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Draxus 8-man Story Mode


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There's been some discussion on the Operations forum about this guy, and I'm posting it here because after tonight, I am now convinced that it is a bug,


The DoT called "Affliction" from the Guardians (not to be confused with the "Mass Affliction" from the Corruptors) ticks for MORE damage on Story Mode than it does on Hard Mode. This was verified using Parsec from multiple people. That is is a fact, and I assume it is unintended for the damage output to be greater in Story Mode than in Hard Mode


Additionally, I think the enrage timer on Story Mode is bugged. I don't have exact times to back this up, so this is speculation, not fact. Before we successfully completed him the third time we got to Wave 9, Draxus was enraged when he came down in Wave 9 twice (3 out of the 4 DPS in the group were my normal raid group, dressed in min-maxed 72 mixed with 75's mixed in, who successfully clear multiple fights in Nightmare TFB/SnV). In Hard Mode, we did not enrage.


After doing the fight in 8-man Hard Mode as well, I can say with certainty that the Hard Mode version of the fight is EASIER than the Story Mode version of the fight.


I did the fight in 16-man Story Mode, and it SEEMED like the Affliction DoT was ticking for a more reasonable amount, but I do not have any numbers to back that up. It's possible that the addition of more healers made it seem this way. Additionally, we experienced no enrage even though we had multiple DPS who weren't very geared (for example, a Marauder in 63-PvP gear, level 30 green relics, and a blue Microfilament CUNNING implant), and with a few DPS dying during the fight. Therefore, it's possible this may be bugged in 8-man only.



These are my observations from first-hand experience in both SM and HM. I have also talked to my raid group, one of our guild's other raid groups, and other players, who all echo my feelings.

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I haven't done it on HM (progression starts tonight), but I have done it on 8m SM and it hits ridiculously hard if you're not prepared for it and don't have fairly top-tier healers (i.e., will stop most pugs in their tracks). We had to remove one healer from our raid and I had to take over, though I now realize they probably weren't doing that bad.


I took my last 3 logs where I got it each time, looking at the Damage Taken tab on TORparse, which yielded the following information for my Sage:



03:20:47.586311sAffliction 6418




the Fortress03:20:55.547319sAffliction6418














03:40:44.974363sAffliction6275 internalNoGuardian of the Fortress

03:40:46.973365sAffliction 6275

Fortress03:40:49.034368sAffliction 6275

Fortress03:40:50.977369sAffliction 6275

Fortress03:40:53.024372sAffliction 6275

Fortress03:40:54.987373sAffliction 6275

Fortress03:40:57.008376sAffliction 6275 internal








Affliction6275 internal Guardian of the Fortress


(Not sure why the 5k ticks in the last log, but that's still pretty damn hard.) This is uncleansable by anything besides my god bubble and just requires much better gear/coordination than a SM ought to.


By comparison, Mass Affliction from the Corruptors, which is cleansable, hit for a paltry 798 internal - 1141 internal according to my logs. Here's a link to my log if you want to see for yourself (it's listed as Affliction NOT Mass Affliction near the bottom of most logs on damage received).

Edited by Mugen_no_Jidai
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I'm more curious as to the enrage timer. Anyone experience one that seemed short for geared players doing SM, or do you figure it was just being new to it and not killing adds fast enough? Still seems like it's pretty tight for the average PUG. Edited by Askesis
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Same issues, 8m SM.


According to my logs the uncleansable "Affliction" from Guardian of the Fortress (not "Mass Affliction") hits for 6275 damage / hit. Seems to hit every 2 seconds with 7 ticks. Same person can be affected by two at same time, for extra fun. :)


Enrage is at 8 minutes, which seems very tight for SM. You have to kill add waves quickly to avoid it. Cannot remember ever hitting enrage on SM ops before.


Torparse example, wiping on enrage:


Edited by Korntorn
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I'm more curious as to the enrage timer. Anyone experience one that seemed short for geared players doing SM, or do you figure it was just being new to it and not killing adds fast enough? Still seems like it's pretty tight for the average PUG.


Same here, we got enrage at around wave 8 everytime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's been a marked improvement with this fight but I think it's still way above the suggested gear level and is way out of line with the rest of the operation bosses. I love the encounter, but a group with a gear average close to 72s, average DPS, and an understanding of the fight shouldn't be close to the enrage timer.


My number one suspect is the Dispatchers, on my combat logs, the dispatchers on 8-man hit harder (1320 vs 1200) and have a higher DPS (190 vs 135 on a healer, the variance my be greater on a DPS) than 16-man. While their output doesn't directly effect our DPS much(healers can't DPS as much, may have to stall a wave to top off on health), but I'm thinking it could mean that their health is as high or higher on 8-man SM vs 16, that would definitely increase the length of the fight.


Another possibility is that the Enrage timer is tighter than it needs to be. We didn't run it perfectly clean, but as over-geared as we are, we should have plenty of time to spare. We did beat it after wiping against the enrage twice, Draxus died 2-4 seconds after enraging, we easily one-shot the other 4 bosses.

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