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Seeker Droid - Where Madness Takes Root


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So I'm doing the seeker droid story for the first time and after several grueling hours of scanning I get to the mission "Where Madness Takes Root" which seems to be another ordinary mission. I do the scanning on Alderaan and Balmorra just fine, no complaints.


Then I reach Voss and notice that on the way down this slope my scanner acts up, but I'm still below the main part of the area, then when I move down lower to the main part of the area the scanner doesn't activate. It says there's nothing in the area. Only the small part on a higher altitude of this ledge is reacting to the scanner but when I scan there it says I'm nowhere near anything and should look somewhere else. Problem is I can't look anywhere else.


This area is huge so I'm confused as to why my scanner is not reacting at all. I try to jump from the top to the bottom and my scanner works for a little while before it stops again. Then I get a new glitch. My scanner is not appearing when I use it and no matter where I use it, afterwards it says the scanner is not detecting anything. I can't see the scanner, I can't tell what the post-results are pointing at, and I can't even scan in the main large area.


I attempt to instead abandon the quest and after doing so I realized I have no clue how to start it back up again and get my seeker droid back. Now I need help. What happened in Voss? Why did the seeker droid stop working and only detect the seed in this tiny area that it obviously was not in instead of the main large area? And how the hell do I get the mission story back on track?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
I have gone through the ENTIRE area and the droid fails to work, and I keep losing the "detects something in this area" right after trying the droid. I changed instances, deleted my game cache,. Nothing will make it work. I cannot complete this part of the mission. Edited by Drachehexe
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the Infected Area to digg up the Seed, right?


I've ran into that same issue. if you enter the area from the south entrance there's only the one small spot in the corner halfway down the S-curve. Try leaving and entering again from the NE entrance and go round the North side...


Another thing you might try is start the dig on the first spot and while the probe is out move toward the center of the area...with a bit of luck that may help it keep detecting, although I had more luck with coming in from the other end.

Edited by LeJarC
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  • 8 months later...

In case this helps anyone else in the future..

I found the same bug yesterday, but I seem to have found a way to work around it.

My seeker droid wasn't drawing at all, nor the indicators around me after the attempt, but the little dig impact was showing. I relogged, I rebooted, I cleared my caches, nothing worked.

What I then found was my swapping my companion, it magically started working. I swapped back and it failed, but it consistently worked while one companion was out (Theran) and not while others were. This was (maybe coincidentally) the companion I had out when I started the quest 2 planets previous.


Also, try the area around the entrance to the little zone off to the East - that was where I found it eventually.

Frustrating bug on a frustrating quest mechanic, so good luck.

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