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Any reason to not have a day/night cycle


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Always liked games that observed day/night cycles. Made immersion seem much more achievable.


Is there some reason that they can't do this? I don't posses the knowledge of game design to know either way.


In a nutshell, the reason why it's not here, is because the game is (and always has been) designed as a story driven multiplayer game. Adding day/night would certainly add to immersion for post story players, but would break the immersion for others, since the events of each classes story are scripted to take place at certain times. For those who really want to argue this fact, think back to ANY single player rpg game you can think of. KoTOR, Final Fantasy (insert favorite number here), Chrono Trigger, ad nauseam with the titles. When you go back to a town in any of those, does it change beyond the scripted events? Not at all. TOR was designed with that style of game play involved for levels 1 - 50. That's just the nature of point to point story driven games. That's my best guess anyways. And given BW's track record of developing singleplayer games, it would seem likely that they used that formula.


On topic though, I'd actually say I don't care for this idea, unless it were to either be optional or only available on planets that you can only access at level 50+ (daily missions basically). This way, it doesn't affect the story events of planets you're supposed to visit (allowing the original design choice to stay in place) but also allows for us to experience that level of immersion we want in those areas.

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Then you have no respect for any of us reading your dribble every **** day. I just dont get why you are so obtuse on these forums.


Sorry but my respect is earned not given freely for no reason. I dont see hoe grammar errors equate to distespect

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In a nutshell, the reason why it's not here, is because the game is (and always has been) designed as a story driven multiplayer game. Adding day/night would certainly add to immersion for post story players, but would break the immersion for others, since the events of each classes story are scripted to take place at certain times. For those who really want to argue this fact, think back to ANY single player rpg game you can think of. KoTOR, Final Fantasy (insert favorite number here), Chrono Trigger, ad nauseam with the titles. When you go back to a town in any of those, does it change beyond the scripted events? Not at all. TOR was designed with that style of game play involved for levels 1 - 50. That's just the nature of point to point story driven games. That's my best guess anyways. And given BW's track record of developing singleplayer games, it would seem likely that they used that formula.


On topic though, I'd actually say I don't care for this idea, unless it were to either be optional or only available on planets that you can only access at level 50+ (daily missions basically). This way, it doesn't affect the story events of planets you're supposed to visit (allowing the original design choice to stay in place) but also allows for us to experience that level of immersion we want in those areas.


I highly object to your premise that day and night cycles break immersion. Cwnat breaks immersion more than having it be the same time everywhere constantly cif queste were designed to be at a certain tile then make them at a certain time ir make a phase with the appropriate time for that char


Having no day night cycle because there are quests that are supposed to happen at a certain time thus having it be that time constantly has zero immersion

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Really simple:





Let explain, most of the shadow of the game are STATIC and even with this, most of the player have actually bad FPS, under 30 and lesser sometimes.


If you introduce day/night cycle you have to convert all the static shadow to NON static shadow with a HUGE, really HUGE drop of performance.


That is why you will never find day/night cycle here.

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Really simple:





Let explain, most of the shadow of the game are STATIC and even with this, most of the player have actually bad FPS, under 30 and lesser sometimes.


If you introduce day/night cycle you have to convert all the static shadow to NON static shadow with a HUGE, really HUGE drop of performance.


That is why you will never find day/night cycle here.


Unless they try they will never know

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Unless they try they will never know


I'm a computer engineer and i know performance and rating of the computer engine.

If they can't implement chat bubble because of performance, how can you think that the day/night cycle can work?


Trying is not always a good idea, it cost money, resource and time, that can be used for more important things, especially the improvement of the engine, like the new recoloring system.


There is a way to implement a day/night cycle with "low" performance impact.

Instead of real time shadows, you can "set" small step of static object implementing rotation of the shadow pre calculated.

But this is a HUGE amount of work and it is full of glitch and is not a good way to implement the system.


The best things they can do is to keep working with code optimization, this avoid bugs when you fix something, and optimize the really bad (for some things) engine that they use...


I wish this game was made with unity 3d... sigh.

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It's a galaxy far far away. Not all planets are revolving around a star. And even if they do this doesn't necessarily produce a day / night cycle like we experience it on Earth.


But that's the very definition of what it is to be a planet; being a celestial body that orbits a star. Did you really just say that? :confused:

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Unless they try they will never know


How do you know they haven't? :confused:


Maybe the reason it doesn't exist, and the reason they've said it won't happen, is because they have explored it and decided it can't be done. After all, if it was as simple as you say (and I assume that means you've decompiled the code and understand the architecture and framework the game is built on), why wouldn't they have done it?


We can assume one of two explanations.


1) You explanation that the devs are lazy, bad at their jobs, hate the players and are trying to do everything they can to ruin the game.


