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so this is considered to be the big pvp patch????


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Sure, this is what was said about 2.4. So excuse me for considering this a weak "update"...


What you consider it to be has nothing to do with what was discussed. That's your right. Just quit complaining when others enjoy the updates to the game.


And btw saying "grow up" and "lolz" in the same sentance simply doesn't work, sorry. And maybe get your facts straight next time...


LOL Um sorry but you're wrong there. That was not in the same sentence. Matter of fact it was a sentence apart. You might have meant same paragraph...LOLZ

Oh and what facts? You didn't post any facts to contradict what I said.


EDIT: I do agree with you though; This was NOT a pvp update, but it should have been.

And WHY should it have been?

Especially considering SWTOR was not intended to be a PvP game. That was just an added bonus.

I agree with what the Devs said at Germany. PvPers are "happy" for the most part if they have something to kill! Otherwise why would you continue Qing day in and out, even after your dailies are done, the same PvP matches? It's bc you just want to kill the other players, be it Imps or even "training" exercises with your own side.


Most of the people I have read complaining about the new patch today are just whining. lolz Few have had legitimate concerns.

But hey, if that's how you want to spend your day, hoping that the DEVS or someone with importance, reads your complaints and says "Oh my gosh! Twin is not happy with how the patch is, we need to change it for them or we might lose their sub.". You just keep drinking that Jawa juice! lolz :p

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Oh and what facts? You didn't post any facts to contradict what I said.


And WHY should it have been?


Maybe you should read his 2 edits, and it will become clear to you why. If you did read them already and you still need to ask; you're an idiot.

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What you consider it to be has nothing to do with what was discussed. That's your right. Just quit complaining when others enjoy the updates to the game.




LOL Um sorry but you're wrong there. That was not in the same sentence. Matter of fact it was a sentence apart. You might have meant same paragraph...LOLZ

Oh and what facts? You didn't post any facts to contradict what I said.



And WHY should it have been?

Especially considering SWTOR was not intended to be a PvP game. That was just an added bonus.

I agree with what the Devs said at Germany. PvPers are "happy" for the most part if they have something to kill! Otherwise why would you continue Qing day in and out, even after your dailies are done, the same PvP matches? It's bc you just want to kill the other players, be it Imps or even "training" exercises with your own side.


Most of the people I have read complaining about the new patch today are just whining. lolz Few have had legitimate concerns.

But hey, if that's how you want to spend your day, hoping that the DEVS or someone with importance, reads your complaints and says "Oh my gosh! Twin is not happy with how the patch is, we need to change it for them or we might lose their sub.". You just keep drinking that Jawa juice! lolz :p


Yeah maybe i meant a paragraph, or maybe i didn't consider "lolz" in itself to be its own sentance, without punctuation. Either way, i can just hope the point got across.


You said this wasn't a pvp update, but opposed to that Bruce specifically pointed at 2.4 and wrote: " the next big PvP update" and thereby set the word going. BW knew all along that every pvper reffered to 2.4 as the pvp update, and not once did they go out to say otherwise - so the only info we had was what Bruce wrote, and that was that this was supposed to be a big pvp update. And yeah, that contradicting what you claim.

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