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Unicorn Hate Thread..again


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lolz what class does he play? like i said ive never seen him, or I dont remember seeing him anyway :(


Forgot to answer your question, I just play a level 45 scoundrel(pro I know). I've been seen here and there on a shadow also.

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Oh, and one active member of this thread has given me enough material for my next meme




@Cinerous XD great thread idea, the forums were dull otherwise.


To rest of Unitards, glad you guys have a savior. Queue up. It just sad that when I find the pvp button, It's typically pubs or pixels at the other end.


Also that meme is terrible just like your playstyle. Durr hurr Kenny logger head turtle can play with ms paint ;P



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Well, if you guys want flames then sure. I'll flame. Hell i'll flame everyone.


Screw all ranked level premades playing pug games in general!

You guys are the cancer of PVP and ruin the game for EVERYBODY.


Simple fact of the matter is that if you need any combination of the following to play pug YOU'RE A BAD!

-voice chat

-perfect gear/team composition

-3 Operative healers (seriusly US? i've seen you guys do this)

-Hacks (more at the LD50 crowd than anyone else)

-Lag switches (still LD50)

-Third party macro systems (programable keyboards and autotargetting)

-Super queues

-Epeening the pugs your stomping


I mean sure, go head, I can't stop you from queing like a bunch of babies in your super secure premades because you're terrified of the possibility of actually having to try. But don't expect any semblance of respect. In fact, I make a point of quitting any game where i'm with any of your teams simply because I want to actually play, not win due to team composition.


And don't give me any of that Sh*t about playing with your friends. You can play with your friends without hacking, superquing, lag switching, epeening or having pristine gear. The funny thing is that you guys all seem to want respect and admiration but all you get is hate, and its not because you're good, its because you ruin the game for everyone around you.


You premaders are like a pro NFL team that shows up to a local YMCA and takes up all of the basketball courts to play seriously against pick up groups and then talk smack and demand applause. I spit on you all.


And yes I know you have no idea who I am, and before you ask, I really don't care.

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Well, if you guys want flames then sure. I'll flame. Hell i'll flame everyone.


Screw all ranked level premades playing pug games in general!

You guys are the cancer of PVP and ruin the game for EVERYBODY.


Simple fact of the matter is that if you need any combination of the following to play pug YOU'RE A BAD!

-voice chat

-perfect gear/team composition

-3 Operative healers (seriusly US? i've seen you guys do this)

-Hacks (more at the LD50 crowd than anyone else)

-Lag switches (still LD50)

-Third party macro systems (programable keyboards and autotargetting)

-Super queues

-Epeening the pugs your stomping


I mean sure, go head, I can't stop you from queing like a bunch of babies in your super secure premades because you're terrified of the possibility of actually having to try. But don't expect any semblance of respect. In fact, I make a point of quitting any game where i'm with any of your teams simply because I want to actually play, not win due to team composition.


And don't give me any of that Sh*t about playing with your friends. You can play with your friends without hacking, superquing, lag switching, epeening or having pristine gear. The funny thing is that you guys all seem to want respect and admiration but all you get is hate, and its not because you're good, its because you ruin the game for everyone around you.


You premaders are like a pro NFL team that shows up to a local YMCA and takes up all of the basketball courts to play seriously against pick up groups and then talk smack and demand applause. I spit on you all.


And yes I know you have no idea who I am, and before you ask, I really don't care.



why would football players play on a basketball court? I think I see your problem now...:p:eek:

Edited by sabbrina
too long
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Well, if you guys want flames then sure. I'll flame. Hell i'll flame everyone.


Screw all ranked level premades playing pug games in general!

You guys are the cancer of PVP and ruin the game for EVERYBODY.


Simple fact of the matter is that if you need any combination of the following to play pug YOU'RE A BAD!

-voice chat

-perfect gear/team composition

-3 Operative healers (seriusly US? i've seen you guys do this)

-Hacks (more at the LD50 crowd than anyone else)

-Lag switches (still LD50)

-Third party macro systems (programable keyboards and autotargetting)

-Super queues

-Epeening the pugs your stomping


I mean sure, go head, I can't stop you from queing like a bunch of babies in your super secure premades because you're terrified of the possibility of actually having to try. But don't expect any semblance of respect. In fact, I make a point of quitting any game where i'm with any of your teams simply because I want to actually play, not win due to team composition.


And don't give me any of that Sh*t about playing with your friends. You can play with your friends without hacking, superquing, lag switching, epeening or having pristine gear. The funny thing is that you guys all seem to want respect and admiration but all you get is hate, and its not because you're good, its because you ruin the game for everyone around you.


You premaders are like a pro NFL team that shows up to a local YMCA and takes up all of the basketball courts to play seriously against pick up groups and then talk smack and demand applause. I spit on you all.


And yes I know you have no idea who I am, and before you ask, I really don't care.


