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Obsessed or not?


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When you play SWTOR are you fanatical that you have to do everything to the letter or is this just a game to you that you play when you feel like it? I play SWTOR most nights but if i dont play then it's fine. I also play it as a game and not make it out to be my reality, for instance if im not in a guild then that is fine and if I dont do 3 dailies and 4 Flashpoints a day then that is ok with me.


But each of us are different, what's you take on it

Edited by Zandoezan
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do you really enjoy playing it like that? I love the stories in the game, or actually any story driven game i almost crave for, but doing mindless repetative missions/heroics/flashpoints whatever you call them is boring to me. I find it hard to up the specs of my lvl55 Jedi.


Edit: what i mostly find annoying is that once lvl55 i can only really do flashpoints/dailies but most of these require me to join up with someone else. I dont have the time to sit around waiting for others to say '"yes ill join you"


When game came out I made sure my main did everything. Now a days I just do X amount of side quests and just build up a ton of rested xp to level up.
Edited by Zandoezan
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When game came out I made sure my main did everything. Now a days I just do X amount of side quests and just build up a ton of rested xp to level up.


Yea that's similar to me. The more interested in the game the more completionist I become towards it.

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do you really enjoy playing it like that? I love the stories in the game, or actually any story driven game i almost crave for, but doing mindless repetative missions/heroics/flashpoints whatever you call them is boring to me. I find it hard to up the specs of my lvl55 Jedi.


I bought the game to play it, so yes, all the extra stories, etc were worth it to me. Otherwise it is a waste of my money to not experience everything at least once.


Now a days it is nothing but the same mindless grind with new skins for daily zones, but during beta / launch everything at least felt like it had a new story to back up why I had to do XYZ.

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Mmmm, this is where i was dissapointed with the Hutt Cartel DLC, i thought it was going to be a story driven and new heroic/flashpoint/dailies type of addon but instead it was not. I even bought it when i was still a preffered customer.


I bought the game to play it, so yes, all the extra stories, etc were worth it to me. Otherwise it is a waste of my money to not experience everything at least once.


Now a days it is nothing but the same mindless grind with new skins for daily zones, but during beta / launch everything at least felt like it had a new story to back up why I had to do XYZ.

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Quite the contrary. I play the game the way I want to and yes it does mean I spend quite a bit of time on the game but I am certainly not obsessed that I have to do everything.


It means when I log in I do what I want to which is either; pvp, leveling my alts, crafting or operations. But I do not on no ones time except on scheduled raid nights and guild events. But other than that I do what I want when I want to and log off when I've had enough

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