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Companions wearing COMPLETELY DIFFERENT clothes in cutscenes?


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The other day when I was playing my Agent I had Vector wearing the covert energy torso armor and the relaxed jumpsuit pants.


But, in a cutscene he showed up like this...




As you can see wearing some default clothes completely different for his shirt.


I got screenshots, but didn't think much of it until today on my warrior I saw this


First as a frame of reference as to what Jaesa SHOULD look like from behind...




Now then, in the cutscene you will see Jaesa on the far right not only is she not wearing her customization, but she is wearing a completely different outfit!!!




For a while now there has been bugs where the "hide helmet" or the dyes didn't work right in cutscenes but having a robe like that on when her usual outfit is the Festive Reveler's outfit... plus her customization is gone... that just baffles me!!!

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I've had that happen a lot with the covert armor. I think it's defaulting to their starter armor. Much like helmets show back up and dye colors revert as well.


Yeah, it MIGHT have been fixed, I read that the problem with Vector was fixed in patch 2.3.1 but as I am finished with my agent now, I can't find out myself. Same with Jaesa, while I am not done with my warrior, I am now past the cutscene I posted.


Which, is kind of why I "bumped" this old thread, to hopefully get a an update from Bioware, whether it's acknowledgement or just a "Yep, that was fixed in patch 2.x.x" or something.

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I've had companions bug out in cutscenes to where they are just wearing their underwear.


Hmmm wonder if this thing is a semi-fix for that? Until they fix THAT bug, they have it set to just revert them to the base NPC? Cause when my Dark Jaesa was standing there she wasn't even "Dark Jaesa" she was just Jaesa like the first time I met her before she joined me.

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There have been problems with companion armor in cutscenes going all the way back to the release of the game. It's obviously not a priority at all for Bioware. Hide helmet doesn't work in cutscenes. Unify colors doesn't work in cutscenes. These are old, old problems. They just don't care enough about the "cinematic story-telling" side of the game to fix these issues, I guess.
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There have been problems with companion armor in cutscenes going all the way back to the release of the game. It's obviously not a priority at all for Bioware. Hide helmet doesn't work in cutscenes. Unify colors doesn't work in cutscenes. These are old, old problems. They just don't care enough about the "cinematic story-telling" side of the game to fix these issues, I guess.


Well, it does work in some cutscenes, just not all which is the biggest problem. I've seen them fix them, but the problem is there is so many still left and it's not like they can go through the coding of every cutscene in the entire game looking for that one place where they have a 1 instead of a 0 on the "show helmet during cutscene" flag (i'm sure it's more complicated than that, which makes it even harder to fix than my simple example). So, when you find one... make sure you report it with the class, location and name of the quest so they CAN fix it. Because, as I said they do... when they have more to go on besides just "These bugs exist... fix them plz k thx"

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