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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

<Bastion Reborn> We are looking for people who want to get **** done


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What we have:

Guild Site: BastionSwtor.com

  • Ops Calendar/Sign up
  • Message Board


Max Guild Bonus for Rep/XP



Who we are looking for:

Normal people who want to play the game and have fun. We are an Operations Progression Guild and this is our main focus. If you are looking to join operations we ask that you commit to being on consistent in your attendance and on time. We understand that things may come up but ask that you contact your Ops leader or another member to make them aware of any prior commitments.


Contact In-Game: Ezmar, Ramze, Edwik, Oz'walt for more information or an invite


We are currently recruiting for:

Operations Group 2:

Days: Mondays-Tuesdays

Time: M: 8:00-10:00 EST T: 8:00-10:00EST

Progress: HM S&V





Operations Group 4:

Days: Wednesday-Sunday

Time: W: 8:00 EST Sunday: 8:30 EST

Progress: HM S&V

Range DPS

Edited by Hupp
updating operation running times
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