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Connection Issue


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After logging off of the game this afternoon I tried to log back in tonight and am unable to do so. The game cycles through the opening page, but instead of going to the page where I can chose my character, the game stalls, and goes to the server lists. All servers show they're working. All other web sites and e-mail that I tried to access can be accessed. The only area where I am having a problem is getting into the game itself. The game also does not allow me to get far enough into the game so that I can submit a trouble ticket. Ideas? Thanks!
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After logging off of the game this afternoon I tried to log back in tonight and am unable to do so. The game cycles through the opening page, but instead of going to the page where I can chose my character, the game stalls, and goes to the server lists. All servers show they're working. All other web sites and e-mail that I tried to access can be accessed. The only area where I am having a problem is getting into the game itself. The game also does not allow me to get far enough into the game so that I can submit a trouble ticket. Ideas? Thanks!


mine lets me launch the game but only takes me to the title screen where it shows rise of the hutt cartel ect..cant get past that part..

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