I hope you realize that almost every pre-made (that isnt terrible) doesn't use voice chat to talk about the game against pugs. It is more of just BSin while you have a few other competent players.

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Did you have a bad experience at the YMCA? Its ok this is a safe zone you can talk about it.


wait a minute. Rifle wielding commando?


Yah, and i've fought you a couple of times actually. If you didn't notice me, then thats exactly the point :p


And in case the NFL/basketball thing wasn't an obvious enough indicator, i'm bull********, just like the rest of this thread.


I don't like premades and don't respect hackers, but whatever its a game. Worst case scenario I get on later.


With one exception, LD50, good bye and good riddance you bunch of lousy cheaters.

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Well, if you guys want flames then sure. I'll flame. Hell i'll flame everyone.


Screw all ranked level premades playing pug games in general!

You guys are the cancer of PVP and ruin the game for EVERYBODY.


Simple fact of the matter is that if you need any combination of the following to play pug YOU'RE A BAD!

-voice chat

-perfect gear/team composition

-3 Operative healers (seriusly US? i've seen you guys do this)

-Hacks (more at the LD50 crowd than anyone else)

-Lag switches (still LD50)

-Third party macro systems (programable keyboards and autotargetting)

-Super queues

-Epeening the pugs your stomping


I mean sure, go head, I can't stop you from queing like a bunch of babies in your super secure premades because you're terrified of the possibility of actually having to try. But don't expect any semblance of respect. In fact, I make a point of quitting any game where i'm with any of your teams simply because I want to actually play, not win due to team composition.


And don't give me any of that Sh*t about playing with your friends. You can play with your friends without hacking, superquing, lag switching, epeening or having pristine gear. The funny thing is that you guys all seem to want respect and admiration but all you get is hate, and its not because you're good, its because you ruin the game for everyone around you.


You premaders are like a pro NFL team that shows up to a local YMCA and takes up all of the basketball courts to play seriously against pick up groups and then talk smack and demand applause. I spit on you all.


And yes I know you have no idea who I am, and before you ask, I really don't care.




Also the rifle wielding part makes me sad inside.

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And yes I know you have no idea who I am, and before you ask, I really don't care.

I'm kind of curious. I don't think I've seen any of the toons in your signature in my life.


PS - if this thread has done anything, I think it's safe to say it's ruled out the guarantee of a win with a <US> premade on your team. I think you're jumnping the gun on the easy win quit button. SHOTS FIRED! :p

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Oh wow where do i start with this one....


Ill leave my comments in red.


Well, if you guys want flames then sure. I'll flame. Hell i'll flame everyone.


Screw all ranked level premades playing pug games in general! - Ranked level premades? theres no such thing as a non premade ranked game....

You guys are the cancer of PVP and ruin the game for EVERYBODY. lol


Simple fact of the matter is that if you need any combination of the following to play pug YOU'RE A BAD!

-voice chat - Seriously? bad for chatting to people?

-perfect gear/team composition - Why would they not run a decent comp and use the gear they have farmed? did you actually read this post before submitting it? wow dude.... I know next time ive got full conq but ill wear some greens to keep you happy?

-3 Operative healers (seriusly US? i've seen you guys do this) - In regs abit silly.... in rateds its still legit.

-Hacks (more at the LD50 crowd than anyone else) - Never seen anyone hack in this server. and LD50 used exploits not hacks, (there IS a difference, look it up).

-Lag switches (still LD50) - called crappy server stability.

-Third party macro systems (programable keyboards and autotargetting) - Only point i agree with,

-Super queues - Dunno about you but i like facing superques, beating them feels more satisfying. Guess you're just not on my level to do that tho...

-Epeening the pugs your stomping - Why not? chances are you started it by QQing about them running in a group of 4 (yknow like the game devs intended).... so any abuse they then give you is fair play.


I mean sure, go head, I can't stop you from queing like a bunch of babies in your super secure premades because you're terrified of the possibility of actually having to try. But don't expect any semblance of respect. In fact, I make a point of quitting any game where i'm with any of your teams simply because I want to actually play, not win due to team composition. - Then just spend your entire life in que for warzones and not playing them because 4 friends/guildies got in the same group. and stop wasting our time with your pathetic prattle.


And don't give me any of that Sh*t about playing with your friends. You can play with your friends without hacking, superquing, lag switching, epeening or having pristine gear. The funny thing is that you guys all seem to want respect and admiration but all you get is hate, and its not because you're good, its because you ruin the game for everyone around you. - Maybe farm some gear and make your own friends? (altho i can see how you would have issues with that last part, not many people tolerate morons.... never mind que up with them for warzones.)


You premaders are like a pro NFL team that shows up to a local YMCA and takes up all of the basketball courts to play seriously against pick up groups and then talk smack and demand applause. I spit on you all. - Get good then you wont have to worry.


And yes I know you have no idea who I am, and before you ask, I really don't care.- Seen one idiot, seen em all.

Edited by Corsin
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