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Hi! I'm just about to roll a Sent! I hear this class is OP or is this a lie?


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They are a very powerful class but i think people exaggerate how faceroll they are since i find most other classes i've tried are easier to play then sentinel and there are many sentinels player that can barely do any dmg as focus spec in wzs lol.


Also there will and always has been (even before focus buffs) qq about sentinels being OP due to the nature of the class, they are in your face, there could be a sniper/merc in the back critting someone for 8-10k but the sentinel will get the blame. The def cds of the class are very strong yes but its to make up for the lack of a proper hard stun and we don't really have any cc immunity like a few other classes. Prepare to be stunned alot as a sentinel.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I don't think the class is OP. I'll address the class and specs for PvP and PvE:



Yes, Focus, on account of it being an AoE-based spec, can put up big numbers in PvP but the nature of the rotation makes it slightly less effective against a team with competent heals. Combat has very good burst dmg but can be neutralized or mitigated through stuns and roots during PS windows and is also a slightly capricious spec as there are times certain skills won't proc which results in a dps loss.



Although both Combat and Watchman are viable in PvE, I don't' think either are OP vis-a-vis other rDPS classes. Not only are there fights that penalize the two respective specs, there are also a number of fights that are rather rough on all mDPS compared to rDPS as there is either a great deal of movement -- which requires the mDPS to move with the boss -- or the fights employ boss mechanics that are easier to observe with an rDPS (e.g., NiM Dread Guards).


I would say that he biggest difference between, say gunslingers and sents, is that if you fail to properly manage you energy for slingers twice in a short period of time you're stuck spamming the auto-attack for a not insignificant period of time. Suboptimal energy management for Sents obviously results in a dps hit but it is relatively easy to recover from the mistake and resume normal rotation/priority.

Edited by Karaya_One
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