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Currently active force using organazations. Any you would like to see?


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Before I start I'm just going to say that the Dathimor witches are not on this list so don't say you want to see them. They don't exist yet.


Followers of Palawa- Force sensitives from Bunduki they were originally from the planet Palawa but migrated when the planet was destroyed during a war. These force sensitves were usually dark side users. Most notable for there development of the martial art of teras kasi which as used to combat the jedi order.


Sorcerers of Tund- force users from an outer rim world that was later destroyed by a creature known as a Croke. not much is really known about the Sorcerers of Tund beyond the fact that they thought of the force as magic and stayed away from outside interference. They declined the Jedi Orders offer of assistance repeatedly.


Baran Do Sages- pretty much the same thing as the Voss mystics the Baran Do Sages were able to predict things with an incredible degree of accuracy. Their home planet Dorin joined the Republic in 5975 B.B.Y. and most of the young force sensitives became Jedi the order survived by training those that were identified as force sensitive to late for the Jedi order to take in.


Mecrosa Order- A coalition of noble familes in the Tapani sector the Mecrosa Order was originally sward to defend the House Meciti. Founded around 4200 B.B.Y. the Order fell two the dark side sometime around two centuries afterward. It is thought that the Jedi destroyed the order shortly after the war with Exar Kun though occasional rumors suggest otherwise.


The Krath- an organization that dabbeled in sith arts and alchemy the Krath were supposed to be dealt with by Ulic Qel-Droma. While this attempt ended badly the rise of Exar Kun and the creation of his sith empire took much of the groups power away from them. While no records of them are seen after the war there is still the possibility they are around.


Aing-Tii- I don't know much about them other than they are powerful force users. No idea when they formed but They tend to hang around the Kathol Rift waiting for a response from "the Ones Who Dwell Beyond the Veil." capable of transporting matter instantly. No force levitation required.

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To the OP, your appraisal of the Krath is incomplete :)


To offer a little deeper background on their story, they began as a gathering of aristocrats from the Empress Teta system who had too much power, not enough maturity, and definetly too much time on their hands. They began dabbling in the Sith arts, introduced to its sorceries by the leaders of the Krath, Satal and Aleema Keto, who after learning those techniques staged a coup and became the leaders of their home system. They waged a civil war on the other worlds of their system, called the Krath Holy Crusade, and being notorious dark siders spawned by the Sith of Onderon (as King Ommin had taught them how to translate the Sith tome they had stolen), the Jedi opposed them, which led to Ulic trying to infiltrate them, only to be turned to the Dark Side and become one of the Krath leaders himself.


After the Qel-Droma debacle, Exar Kun's ascension ran into a crash course with other Sith practitioners in the galaxy, so he attempted to crush them, which only ended up in his becoming the Dark Lord of the Sith, and allying himself with the champion of the Krath, Ulic. They did not cease to exist then, and merely joined in Kun's Sith Empire, fighting in his war as seen on Kemplex IX, Foerost and Coruscant. While Aleema died on the assault at Kemplex IX, the Krath apparently outlived her for what was left of the war (not much, but still there is no indication they were wiped out).


The Krath were named after a demon from the Empress Teta mythology, and its leader Aleema was quite gifted in the use of Sith illusions. After their incorporation into Kun's Brotherhood of the Sith, they would most likely have been granted free reign over many Sith secrets, and would have become more deadly. If there were any survivours to Kun's Brotherhood, I'd be willing to wager there'd be at least one of the Krath to "keep the tradition alive". I'd vote for the Krath.

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