant casts to heal while running to he next pack.


You may want to use Aric. Weapons for Yuun are nearly impossible to find, outside of 1 quest a planet. I tried using orange weapons of other melee varieties for Yuun to no avail.


As another plus, any and all boss fights are a joke as a healer. Enjoy.

Edited by Dacari
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Thing about the combat medic in pve is that he flat out refuses to die. And that mortar volley is still there so damage isn't really an issue either. i routinely do 2man heroics solo at lvl 40. Support cell is Seriously a godsend with the surge buf as you can just focus on heal while the dps companion downs the white mobs. then take down the CCd elite.
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I'm trying to level as a healer and I can safely say that for me, it's insanely difficult, if you're up to a REAL challange, go Medic.

You are doing something wrong then, I think. Just the other day guild mates were discussing how hard a Heroic+4 was, they kept wiping and asked for advice. I didn't have the heart to mention I had soloed the place when I was same level as the Guardian they had as tank there :o


I've gone with Aric all the way. On Tatooine I used M1-4X for a while as the mobs started to hit harder, but once I got to level 30 in Alderaan it was back to Aric. Trauma Probe on Aric, Kolto Bomb yourself and him for the Kolto residues, use advanced medical probe on yourself (or Aric, if he draws lots of aggro; usually you can just keep bouncing aggro between yourself and him), and the AoE stuff down. With you both pumping out AoE, stuff just dies *fast*, just remember to Kolto Bomb you two and refresh Trauma Probe on Aric when needed. When you need to take out single hard mobs, use Supercharged Cells and pump out those (almost) free Charged bolts until the mob stops moving.

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Leveled 1 to 50 as combat medic. No issues. Keep your companions geared, heal flashpoints.


Suggestions if you want to level as healer.

1. Take cybertech as your tradeskill.

2. After coruscant if you are at level 18 or better go to Nar Shadaa and do just your class quest to get 4X, then go back to Taris.

3. Keep Aric and 4X geared. Aric is better for cutting through fluff mobs and 4X for running +2s solo.

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my main is a sentinel, but I rolled a combat medic and am now level 17. comparatively, the difficulty has gone from a 7 to a 2. I'm rolling with the support cell and just letting aric tank strongs/elites while I heal him and occasionally use charged bolts or another high damage ability. All 2+s were soloable on my medic, while my sentinel would get rolled even 3-4 levels above.


sure it takes a bit longer, but still beats dying.

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I don't understand, all medic seemed to have leveled with a tank companion.

I did all my leveling with Dorne, a healer (at least once I got her :o) )


You are just immortal, it may take you some time to bring down some elite mobs but at least YOU can do it. For weak mobs mortar & ion pulse just do wonders.


I tried 4X as tank, cause I liked him, he's so bad, he had a base 20% aborb damage while I had 30%, I was tanking much better than him (had also reactive shield and other damage reducing skills for pvp).


Note that somone on this forum tried 4X with good gear and told that his tanking was still awful.


I would advise to level with Dorne, you tank, she heals, you help her when needed. I could bring down a gold + 2 silver pack, few classes can do that.

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