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Would you accept no voiceovers if it meant more frequent content?


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The question posed in the OP and in the poll is hypothetical. Would you accept no voiceovers IF it meant more frequent content? Notice the key word? Obviously, only Bioware themselves could determine if that were truly the case. I never claimed to know anything for certain.


Who's putting words in your mouth? Your poll was clearly based on your assumption that voiceovers do impact content delivery.


With only a few exceptions, the majority of the missions in TOR have fully voiced dialog. While this certainly adds to the immersion of the game, it also makes the content development process more expensive and time consuming. Some people feel that it is "worth the wait", while others would rather sacrifice the voiceovers to see more content more often.


It's certainly more expensive (although you've offered nothing as to to what extent it does), but you've also conflated "it takes time to do voice acting" with "the time it takes to do voice acting adds time to the content delivery process" (to any extent, let alone a meaningful one). Ignoring the merits of the actual post, the language is conclusive. Some people feel voice overs are worth the wait, the other people would sacrifice it to get content more often. There's no ambiguity there; in fact your actual post sets the two positions as diametrically opposed to one another.


Its all about money, you see. Or to put it another way, "budget". Hypothetically speaking, lets say there are currently 20 people who actually make mission content. Those 20 people can only make content at a certain rate, regardless of whether the mission dialog is voiced or not. But if you took all the money that is allocated in the budget for voice talent and used it to hire additional content programmers, then that would increase the rate at which the content can be made, since you would actually have more bodies in chairs doing the work.


Here you specifically argue that removing voice acting would directly cause faster content creation/delivery. Which, again, is why I made my first post in this topic - there's been absolutely nothing presented to suggest that voice acting has a meaningful impact on content delivery, either in a vacuum or within the context of every other thing that goes into keeping the game running. In fact, multiple people have made clarifications demonstrating that voice acting is rather unobtrusive to the content creation and delivery processes.


Leaving your posts aside, let's take a general view. Can you not see why the wording implicitly biases the responses by linking voiceovers with the speed of content delivery (based on nothing but conjecture), particularly when the poll-taker wades into the topic and makes unambigious posts?

Edited by Lesaberisa
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The question posed in the OP and in the poll is hypothetical. Would you accept no voiceovers IF it meant more frequent content? Notice the key word? Obviously, only Bioware themselves could determine if that were truly the case. I never claimed to know anything for certain.




And that is a completely valid opinion. As long as you are willing to respect other people's completely valid opinions, then everything is fine.


They impliment whatever they want anyhow at least i javent seen them posting any polls on implimentation ideas and then do it very often. Everyone has their opinion but i will never agree some things should make more sense than others. Like for instance balance or enjancements that will benefit everyone vs sething like VOs that likely arw skipped or space combat that most ppl completely ignore. Certain things jave more value to thexwhole comminity vs sometimes i see them impliment stuff to me that is stupid that like three people ask for and has no noticeable ompact on the game finctionaly or quality

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Who's putting words in your mouth? Your poll was clearly based on your assumption that voiceovers do impact content delivery.


The question posed in the OP and in the poll is hypothetical. Would you accept no voiceovers IF it meant more frequent content? Notice the key word? Obviously, only Bioware themselves could determine if that were truly the case. I never claimed to know anything for certain. What we do know is that the game has a budget, and that VOs cost money. If that money were not spent on VOs, it would be spent elsewhere. Exactly what kind of difference that would make is up for speculation and discussion.

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Voice overs are well worth the wait... however I would be fine with less voice over for the boring fill-in quests. For example: 'Hey there. I have a datapad for you." {your character reads the text as you read it on screen} "Thanks for offering to help. I'll be here when you get back."
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Voice overs are well worth the wait... however I would be fine with less voice over for the boring fill-in quests. For example: 'Hey there. I have a datapad for you." {your character reads the text as you read it on screen} "Thanks for offering to help. I'll be here when you get back."


Well enjoy it while i can cause they are pulling way back on the vo front.

How can one say it is more important than class viability and balance?

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How can one say it is more important than class viability and balance?

You do realize it doesn't take an army of developers to work on class balance?

This is a one-man job. The more people are pulling the steering wheel, the worse they screw it up.


So in a choice between regular but bad class balance changes and trash quests with no voiceovers versus less frequent but useful balance changes plus quality content... is it even a question?

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I really think the voiceovers are awesome, ESPECIALLY on the main story quests because they are what make the game believable. I really think that they did an excellent job on them. I almost never skip through a conversation if it's a main mission.

However, I do skip through many conversations, especially when I'm underleveled and doing side quests for exp, just for time's sake. I think it would feel a bit out of place if they stopped doing voiceovers for new content, but if it was really worth it to not do them then I would be fine with it. But I honestly really don't think that would make content come faster whatsoever.

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You do realize it doesn't take an army of developers to work on class balance?

This is a one-man job. The more people are pulling the steering wheel, the worse they screw it up.


So in a choice between regular but bad class balance changes and trash quests with no voiceovers versus less frequent but useful balance changes plus quality content... is it even a question?


If it doesnt take an army then it should be more balanced


And. It also doesnt take an army to realize that priorities are important It doesnt take an army to do voiceovers but everything they do competes for the same resources

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If it doesnt take an army then it should be more balanced

There's no "if". It doesn't.

If anything, there's too many people at it.

There should be one who listens to community input.



And. It also doesnt take an army to realize that priorities are important It doesnt take an army to do voiceovers but everything they do competes for the same resources

So you want voiceover artists to start making new planets?

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As for the OP...


It would create an extremely disjointed product to suddenly have a lack of voice on most content. Trying to "right size" voice content isn't really a question. This product was built around it and they will most likely continue to use the same pattern they use now. All major actors have a voice. Hubs pass out text quests.


If they suddenly dropped that you would end up with a very strange disjointed product that actually removed features for the sake of...what a bunch of armchair home developers wanted.

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By "same resources" I assume he was talking about money. Meaning, rather than pay for VO, pay for someone else to work on *whatever*.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a useful content designer?


Unless all you want is more "kill 50 guys" dailies.

In which case what you want is not more content, it's more rewards.

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Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a useful content designer?


Unless all you want is more "kill 50 guys" dailies.

In which case what you want is not more content, it's more rewards.


You seem to be confusing the people who write the mission stories with the people who actually make them. The people who make the missions dont come up with the stories themselves, they go by the script they are given. And the writers are usually always ahead of the people who make the missions, since writers tend to get ideas and write even when they arent on the clock.

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Not at all. No one is suggesting that the people who do the VO start making content. What has been suggested is that the money that is used to pay for VO be used to pay more folks to work on content.

So you're willing to give up the continuation of voice acted stories and leave them as cliffhangers for one more sh*tty "kill 30 mobs" daily?


Make no mistake, that's the exchange rate; gamedev is expensive, VA is not.


Just say you want more rewards. There's no other reason to want more dailies. Then we can have these rewards strapped on to one of the existing missions and everyone goes happy.

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Wow, who are all the idiots who rather have no new content than non-voiceover content?


Nevermind, I know. It's the same people who insist on watching every convo on esseles and BT for the 50th time and preferably also take the full meter to pick a convo option (every time). You know, so that more people will avoid GF like the plague.

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Wow, who are all the idiots who rather have no new content than non-voiceover content?

You do realize that "non-voiceover content" means dailies?


Dailies are not content.

Dailies are "Press '1' 9000 times and get 10 Noob Commendations".


Dailies are what pandas sh*t after a dinner at McDonalds gone bad.

Perhaps you'd like them to cut class stories down to 1 quest per planet and add some pandas, too?

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