2) My explanation (and that of most others on this thread) that given the limitations they have (resources, engine, etc.) it can't be done for a reasonable cost.

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lol :t_biggrin: Don't you know that there's no room for science in science fiction??? :t_eek:
Hehe. Now all we have to do is remind people of what the other word (fiction) means: imaginary or theoretical ... i.e. not real. Maybe the devs should do day & night cycles à la Riddick, where if your character gets caught in direct sunlight it instantly flambés into cinders. With TOR being an MMO and all, featuring fictional characters who engage fictional stories set within fictional environments, they'd of course have to give players a break and allow rez's. I'd vote not to allow them until the next night cycle though. :D Edited by GalacticKegger
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what i would like to know is how does the OP know that Bioware did not try day/night cycles on a planet at some point, since he always prevents "facts" i'd like to see his documentation or video evidence of the developers goofing off and not doing their jobs... how do we know they did not try this on a planet at some time during development, how do we know it didn't fail horribly and cause all kinds of problems and was eventually decided against?.. we don't, he's just making a bold assumption in a thinly veiled attack at the Cartel Market and game engine... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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How do you know they haven't? :confused:


Maybe the reason it doesn't exist, and the reason they've said it won't happen, is because they have explored it and decided it can't be done. After all, if it was as simple as you say (and I assume that means you've decompiled the code and understand the architecture and framework the game is built on), why wouldn't they have done it?


We can assume one of two explanations.


1) You explanation that the devs are lazy, bad at their jobs, hate the players and are trying to do everything they can to ruin the game.


2) My explanation (and that of most others on this thread) that given the limitations they have (resources, engine, etc.) it can't be done for a reasonable cost.


Bcuz they said they havent?


I dont care if t is hard it shouldnt stop them from doing it. They are the ones that chose that horrible engine now dont want to do things cause its hard? Guess what life has challenges. Be a man not a mouse


Oh noes its too hard better not try!

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Bcuz they said they havent?


I dont care if t is hard it shouldnt stop them from doing it. They are the ones that chose that horrible engine now dont want to do things cause its hard? Guess what life has challenges. Be a man not a mouse


Oh noes its too hard better not try!

So, when's the mmjarec MMO coming out? I'm looking forward to the day/night cycles.

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So, when's the mmjarec MMO coming out? I'm looking forward to the day/night cycles.


It already came out. You guys can say its hard to do but they have light side daytime and dark side night time whats the deal with combining the two its already half done

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It is the author, not the reader, that has creative license. If the book is a bad read, lose it and get a new one. Burning one's copy on the author's front lawn just to make a statement is nothing but pubescent anarchy. Too bad said author has to be so damn politically correct that they can't walk outside and put a round of rock salt in the trespassers' backsides. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Bcuz they said they havent?


I dont care if t is hard it shouldnt stop them from doing it. They are the ones that chose that horrible engine now dont want to do things cause its hard? Guess what life has challenges. Be a man not a mouse


Oh noes its too hard better not try!


You know nothing about the engine. If you knew a shred about lighting and such you would know its not really the engine but the resources you build into it. Stop talking like you understand the tech. You don't.


They don't have day and night cycles because they chose not to do it.

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They are already there just swap textures on imperial and pub side evry so often boom there is your cycle

Congratulations! I now declare that you have won your own thread via a continuous mantra of insulting the devs, the game engine, and the player base as a whole. Your dogged persistence on oversimplification, and your refusal to accept, or even give credence to, the opinions of others or, indeed, reality itself, has convinced me there's no point in continuing this discussion.


You, sir, have won your thread. (I only regret that it will have no impact on the game whatsoever due to that pesky reality thing referred to earlier.)


Enjoy your victory, and I look forward to more equally intellectually stimulating debates in other threads.

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Congratulations! I now declare that you have won your own thread via a continuous mantra of insulting the devs, the game engine, and the player base as a whole. Your dogged persistence on oversimplification, and your refusal to accept, or even give credence to, the opinions of others or, indeed, reality itself, has convinced me there's no point in continuing this discussion.


You, sir, have won your thread. (I only regret that it will have no impact on the game whatsoever due to that pesky reality thing referred to earlier.)


Enjoy your victory, and I look forward to more equally intellectually stimulating debates in other threads.


I never said their opinions were somehow bad i just chose to disagree with their premise since when did having a disagreement make me so evil? Thats the point of a debate. Yeah i realize ppl said it would be hard due to the engine but thats not going to change my own opinion based off theirs

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You know nothing about the engine. If you knew a shred about lighting and such you would know its not really the engine but the resources you build into it. Stop talking like you understand the tech. You don't.


They don't have day and night cycles because they chose not to do it.


And neither do you so dot claim to. I never claimed to all i said was its easier to just swap day and night textures since they are already implimented. And like i said if its hard its not my problem its theirs maybe hey should have chose an engine that isnt crap

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