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"Target markers" disappear - usually after zoning


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I cannot explain exactly how this happens, but at some point over the weekend (and on more than one occasion) I had lost the target markers on NPC's and/or other players.

So for example I zoned into a Warzone and I could "Tab" between enemies without a problem, however none of them had my target on them - so unless I was looking at a particular name I couldn't see who I was targeting.

The same happened after zoning into a FP - tab between targets, but the targets themselves do not have a marker on them.

Refreshing the UI (Ctrl-u x2) doesn't help - in fact on each occasion only a complete shut-down of the client got these back.

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It's gotten worse lately.


I had it multiple times while running a toon around on PUB side this weekend. Kept needing to refresh UI.


Plus SOUND is getting worse in BOSS fights (Titan 6 is the worst). Several folks just "LOSE" the sound in the fight. It varies with day's and seems to be mostly S&V seeing this issue.

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I hadn't realised this was a long-term issue - thanks for the link.

I've only really started noticing it after the last patch - only reason I posted it again now :)


In all honesty, since who knows what causes it, whatever that is could just be spreading. And if it spreads enough, presumably, hopefully, it'll light a fire under their butts to do more fixing, so while it's not like I delight in the misery of other players, or anything (:mon_angel:), in a way, it sort of makes me...optimistic, you could say, to see topics like this...

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I cannot explain exactly how this happens, but at some point over the weekend (and on more than one occasion) I had lost the target markers on NPC's and/or other players.

So for example I zoned into a Warzone and I could "Tab" between enemies without a problem, however none of them had my target on them - so unless I was looking at a particular name I couldn't see who I was targeting.

The same happened after zoning into a FP - tab between targets, but the targets themselves do not have a marker on them.

Refreshing the UI (Ctrl-u x2) doesn't help - in fact on each occasion only a complete shut-down of the client got these back.


Ive seen this, along with the missing gui occasionally, sometimes, ctrl u works, sometimes it doesnt.

If its a flashpoint/op, walking back out of the zone and back in fixes it for me, its a lot quicker than restarting client.

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