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[Petition] - Pyro/Assault PT/VG - Keep Bursting Flame as is on Live


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Would have posted this in PTS forums but they are closed now. Also posting in PVP forums.


I will be using PT terminology but as usual this all applies to VG mirror.


On the PTS they reworked the "Bursting Flame" talent so that Flame Burst would only give a 60% chance to apply the CGC DOT instead of the 100% chance it's had since release. In return they made it so Rocket Punch has a 100% chance to apply the DOT.


This is a very large QOL decrease, especially for PVPers. One of the reasons I/we rolled this class and spec was because it was difference from other melee and ranged classes - it had a 10m range for its "bread and butter" ability (flame burst dot). Being able to maintain a distance of 10m to use our main ability which also resets rail shot is/was a core function of the class. By implementing this change you are forcing this spec to be a more melee heavy (4m) spec to be able to put out reliable damage. This goes against the original design principles of the class which is not good.


IMHO this kills the spec. I played it on the PTS extensively and it ended up just feeling clunky and awkward with positioning and the required new rotation priority to maintain damage.


Don't get me wrong. I love the new defensive capabilities of the pyro spec and the lower cost of Incendiary Missile. I also like the buffs to tactics. But none of that changes the fact that the change to the Bursting Flame Skill is a QOL decrease.


Pyro and assault players sign here if you agree this skill needs to stay the same as on live.


Other things to note (but not part of the petition):

- I am not advocating for Pyro PTS to be faceroll easy. If the devs want to increase the skill cap on the class, great. Just not like this with QOL decreases.

- It would be really nice if Thermal Det damage was frontloaded with no dot. I realize that the DOT effect helps PVE-ers because it is elemental damage which ignores armor, so the Devs would need to change the damage type/amount or give it armor pen to keep everyone happy.

- Rail shot should either have it's armor pen increased to what it was before the nerf --OR--increase the CGC or IM damage by 25%. Both would be OP, but their nerf to both after 2.0 was too much.

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While these types of efforts are genuinely appreciated, they really don't do anything to change what the dev's are going to do. Pyro will continue in a downward trend regarding DPS until about 3.x, when they'll buff slightly.


In other words, be prepared for another year of mediocre at best, to awful at worst, Pyro damage.

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I've explained this a hundred times.


Keep the change.




EDIT: Oh, and since you're on about the original concept...The original concept was never 10 meters. The original concept was 30 meters->Thermal Detonator->Incendiary Missile->Rail Shot->keep running forwards->10 meters->Flame Burst->Keep running forwards->Rail Shot/Rocket Punch/Railshot->Target Dead...If not, then - and only then - would you start abusing Flame Burst like hell (because RP is on CD) for the kill.


Increased range for IM and TD? Now, there's a petition for you.

Edited by easeyway
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Increased range for IM and TD? Now, there's a petition for you.


Yes, put us in line with Operative Lethality and their 30m DoTs. Maybe get the DoT from TD to be AoE like corrosive Grenade too? Seriously though, why do Operative keep 30m DoTs?

Edited by Melon_Lord
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Yes, put us in line with Operative Lethality and their 30m DoTs. Maybe get the DoT from TD to be AoE like corrosive Grenade too? Seriously though, why do Operative keep 30m DoTs?


Most likely because Lethality was a rarity in pvp. The influx of pyro spec'd players can really be attributed to BW's patchwork in 1.2 and 1.3. Patch 1.2 did a good job at removing any spec diversity, leaving players with only full Shieldtech or Pyro as options. Patch 1.3 destroyed Shieldtech with the nerfs to Stockstrike/Rocket Punch. The only advantage to the Tank spec was its damage potential, it lacked any useful cds and shield/armor were well known to mitigate very few attacks in pvp.


I'd love to see the range returned to Pyro, it would make the spec much more interesting to play. I doubt we will ever see such a change.

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