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Hood Up/Hood Down Toggle


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  • 8 months later...
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  • 9 months later...
Still waiting on a hood toggle. I think it would be a fantastic option.


Hood up, hood down ... AND REMOVE HOOD ENTIRELY. I freaking hate hoods. Up, down - doesn't matter. I hate them. Why? Because they turn my characters bald. It's not super obvious on some hoods but on others it's glaringly obvious.


And while I'm ranting about hoods, I'll toss in capes. I HATE CAPES! Stop putting capes on things! How about we have a toggle to remove them too! They clip and they don't move like cloth most of the time and they clip and half the time they just look silly and they clip! I get it, Vader had a cape! Doesn't mean I want my characters to wear one. There are a bunch of outfits I'd otherwise love if they didn't have a hood (either up or down) or a cape! *pout*


Ok, rant over.

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  • 3 years later...
Still waiting for this to happen Bioware :rolleyes:

Which in particular? Up/Down is unlikely to happen because all the existing hood-up and hood-down gear would need to be modified to use it (which means time in the 3D modelling studio they use to add the geometry and UV maps etc.).


Hide/show clearly already exists (look at all the hood-hiding helmets and the fact that neither Twi'leks nor Togruta show hoods), so changing the condition for hiding a hood to "toggle is set to hide *or* species hides hood" doesn't seem such a big thing.

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  • 7 months later...
Which in particular? Up/Down is unlikely to happen because all the existing hood-up and hood-down gear would need to be modified to use it (which means time in the 3D modelling studio they use to add the geometry and UV maps etc.).


Why? Togrutas don't show hoods. So the models are already out there.

Edited by Pricia
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Why? Togrutas don't show hoods. So the models are already out there.

They *do* show downed hoods, though. They hide "up" hoods.


EDIT: more to the point, if a Toggie wears a "hood up" chest piece, the hood *disappears*. If people want it to be *down* instead of disappearing(1), BioWare would need to add a "down hood" version of the piece. In the same vein, there are some pieces that have "down" hoods but don't have an equivalent "up hood" version, and they'd need to do something for that.


(1) That's how I read "up/down toggle" - a toggle that switches the chest piece between "hood is up" and "hood is down". Current "Hides Hood" things (certain helmets, Togruta, Twi'leks) *hide* the "up" hood, but don't replace it with a "down" hood.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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UPD 2021: is there any certain covert helmet or quite a minimalistic head slot item to hide the hood for a human char atm and therefore leave the head area 'clear'?

There isn't a "covert energy" helmet, but there are some minimalist helmets that are marked to hide hoods. Most of them are circlets and similar, except that frequently they only look minimalist on Pubsiders.


The problem with those helmets is that during a cutscene that hides your helmet, the game *also* hides the hood-hiding capability of the helmet, so the hood comes back.

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i like to see it happing that there come's a option to turn the hood up or down.

since i know 1 suit where i like to see the hood up and not down.

the suit name is: Righteous harbinger's chestguard its from the licht side token npc and you can see it has a hood but its down will the dark side version has it up so the toggle option is something i like to see in my case with that type suit.

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They *do* show downed hoods, though. They hide "up" hoods.


EDIT: more to the point, if a Toggie wears a "hood up" chest piece, the hood *disappears*. If people want it to be *down* instead of disappearing(1), BioWare would need to add a "down hood" version of the piece. In the same vein, there are some pieces that have "down" hoods but don't have an equivalent "up hood" version, and they'd need to do something for that.


(1) That's how I read "up/down toggle" - a toggle that switches the chest piece between "hood is up" and "hood is down". Current "Hides Hood" things (certain helmets, Togruta, Twi'leks) *hide* the "up" hood, but don't replace it with a "down" hood.


Ok I see what you mean. Yeah... I don't care about the hoods down. I want a show hood option then...

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