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Do you have a vision? Do you see yourself as a Guild Leader for an Empire RP Guild?


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.. now is the chance. I've just taken over The Sovereign Order, which is a guild that started out great, but more or less fizzled to nothing.


Now, in order to restart the guild, I'm looking for some good officers. I have limited gametime, but lots of experience running things. I used to run a PW back in the NWN days (if you don't know what I'm talking about, ask someone older than 25...), so I've got that thing down. What I need now, is some good people who would like to help me run things.


My vision is to make an Empire-side guild that caters to both hard-core gamers focussing on the exact right piece of gear and casual RP:ers, who are more interesting in finding the coolest outfit for their cantina RP sessions.


The guild would be a welcome place for anyone, but leaning towards RP. Our future members can be PVP:ers and focus on game mechanics, but I'd prefer if they stay IC in game and use one of the guild channels for OOC stuff.


If you think that RP:ing evil means you need to be obnoxious and unfriendly, this is not for you. But, if you're into RP and know that being an Empire player allows you to be both friendly and Sith, I need you!


If you need the galaxy-saving RP and can't stand sitting around in a Cantina, flirting, this is not for you. But, if you enjoy helping newbies along the right path to becoming a good RP:er, I need you!


So, apply now! Tomorrow it might be too late... :-)

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Hi :)


I just created a new Impieral Agent and is around level 5 i had some good rp on the republic side but to be honest i wanted to try the empire but i haven't really been able to find any guilds to join i'm looking for a rp guild where the rp makes sense and everyone isn't heroes and extremely powerful and i was considering joining your guild however just as a normal member but i would like you to explain a bit further what sort of roleplay you guys have ?

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Well... My favourite kind of RP is what I call "low-key RP". Not everyone is saving the universe all the time. Sometimes you relax in a cantina and talk about the weather. Sometimes you call your buddy the Master Jedi and catch him at a bad time (since he's talking to me, he fails to notice the gundark behind him and ends up in the hospital with two cracked ribs... The law of unintended consequences...). Sometimes your innocent character doesn't understand that she's being seduced, which leads to hilarious misunderstandings and some awkward situations.


That's the kind of RP I want.

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So, recruiting is under way. We're still in need of some staff. For instance would I like to have someone for the role of "Supreme Commander", which is basically the person organizing events and running PvP things (which I know absolutely nothing about...).


There are several other interesting roles available, so feel free to visit us at t-s-o.enjin.com !

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So, I tried PvP for the first time ever. It was a new experience and I am now convinced that we need a PvP General in the guild. Any takers?


Also, we need an RP Councelor and someone who can lead end-game-content raids.


Feel free to apply on the forums: t-s-o.enjin.com !

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  • 2 weeks later...
Right. We're approaching 50 members now. Soon we'll be enough people online all the time to arrange some events. We could use a few more senior members, though. PvP General, RP Councelor and Uber Craftmaster are some examples. So, join now and make a difference!
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I'd love to join, and possibly become a PVP General. Lots of experience, and two full Conq geared chars, mara and sniper. The names are Kristallklar and Kûngen. Can I join?


1. Find someone from The Sovereign Order in game, ask for an invite.

2. Post your application on the forums: t-s-o.enjin.com.


Then we'll see. For instance, I have no idea what you're talking about: "Conq geared"... So, chances are that you have a shot at being appointed.


By the way, to me it's crystal clear why you chose your character names...

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So, we're making progress. Bank established. Several interesting leader candidates have joined. I think we'll have a PvP academy up and running quite soon. We have for the moment a teamspeak server available to us.


Or, short version: Wheee!

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