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Lap spikes making me angry


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I played this game in 2012 no problem, I mean i couldn't run the operations cause of all the animations going on and whatnot, but I could pvp and level just fine. I quit for personal reasons but now all my buds want to play again so we all loaded it back up and now periodically throughout the day I will get lag spikes, and they just exponentially increase until I alt+tab and close the game out. It just sits there, and the lag climbs. 500, 600, so on and so forth until it gets into the 10's of thousands or if I sit there long enough, into the 100's of thousands. Half of the time it will fix after a few minutes, and the other half of the time I will have to close the whole thing and load it back up. Computer runs the game itself just fine, and I don't know what the problem is. I read a bunch of posts about lag, but none of them seemed to fit the bill for what I'm getting. Has this happened to anyone? Or am i doomed to only getting in 20 minutes to an hour of gameplay and then get kicked off, or doomed to never be able to complete a warzone (which is my favorite thing) because these lag spikes climb up to 60,000 and I get deserter before it fixes itself?
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