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Weird Hybrid build


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Just for fun's sake, I tried out this random hybrid build. Focus/Combat hybrid in Shii-Cho form.




The main damage from this build comes from using a *free* Bladestorm during a precision window, followed by an auto-crit Force Sweep. Everytime I have full Centering, which happens approximately 1 in every 2 precision windows, I get to use Singularity + Autocrit Force Sweep > Bladestorm > Zealous Leap/Dispatch for huge damage.


There's a few problems with this build though. I don't get any Ataru form procs with Ataru forc, but switching to Ataru makes me lose Singularity and Free Bladestorms. That pretty much means, the two points I've put in Ataru form to unlock the next tier, are effectively wasted. Also, I don't get Force Exhaustion, meaning Singularity's much harder to get.


So, what do you guys think of this build?

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Hybrid builds aren't viable for sents/maras. All skill trees have at low tiers skills that benefit one specific form, and all the top tier talents are key to the success of the build.

This particular build only allows you to lolsweep once every zen, and you don't get the double PS window. It's a lose on both short fights that may be over by the time you build up centering and on long fights where the PS windows are cut in half, not to mention all of the skill points you have to waste to reach PS in the first place. Doing this for a free BS under PS is just not worth it, because that BS you'll be using is missing 100% crit chance and 10% more damage that is granted by OA

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Yeah, I know I lose way too much damage this way. The only plus side I noticed to this, is the fact that no one is mentally trained for a 100% armor pen Smash > BS > Dispatch. They always stun me right after my first leap, and then eat 15k damage in a few seconds.


This will be pretty useless in PvE though. It's damage is too high for trash, and too low for bosses.

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That build is just stupid and has no benefits at all.

A procced BS will do more damage then an auto crit sweep in that build because you aren't taking the extra crit dmg in focus tree.

Also you say your rotation is PS>Sweep>BS>Dispatch...you know you can only use Dispatch on targets under 30% HP?

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