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Revan's color bug - EricMusco... please do your job as CM and fix this issue.


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Do you see that picture EricMusco? if you do, then please fix his color bug. Either respond to this thread or Magnusheart's thread


This post is completely false and arrogant.

"Hey guys,


I wanted to try to clear up any confusion about Revan's armor and where it stands right now. I feel like I should preface this by saying that you guys might disagree with us on this, but I still feel it is worth reiterating our stance.

The stance of(With all due respect) ignorance.

When we made the most recent change to Revan's armor what we did was to identically mirror Revan who is found in The Boarding Party Flashpoint (the hood up version). He mirrors that NPC exactly except that we fixed the double hood issue.

He mirrors the bugged version. Yes, we understand that.

Yes, I do understand that there is some disagreement around the colors currently present on Revan's armor, in that it once appeared black and it is now lighter following 1.6. As stated, the top and bottom of Revan's armor are made to be exact duplicates in palette color. Due to the way lighting and cloth textures work in our game, you can see a color variant even in the same color, as you are seeing now with Revan's armor.

Then please explain the picture, and don't tell me for one second that you can't possibly make his armor(Yes, his whole set is bugged) darker.

I know you guys feel really strongly about Revan's armor and believe me I can appreciate your passion for it. As it stands now, we see Revan's armor being as intended and not having any bugs present. With that, we are closing this thread. I want to also use this time to reiterate that discussion of moderation, such as previously closed threads, are not permitted on the forums. Thanks for your understanding.

I apologize EricMusco, however the BS meter is off the charts with that statement.



Hey guys,


I wanted to add a bit of clarity to the post in this thread, and my update from this morning. This is all of the information I have about Revan's armor, what was or wasn't changed, and why. When we originally saw the double hood issue we also noted that it appeared there was a color difference in the armor between the player and NPC. Our plan was to mirror the NPC exactly for the player for consistency. When we fixed the double hood and we looked at the color palette, the armor sets were already identical in color so no change was actually required.

You compared the color bug to the color bug.

The issue that I think some players appear to be seeing is that the top portion of Revan's armor is not the same as the bottom or the "light grey bug." Interestingly, they are the exact same color. Yes, Revan's top may appear slightly lighter, but they are the same color, it is just a matter of how it is laying on the cloth (similar to how dye's can affect different armor pieces differently). The reason it appeared that the CM armor and NPC armor looked different is that you only typically see Revan in darker lighting, so his coloring looks a bit different then when you are running around in varying lights in the open world on your character.

That isn't even the issue. Please take a moment and actually LOOK at the picture.

The lighting looks the same EricMusco. The picture proves you wrong again.

When I said originally there would be a color shift along with the double hood, we were also under the impression it would require a color shift to appear the same as the NPC armor. Unfortunately after looking over the NPC armor it appears it was already the same color, so no color shift occurred.

You compared a color bug to a color bug.

I hope that clears things up and apologize for any confusion!

I'm a little confused. Is everybody on your dev team colorblind, or just lazy?


I don't understand why you're intentionally neglecting Revan's color bug issue. A lot of people that have talked to you claim that you're "Chill", "Down to Earth", and sympathize for the community yet you turned your back on us. I am disappointed that you don't appreciate KOTOR, this game, the lore, or your customers.


Best regards,


Edited by SithEBM
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A lot of people that have talked to you claim that you're "Chill", "Down to Earth", and sympathize for the community yet you turned your back on us. I am disappointed that you don't appreciate KOTOR, this game, the lore, or your customers.


Best regards,



I am afraid I gotta agree with the last sentence, especially when it comes to looks and gear. :( This is really what bothers me most over all the bugs, glitches and lack of balance.


Why is it so hard guys?

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I am afraid I gotta agree with the last sentence, especially when it comes to looks and gear. :( This is really what bothers me most over all the bugs, glitches and lack of balance.


Why is it so hard guys?


EricMusco has no excuse whatsoever to fix Revan's color bug.

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