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Ridiculousness of Social Point Vendors


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I know, and I didn't claim to have social 4, but you're missing my point. The social ranks are a rewards system that requires players to put in time and effort for the rewards so they end up spending more time playing the game. Take that away by making the social ranks trivial to achieve and you end up with more bored players quicker.


I hate making a comparison to WoW, but the Winterspring mount (pre easy mode quest line) would take a couple of days, if not weeks realtime to farm enough rep to get. It's not compulsory to do, but people still did it because they wanted it, and they put in the time to get it. Same goes for the social ranks. You want something that's social rank X, so put in the time and effort to earn social rank X to get your reward. Wanting social ranks to be relative to your character level would make the system trivial.


The point she is trying to make and in truth is the most valid one is this. The location of the social level 4 items. You go to the higher level planets and can buy Social 1 and 2 items but you go to the next progress planet and they only offer Social level 4. That's the problem really being pointed out. I would expect to buy a Social level 2 item on Taris but not a social level 4.


To use your WOW reference here it would be like walking into Ashenvale to a vendor for armor to be sold level 45 white gear and then traveling to Winterspring and finally seeing level 20 white gear for RP.

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A little off topic but YES! THANK YOU!

People keep saying "Oh it has part of their brain in it. They can't move 'em."


Really guys, if it was that sensitive and an important part, they'd get wicked vertigo everytime they stepped on a fast moving elevator. Or get knocked unconscious everytime their lekku hits their back from running. You just cant grab 'em and squeeze them. You can touch them and move them around. It doesn't hurt.


</offtopic rant>


I love Twi'leks, i wish more classes on Empire could be Twi'leks.

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