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Leveling up a new Marauder


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I'm new to the class.I have a level 51 Juggernaut and I wanted to try out a Marauder.Which skill tree is best for leveling up and which one is best for pvp?


Since you'll be fighting a lot of trash rage is probably the best, the dots from annihilation takes too long to ramp up.

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Since you'll be fighting a lot of trash rage is probably the best, the dots from annihilation takes too long to ramp up.


For leveling, anni's thrash dealing is mostly made through direct damage ability. You get the refund on vicious slash right at start (without delaying yourself in your tree) which does rather well. While end game its not very good, force scream can still be decent add nuker, and that smash is still there.


However a tactic I like is using a dps companion and sending him/her on thrash while I apply bleeds to the strong. Typically an opening of DS-rupture-ravage's going to throw them face down rather fast. I've gotten 1k dps on thrash fight with my 38 watchmen sentinel today.


So in the case of a tightly grouped thrash pack, rage's awesome, but most of them like putting a few ranged all over the place.

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